Episode 352: The Power of Email Marketing with Kennedy

Unlocking the full potential of email marketing is essential for businesses looking to nurture relationships with their audience and drive revenue. However, many businesses fail to fully utilize this powerful tool, missing valuable opportunities to connect with their audience and generate sales.

In this episode, Adam Stott talks with Kennedy, an email marketing expert who has generated over 10 million pounds in revenue from his email marketing strategy. Kennedy shares his insights on effectively using email marketing to nurture relationships with subscribers and drive sales. He emphasizes the importance of executing a value ladder, optimizing databases, and utilizing email marketing to build strong relationships with clients.

By implementing these strategies, businesses can maximize the potential of email marketing and generate more revenue.

Show Highlights:

  • Email marketing is a powerful tool for nurturing relationships with your audience and generating revenue.
  • Building a strong relationship with your email list is crucial for moving prospects from cold to warm to hot leads.
  • The “s**t friend” email is a valuable tool for re-engaging with your list and reminding them of the value you provide.
  • Creating a welcome sequence, sales sequence, and content-led sequence can help guide your audience through the buyer’s journey.
  • Having a Rome offer, a flagship product or service, can simplify your decision-making process and lead to increased profitability.

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Please note this is a verbatim transcription from the original audio and therefore may include some minor grammatical errors.

[00:00:00] Adam Stott: So this person over the period of his career has done over 10 million in revenue from email marketing. He’s absolutely incredible. Um, from a personal level, he has great hair. He’s a lot of fun. He asked me to say that.

[00:00:32] And one of the things that we’re at now is where we’re going next. As we go through the process, it’s all about execution, right? And how we execute. And one of the things is about executing our value ladder, executing the different products and pricing, executing on our, our databases and our, and our hubs and our email marketing to communicate with everyone.

[00:00:57] And, and our next guest that I’m bringing up. He’s an absolute expert, and one of the world’s biggest experts, at putting a bucket under your funnel, and making sure that things don’t drip through. So maximizing, really the hub, which is using email marketing, to nurture and build relationships with our clients.

[00:01:28] Now, many of you will have heard me say before, and will have heard me say many, many times, that when we generate a lead for the first time, and somebody drops into our funnel for the first time, the first time we meet them, our relationship with that person is that they are a cold prospect. Make sense?

[00:01:50] Yes or no? I. e., they don’t know us that well yet. But the more they go through the funnel, the more they get warmed up. And by going into the funnel, they go from being cold to being warm. Well actually, they’re not cold anymore because we’ve built a better relationship with us. And over the time, they then become our biggest fans of your businesses, which means they become a burning hot prospect.

[00:02:18] That loves you, loves your product, and is a fan of it. Now the journey of that, and one of the ways that we can make that happen, which is taking people from cold, to warm, to hot, is email marketing. In this group, I think this is a major, major underutilized opportunity, because out of all of the clients in Gold Circle, I don’t know many that are using email marketing Effectively as they perhaps should and and the person we’re about to bring on me Is somebody that I’ve learned a lot from when it comes to email marketing this person is an absolute genius At email marking we were at in a circle two three months ago And I brought this person’s entire I said I want you to Because we’re talking about using the funnel, using, um, email marketing to create repeat business, uh, email launches, we’re doing the whole thing here now.

[00:03:27] And I said, look, the best person that I have seen, and I’ve seen a lot of people, but taking people on a nurture journey, which the nurture journey is, They’re cold here, they’re warm here, and they’re burning hot here.

[00:03:52] How do we build that relationship to get somebody to know, like, and trust us after we’ve generated their information? And this guy is an absolute genius at doing exactly that. I showed all the emails in a circle. I said, look, look at this, look at this, look at this. And we were kind of geeking out and all this stuff and looking at how effective it was.

[00:04:12] And I know that the clients at the inner circle there took a lot of action based of what I showed them. And because what we do for you as gold circle members, you know, whether you know it or not is that you’ve got the ability to have our software, my instant business. Which gives you the ability to market, email marketing for free.

[00:04:33] It gives you the ability to do all that marketing cool stuff for free. But when we look at the go, you know, and we go in and we look at it, people aren’t using it. People are not using the email marketing anywhere near as much as they should be. And when people don’t use something that can help them, usually there’s only a couple of reasons why, right?

[00:04:54] It could be they don’t know how to use it. Okay, could be maybe they don’t realize the value of using it or it could be you know Maybe they didn’t want to use it whatever But what I really want to do is show you the email marketing can generate you more money Uh, can help get you better relationships, build those relationships, and I brought on this guy who’s an absolute expert.

[00:05:18] First met him in a mastermind group that I’m in, which is for, uh, top level people that have done over 10 million pounds in sales. You can’t get in the room unless you’ve done that. So this person, over the period of his career, has done over 10 million in revenue from email marketing. He’s absolutely incredible.

[00:05:36] Um, from a personal level, he has great hair. He’s a lot of fun. He asked me to say that. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. You know, so he’s great fun. Um, and he’s an absolutely amazing, the best of the best of the best. Go to this guy to do the emails. He’s incredible. Let’s give him a big round of applause. He’s Kennedy.

[00:06:00] Kennedy: How are you doing, man? You good, buddy? Well, I’m good. My ego nearly didn’t fit down the aisle. That was very nice. for that. Hello welcome. Thanks. This is lovely. Thanks for letting me get down south. I’m from the north, obviously. Where are you from? Who else is from the north? Where are you from? Where? That’s not the North.

[00:06:23] Newcastle, that’s where the air’s thick in Newcastle. Yes. Well

[00:06:29] Adam Stott: look, I’ve wanted to have you here for a while. Yeah. Because what you do is superb. Big fan of the work. You know, uh, Kennedy’s just come in and rewritten and done a load of stuff for our business and did a great, great, great job as well. Um, so I’ve, I’ve been really impressed with the stuff you do and our marketing team is going to benefit from a lot from it.

[00:06:51] So I wanted to talk to, to you with everybody here about email, about email marketing. Um, maybe you can tell us a little bit about your journey. And, and importantly, where do they all start? How many of you in the room are like, I know I should be doing more with this? Raise your hands. Get out! There’s

[00:07:14] Kennedy: a lot of work, right?

[00:07:16] There’s a lot of potential, that’s what I love about it. Like, the potential’s amazing. Yeah, I mean, I’m going to be Dead honest with you. One of the things you’ll know about me, if you’ve ever met me before, is that I’m brutally honest. So if I don’t know the answer to any of your questions, I’m going to just say, I don’t know, mate.

[00:07:28] Or I’ll probably say something Geordie like, Divinar. Um, or, um, the other thing, but the thing is, I got, only got good at email marketing because I’m really terrible at everything else. So, I’m, I’m really awful at lead generation, I’m really awful at like, I, I celebrated last year because I did a webinar where I actually made sales on the webinar for the first time, right, because I’m really awful at that and I compensated for my awful conversion skills on webinars by having really good follow up emails.

[00:08:00] In the web, after the webinar. So, um, So yeah, the only reason I’m good at this thing, I don’t know about you, do you feel like you’re really good at one thing, and you’re really good at one part of your business, but the rest of it you’re just like, I’ll just put my fingers in my ears and I’ll pretend it doesn’t exist.

[00:08:11] Anybody else got that? Yes, alright, cool. Yeah, so I’m not alone, thankfully. So yeah, that’s how it all kind of began for me. Um, I think, give me, um, give me a yes if you’ve heard this phrase before. And the reason I’m asking is, people used to say this, and they don’t really say it anymore. Um, the phrase is, the money is in the list.

[00:08:29] Have you heard that phrase before? Yes, have you heard the money is in the list? I’ve got a bit of a news flash for you. If the money is in the list, it’s in the wrong fucking place. If the money is still in your list, you can’t spend it. You can’t reinvest it. You can’t enjoy it. If the money’s on the list in the wrong place, you have to withdraw the money from the list.

[00:08:50] So please, if you’re going to take one thing away from the 20 hours we’re going to spend together now, please let it be that your job, every time you’re investing money, time, whatever the hell you’re investing to get people onto your list, your job is to withdraw the money. You’ve invested, you went first!

[00:09:09] Right? You went first. And if you go first, you need to withdraw and get a return on that. So whether you’re spending a dollar on an ad, or you’re spending a gazillion dollars on an ad, or you’re spending time traveling to events, or doing podcasts, or going out there and stuff, you are spending your resources, your time, your effort, your passion, you’re worrying before you show up to that talk, that stress, that money that you’ve bloody worked hard for, and then you go and Oh, I’ll just send them a weekly newsletter and maybe they’ll buy.

[00:09:42] Jesus Christ! Please don’t do that! If the money is in the list, it’s in the wrong place. Anyway, what was the question? I don’t even care about any of this stuff, can you tell? I’m not very passionate, you’re right. Yeah, so I got really good. How do they withdraw

[00:10:03] Adam Stott: the money out of the list?

[00:10:04] Kennedy: How do you get the money out of the list?

[00:10:06] Do you care? Alright. Who hasn’t emailed their list for more than six months? Okay, great. Raise

[00:10:15] Adam Stott: them up high for that question. Really

[00:10:17] Kennedy: high? More than six months? Cool. Alright, do you want an email that you can send your list today, and I mean today. You’re not allowed to send it tomorrow. Do you want a list you can send today for free?

[00:10:27] That will get your list to love you again. Okay, this is called the I’ve been a shit friend email, okay? right Nobody here’s really easily offended are they I mean after a little bit late for that now I’ve already dropped the f bomb when it’s only three minutes in all right good Cool. All right. So this is called the shit friend email.

[00:10:48] This is what you send when you haven’t emailed your entire list or some of your list for a bit. It’s going to do a bunch of things. You’ll notice it’s not really simple. I’m going to probably over explain this because my whole thing is understanding the psychology of your people so that we can forget about the technology of email marketing.

[00:11:05] Because some people think that email marketing is about technology. It’s not. It’s about relationships. It’s about people. It’s about psychology. Okay? So if anybody else here hates technology, Yeah, me too. In fact, I own a pretty successful email marketing company and I only got a login for our email system a month ago.

[00:11:25] That’s why it was all going well and now it’s a bloody mess. Um, creative people, eh? Now, just before I write anything, I’m dyslexic, just so you know, so I’m going to spell everything wrong, probably. But you’re going to know what it kind of means. And if a dyslexic can do email marketing and do it pretty well, then you’ve got a better chance than me.

[00:11:40] So, this is the shit for Andemail.

[00:11:45] There you go, just spelt it right just to annoy you all. Um, um, so, shit friend email. The first bit you’re gonna do in that shit friend email, like if you’ve not emailed your people for like four months or more, that’s what I’m talking about, right? You’ve ghosted them. Um, the first thing you do is be like, Hey, I’m really sorry.

[00:12:05] So you’re going to apologize. What you’re actually going to do is acknowledge. And I’m definitely not going to try and spell acknowledge. So you’re going to acknowledge that you’ve, um, that you’ve done, that you’ve, um, ghosted them for a bit. Thank you. Um, you’re going to acknowledge, I’ve been a really terrible friend, or I’ve been a really shitty friend, or however you would say it.

[00:12:27] Remember, when you write an email, don’t do the written equivalent of the telephone voice. Did you ever watch Hyacinth Bouquet and she’d be like, da da da da da, then she’d get on the phone, Hello, ladies! I mean, why do people do that when they’re writing an email? They go from like, yeah, man, yeah, that’s great, great, and then they send an email, they open the laptop, and they go, to whom it may concern.

[00:12:44] Why do we do that? Just talk how you speak, and then it doesn’t matter if you’re a good writer, because all you’re going to do is talk how you speak. And by the way, the psychological reason you want to write how you speak is because when people read your words, They do a thing called sub vocalization. Oh, fancy word for a person from Newcastle.

[00:13:01] Hey, right. And that basically means when you read the words, you hear their voice in your head. So if you write how you talk, what happens every time someone reads one of my emails are like, damn, I can hear you talking. No shit. That’s not an accident because I can’t write proper. I can only write this. So you’re gonna acknowledge and go, Hey, I’ve been a really shitty friend, I’ve been a really terrible friend, whatever, suits your brand.

[00:13:22] And then you’re gonna remind them

[00:13:27] of what you promised, because they’ve forgotten. Believe me, they have forgotten who the hell you are. Definitely. So you’re now gonna remind them of, hey, I’ve been a really terrible friend, you joined my email newsletter, list, whatever, to learn Whatever you teach them, whatever you help them to find out more about how to keep your chimney clean, or how to, you know, make a lovely sausage, or whatever the thing you do is.

[00:13:54] Um, and then, uh, but then I ghosted you. Boo. Right? So then I, So, here’s the cool thing. So, they now know that you’re on the back foot and you’re saying, I admit it, I’m wrong. You’re now reminding them why the hell they got on your email list in the first place. And if it’s because they downloaded a particular free lead magnet or they bought a particular course, remind them of that.

[00:14:17] You joined my email list because you asked about my services, because you joined my newsletter, because you downloaded X Report, because you did my quiz, because you attended my webinar, whatever, because you attended my event, whatever. So now they’re going, oh, that’s who this person is. Okay, I kind of remember.

[00:14:35] So now what’s going to happen is you’re not going to get loads of spam complaints. Because the reason we all report spam is because we’re like, who the hell is this? Oh, yeah, I signed up. That’s really important. You told you signed up. I didn’t get your information from random place So you remind them why they’re on there and then you say but I promise and that’s the next bits This is the promise

[00:14:58] and you tell them what you’re gonna do about it from now on I’m going to email you every week every day every three seconds Whatever you want with a and then something valuable a tip a hint an idea to help you to You Something they really want. Okay, so that tell them the promise. This is the most important part.

[00:15:21] There’s next part the next part Is what I call the door and the door is where we say, but if you can’t forgive me And if you have changed your mind if you’ve changed if you’ve got out of market basically is what we’re saying Here is a link to leave. And right there, not that legal bit at the bottom of your email, but right there, you’re going to put the unsubscribe link.

[00:15:52] Because at the end of the day, if they’re upset that you emailed them and ghosted them and emailed them again, you won’t allow them to leave. By doing that, of course, people go, Oh, this person’s really ethical. I’m not stuck in some spam system. They’re saying, I can leave. And when they click that link, they leave.

[00:16:07] That’s cool. But, and then you’re going to restate the benefits. But, if you decide to stick around,

[00:16:18] I promise I’m going to show up with things that are going to help you to the thing you want. The other thing you really want. The other thing you really want. Again, sorry for being a terrible friend. And then sign it off. Is there anybody here who thinks they cannot send that email today? Good. Write down what time you’re going to send that email today.

[00:16:39] Write it down now. Write it down. If you’re deciding you’re going to do this, because you know there’s money in your list, And it’s like in a bank vault. Well then, do this for yourself. Honestly, I’m gonna be honest with you. I don’t give a shit if you do this or not. Makes no difference to me. But I hope that for you, the time that we’re investing here right now, that you do this.

[00:17:00] So, that’s the phrase. Does that help? Useful? Give me a round of applause.

[00:17:06] Adam Stott: Thank

[00:17:06] Kennedy: you.

[00:17:09] Adam Stott: And I think the really important thing there, you know, what Kennedy has just shown you, is how you can restart the relationship with your list. And I think that, why don’t you talk a little bit on that, Kennedy? Why, when you, when I join your list, is you spend a mental amount of time

[00:17:31] Kennedy: Yeah.

[00:17:31] Adam Stott: building a relationship with me. Yeah. And you do it every single day.

[00:17:35] Kennedy: Yeah.

[00:17:36] Adam Stott: To build that relationship in order to move someone towards purchase. Now, I remember, always remember the stat when I first met you. Maybe you can remind me of the stat. Wasn’t it that you made something like 1. 2 million pounds?

[00:17:51] Kennedy: From a list of 5, 000 people. From a

[00:17:52] Adam Stott: list of 5, 000 people.

[00:17:54] Kennedy: So people think I’m the Elon Martin guy, I must have a whopper of 5, 000 people. No, I’ve got a load of money from a list, because guess what I can do with the money? This hairstyle. That holiday. Traveling, coming, hanging out with nice people. I can do nice shit as well.

[00:18:09] I’m not saying you have to do this, like, there’s some guys over there going, mate, I’m not doing that. Who would

[00:18:14] Adam Stott: like 1. 2 million pounds out of 5, 000 Yeah. So this is worth taking very, very seriously.

[00:18:22] Kennedy: And here’s the thing. I’m not a great copywriter. And you’re now going, liar, he is such a liar. I’m not a great copywriter.

[00:18:29] I’m not a copywriter. And here’s the weird thing. Most people that you’ve seen do email marketing or learned email marketing from, they are professional copywriters. But you’ve probably heard in communication skills, Adam talks about this a lot, the words you actually say are worth a very small percentage of the communication we receive.

[00:18:48] Right? You’ve heard that before, right? Everything else, everything else makes up most of it. So why, when we’re doing email marketing, do we obsess over the words? This makes no sense. The reason we’re obsessed over the words is because most people teaching us email marketing are copywriters. And they’re applying copywriting skills to email marketing.

[00:19:03] But it’s not the whole picture. So, how do you generate 1. 2 million out of 5, 000? Now, obviously, disclaimer, I’m not saying do this, and you’re going to make 1. 2 million, obviously. Right, you’re going to do what you’re going to do, and truthfully, unfortunately, most people are going to do nothing, which is a shame, but, you know, that’s, that’s okay.

[00:19:22] Adam Stott: Don’t do nothing, right? Right, please don’t do nothing. Make

[00:19:25] Kennedy: sure you take action. Um, yeah, so, we’re going to basically put people through a bunch of things. Someone joins your email list, this is the someone, here they are, handsome, that’s me, um, joining your email list, um, and then what most people do is this.

[00:19:45] There you will send them, well, in actual fact they won’t, they’ll do not do this. Most people will send them some kind of welcome sequence, okay? We’ll send them a welcome sequence. A sequence of emails designed to welcome. Who here has a welcome sequence where new people join their email list and they all get something?

[00:20:07] Yeah? So some people. So the first thing we all need to do is have a welcome sequence. That could be one email. The only reason you want to do that is because otherwise there is no bridge between why they joined your email list and what comes next. In fact, your email marketing later becomes an unwelcome surprise.

[00:20:26] So think about this. Think about this transaction, which is actually what’s happening on the internet. Somebody sees, Your free reason to join your email list, your report, your quiz, your webinar, whatever, however they’re going to get on your email list, join my newsletter, whatever the hell happens to be.

[00:20:39] So let’s just say it’s a report. So I’ve got a report called Click Tricks, right? It’s 12 unique ways of dressing up the links in your emails so that, um, you get significantly more clicks on the next email you send. Great promise, very unique, very tight. That’s what it needs to be, right? But you all want more clicks, right?

[00:20:56] No one’s clicking the links to your emails, they can’t see the thing you’re selling. Got that thing, great. So I put it on the internet, run some ads to it, do whatever. Mention it to you, something like that. You go, I want that. So they show up to the webpage, see an email opt in form, they type their email address in, go, I’m gonna buy that, and the currency of buying that is my email address.

[00:21:16] That is actual currency. Because think about how protective you are now about like, Ah, maybe not because I’m going to get spammed to hell out of this, right? So you put the email address in. The next thing that happens is they receive the thing that they asked for. In their mind, the transaction is now complete.

[00:21:31] Because they wanted the free gift, clicktricks. You’ve said the cost of that is your email address. They’ve gone, Here you go, and you’ve delivered the thing they asked for. Transaction complete. As far as they’re concerned, you no longer exist. Because that’s done now. The job of welcome email number one is to tell them that the transaction is not complete.

[00:21:56] The job of welcome email number one is to sell them on why they want to continue hearing from you. Okay, um, we can get into what’s in the welcome email in a bit if we’ve got time, right? But that’s what you want your first welcome email to be. It’s like, hey, you’ve got this thing that you downloaded But from now on I’m gonna be in touch and here’s why that’s a good thing.

[00:22:16] Don’t apologize and then by the way I’m gonna also email you every now and again to be really helpful. Shit I used to my first ever online product I used to teach other performers other entertainers how to build their email how to build their businesses, right? And my first ever product was a 69 pound product.

[00:22:34] Uh, they would pay and every day for 30 days they would receive an email from me with a little bit of how to build their business. I charged for those emails. So, to think, I’m going to show up with emails to these people and, and they’re going to be free. Remember, they’re valuable. You’re going to provide value in these emails.

[00:22:50] So, don’t apologize. So, the welcome email or emails, mine’s a four, um, four, four email sequence. The first one’s really the most important. I call it a getting to know you sequence. Reason being, it’s about me getting to know them, them getting to know me, and it’s the catchy name of a song from the musical, The King and I, which is now running around your head.

[00:23:10] Or some of you are going, What’s a musical? Um, so, I know you’re all shocked. Like, he’s a musical theatre fan? I can’t quite believe it. Ah, yes. Strange, strange. Um, so then, after they’ve been through the welcome sequence, one email, four emails, don’t care, right? They’ve been through that getting to know you sequence.

[00:23:29] The next thing that everybody does, That’s a better pen. There we are. Is a sales sequence. We tell them about the offer. And the reason we’re going to tell them about the offer is because otherwise they’re not going to know about the offer. If we go from welcome sequence straight into whatever your next newsletter is going to be, the problem is they don’t have any context.

[00:23:47] They don’t know what your offer is. Have you heard the concept of having a Roam offer before having a Roam offer is like your flagship all roads lead to Roam It’s the one thing that you want everybody to be in in your business So for me, we have a product called the email hero blueprint It’s our main flagship program, which is everything to do with email marketing every single thing I’ve ever done I want everybody in that program So everything I do my business to simplify because everything else I promote just leads people closer to buying the Roam offer Okay, and then, of course, I’ve got profit maximizers on the back of that where they can do accelerators or whatever, right?

[00:24:23] So what we’re going to do here, if somebody just comes in, I, I was, I once saw this guy’s ad, and he was doing these things about how to run a challenge online. Well, there’s online, you know, I’m familiar with these online free challenges. Do you know what I’m talking about here? Does that make sense? Um, and I thought, oh, I’m going to learn how to do this challenge thing.

[00:24:36] It’s really cool. So I put my email address in. The first email I get from this dude, very famous, big guru, the first email I get from this chap is, bonus three expires at midnight. What’s bonus two? What was bonus? What’s the product? I’ve got, I’m unable to buy, because I don’t know anything about the product.

[00:24:59] So if people are just landing on your email list, without having been given context, like an introduction, like you go to a hotel, like you come to a hotel like this, You check in, the first thing they do, they go, the lifts are over there, the stairs are over there, this is where breakfast is going to be served.

[00:25:16] Orientation is really important to make people feel comfortable. And it means, when they do end up in your live segment, in your live newsletter bit, they’ve already got the context and understanding of what your offer actually is. Does that, do you, does that understand, do you understand why that’s so important?

[00:25:32] Because if they just get your newsletter, like, I’m not really sure what this person sells. So this is context and orientation. So case study from within our business, I, um, I, I, I run a report on, I’m gonna tease that for a bit. I run a report on this and in the period that I looked up, I can’t remember what period I looked up, right?

[00:25:57] But it was a period for our main offer at the time. This, this thing here, we sell in U. S. dollars because a lot of our clients are in America, and Americans get freaked out when they see pounds, but Brits are like, grown ups. Right? And we can deal with what a dollar sign looks like. So, um, so we did like something like 27, just over 27, 000.

[00:26:17] I think it was 27 and a half grand, but let’s just say it was 27 grand. From just doing that in that period. Lovely time. Knock on a sniffer, 27 grand. It’s a nice chunk of money, right? Cool. Most people stop there, and then they go to the live segment. That’s not what we do. Um, this is what we built out for Adam.

[00:26:35] This is what we built out for a lot of clients. And this is what we teach in our programs, depending on how people want to like, What we next do

[00:26:47] is we build a content, content led sales sequence. So it’s not content for the sake of content. It’s not like, hey, here’s a picture of me, like, dancing on TikTok and all that shenanigans. It’s a sequence which leads with some teaching. That might be a webinar. It might be an education based video. At the beginning of the video, it’s education based.

[00:27:10] And then later in that video, you tell them how you can make that faster or easier by going into an offer. Does that make sense? Anybody need clarification on what I mean by that? I’m happy to go over it again because I am rushing here. Need some clarification? Yeah? Okay. So, in this one here, I’m just going, Hey, I’ve got a thing for sale.

[00:27:29] It’s my email hero blueprint. Here’s the sales page. Go check it out. For like six emails. And the campaign that we use for that is usually called an overture campaign. It’s like the beginning. Musical theatre, hey? Right? The content led campaign, so they’ve got email six of this. Email seven they get is the first email of this content led campaign.

[00:27:49] And what that one says is, Hey, I’ve just made a quick video for you. Go check it out. It’s going to teach you how to something specific. They go, they watch that video. The first ten minutes of the video is teaching something. And then you merge into, here’s how you buy the product. It’s the same product.

[00:28:09] We’re just leading with teaching. In this version. Have I confused anybody further? Or is everybody happy? Anybody want more clarification? Honestly, I’m totally happy to give you more. I want to make sure you can do this.

[00:28:20] Adam Stott: I would say, to give some extra clarity, for every single person in this room, there’s a few things already, right, which we really need to be looking at.

[00:28:31] Firstly, do you have a welcome sequence when somebody comes onto your list? In that welcome sequence, are you building the relationship Making sure that you, Kennedy, what can I do in that? Before we go further, is there a couple of quick tips on the welcome sequence of what you want to say? So when I joined Kennedy’s list, it’s like, Hey, I’m going to talk to you every day, you know, and you’re going to hear from me.

[00:28:56] I’m going to add loads of value to you. I’m like, Oh, this sounds pretty good. He’s like, like straight away. And I literally builds the value. On day one. And what I liked about when we we spoke about this when we were working together was you spoke about setting expectations and boundaries with the list, I believe, right?

[00:29:19] Yeah, so nice thing for everyone to hear. Yeah. Yeah.

[00:29:21] Kennedy: So in that welcome sequence, you want to tell them how often you’re gonna email and what you’re gonna email about why it’s a benefit. So you’re gonna email once a week. Tell them I’m gonna email you every Tuesday. It’s gonna be great. Here’s why on our list because I want to give as much value as possible.

[00:29:35] I email every single day. Seven days a week. In a previous business, we emailed five days a week. Why do I email every single day? Because I want, how often do you want to make an impact and make sales? Every day. So send an email every day then. If anyone’s emailing less than three times a week, I would say your list of forgetting who you are, and you’re massively missing an opportunity.

[00:29:57] But that’s a discussion maybe we can have afterwards, right? So in that welcome sequence, let them know initially how often they’re going to hear from you. And then there’s a section in that which I call the buffet cart. And that’s basically Before we even

[00:30:06] Adam Stott: do that, let that drop. If you are emailing less than three times a week, people are forgetting who you are, and you are leaving money on the table.

[00:30:16] Kennedy: Significant. Significant money. For example, The standard open rate of anyone’s emails are anywhere between 20 and 40 percent open rate on a list of, you know, a medium sort of half size, right? But by emailing every single day, I’m getting 80 plus percent of our list to read an email from me every week. So I’m essentially getting an 80 percent a week open rate compared to, and think about it, if you’re getting a 40 percent open rate, which is what most people consider very good in most niches of any size, right?

[00:30:52] 40 percent open rate sounds great. Why are we satisfied with not being seen by 60 percent of the people on our list? Why is that okay?

[00:31:09] Will it be better to do which part by video instead of text? A video introduction? No. So I just do all text. So what I do in this email, the first line is like, Hey, you’re new, this is going to be really cool. Then I put an animated gif in there, because I want them to see something interesting about me. So there’s me, like, I’m doing this, I can’t even remember what it says now because I set it up ages ago, but yeah.

[00:31:33] So I’m just like doing a silly dance so they can see my personality, or it might be like a little gif of you going hmm, or hey, you know, whatever. Um, just use, do it on your phone. And then, um, I just have a list of the places that they can connect with me. Because what I want to do now is I want to surround them.

[00:31:48] Because I can’t email you four times a day. I could, right? But I’m not gonna. I’m not gonna email you four times a day, but what I can do is send you an email a day, and you can see a post in my group, and you can see a thing on my Instagram. So now I’m communicating with you three times a day. But it doesn’t feel overwhelming, because I’ve surrounded you.

[00:32:05] We’ve made it multi dimensional. So what we’re going to do is, in that buffet cart part, is we’re going to say, here’s the things you can expect. One, you’re going to get my daily email, which is going to be pretty simple. Packed with awesome stuff that you can use to go and make more sales from your email list regardless of how big it is.

[00:32:21] Number two, if you want to, you can take this to the next level by listening to my podcast called the email marketing show. So here’s a link to go to a podcast player and listen to the email marketing show every single week, which is free. Just go listen to it. And then the next thing you want to do, if you want, is you can go into my community, which is a free community.

[00:32:41] Notice how from top to bottom the commitment is increasing. Where’s the

[00:32:44] Adam Stott: community, Kennedy?

[00:32:45] Kennedy: Ours is still on Facebook.

[00:32:47] Adam Stott: Okay, you’re still on Facebook. Yes,

[00:32:48] Kennedy: for the free one. We’re going to switch the paid one over to something else. Just because we’re actually still getting good organic reach from the free one at the minute.

[00:32:54] It’s still working. You spoke

[00:32:55] Adam Stott: about school earlier, yeah? Yeah, yeah,

[00:32:57] Kennedy: exactly. But like Adam was saying earlier, the reason we haven’t switched the free community off Facebook is because if something’s working, I know someone was talking about their ads earlier, about which ads are still working, did you switch them off?

[00:33:10] If it’s still working, I don’t care which guru, which smart person, how much you’ve paid that person says, turn it off. If the damn thing’s still working, it’s still working. So don’t turn it off, right? Um, so, um, yeah, so as you’ll notice, this list of things they can do to connect with you in email number one of this welcome sequence is increasing in commitment.

[00:33:28] One is do nothing. You’re going to get my daily emails. Cool. Next one is take an action which is anonymous. Listen to my podcast, watch my YouTube videos, whatever that’s going to be. Follow me on Instagram if you’re that person, right? The next one has another level of commitment. Come and join my community.

[00:33:42] That means I’ll know who you are. Right? That’s not faceless. And the final thing in that welcome email If you want the shortcut, here’s my Roam product. Here’s how you jump ahead. Here’s how you get the best. thing ever.

[00:34:00] Adam Stott: Have we got that?

[00:34:01] Kennedy: Yeah.

[00:34:01] Adam Stott: Yeah, good. Of

[00:34:02] Kennedy: course. Of course, of course you have. Chris, we want that.

[00:34:06] So, so the first email tells them how they can, if they’re an eager buyer, they can buy from email one. So we’re just, we have this buffet cart of increasing commitment options. Everybody got that? Anybody need clarification? I know we’re filming this, you’ll be able to

[00:34:24] Adam Stott: watch it back. Top, top, top notch stuff.

[00:34:27] And look, some of you, I can see you look glazed, right? Because you’re probably not using your email mark in yet. You’re early, but Kennedy is doing this step by step. And the questions are, have you got a welcome email? In that welcome email, are you giving them a suite of options? Are you encouraging them to surround you?

[00:34:49] These are actionable. Practical steps every single person in this room can be making to make more money. How many of you want to make more money? Raise your hands. Okay, want to make more money. These are all things that you can be doing. And, and I think it’s incredible, right? Give him a round of applause.

[00:35:04] Doing a great job, right? Now, sales, what comes next?

[00:35:09] Kennedy: How are

[00:35:10] Adam Stott: we getting some banking, Kennedy?

[00:35:11] Kennedy: Eh?

[00:35:12] Adam Stott: How are we getting the banking, right? Yeah,

[00:35:13] Kennedy: we’re getting the banking. So we’ve had some sales from the welcome sequence, we’re getting some sales from the sales sequence, and now we’ve got this content led sequence.

[00:35:20] All we’re then going to do, I’m not going to go too detailed on this, because I don’t want to overwhelm you, is we’re going to have what’s called an objection handling sequence of emails. And that is just a bunch of emails which understand what their objections are, And, really importantly, turn the objection that they’ve got into the reason they should buy.

[00:35:46] Not overcome the objection. We want to turn the objection they’ve got into the reason they should buy. So people say to me, how many people are thinking, I would do all of this, Kennedy, but I haven’t got the time. Who, who thinks that? It’s the major objection. Are you thinking right now, I haven’t got time to do this.

[00:36:00] Put your hand right up in the air, right up in the air, if you haven’t got time to do this. Everybody else who’s got their hand down, by the way, I think you’re going to have this done by tomorrow, yeah? Alright, so, so if you haven’t got the time, the truth is you haven’t got the time to not do this because the reason that you’re not making the consistent sales is ’cause you haven’t got this automation set up until you have got that every email you send out, listen, really isn’t this, I really mean this.

[00:36:28] Every email you are sending out is a spent expense until you are turning it into an automated asset. I, when you write an email and hit send on it as a broadcast. That is time you will never get back and you will never earn money from that email ever again. Whereas if I take that email and I put it into an automation, not only do I send it out to my list right now and make money from it, but every new subscriber who comes in goes through it and I make money then again.

[00:36:58] So please write down, build, Assets, not expenses. Build assets, not expenses. If you’re sending live broadcasts, you’ve got to keep coming up with new emails. You can do that as well, but that is gravy. I can tell you now, if I stopped sending live emails to my list now, I would be 70 80 percent as profitable as I am.

[00:37:21] Because the vast majority of my sales come through this. So start building this. And do you know what? Here’s the, here’s the shortcut, by the way. Write the sales sequence. Right? Write it. Six emails. Our Overture campaign. Six emails. Really simple. Just sending people to the sales page. You don’t even need a fancy sales page.

[00:37:40] Just send them to the sales page. And do with that? Immediately, because I love instant gratification. I love instant gratification. So you’re going to grab that sales sequence, and you’re going to send it to your existing subscribers. You’re going to send it live to your list, and make sales from it now.

[00:37:56] You put two days of work into that, two hours of work, one hour each day, write an email sequence of six emails, send it live to your list, make some sales. Great. Then, you’re going to grab that sales sequence, and you’re going to put it at the beginning of your automation. So now, it made you money today, and it’s going to make you money forever.

[00:38:16] I can’t even tell you what’s in that sales sequence, because I wrote it four years ago. And it’s making me sales every single day. It’s an asset. Am I excited enough for you yet? Jesus, stand up! Stand up! Ha ha ha ha! What are we doing now? Good. Awesome. Alright, sit down if you If you

[00:38:44] Adam Stott: Um,

[00:38:48] Kennedy: sit down if you have an idea right now of what your Rome offer is.

[00:38:55] Your all roads lead to Rome. If you do know what your flagship one main offer is sit down. Awesome. So the only thing I want the people still standing up to do is decide what your ROAM offer is. Because when you do that, you are going to make way more money. Because you’re going to just obsess over how do I sell that one thing.

[00:39:16] So if you’re still standing, honestly, you will make more money from doing that one thing. Because when I did that in our business, that’s when the game changed. Okay? Awesome. Thank you for standing up and participating. I appreciate you. So, you’re going to, you’re going to write the sequence, you’re going to send it live.

[00:39:28] And what, and then you’re going to automate it. Once you’ve automated it, guess what you’re gonna do? You’re gonna write this one.

[00:39:35] Adam Stott: Before you go further, Kennedy. Yeah,

[00:39:37] Kennedy: mate.

[00:39:37] Adam Stott: I just think what you just did is, is very, very, very powerful. For those of you that were still standing, often what we do in personal development education and growth is that we want the next bit of information, or the next bit of information, or the next bit of information, and then we collect all this information, and we don’t do anything with the information.

[00:40:03] Don’t do that. I think you just made it really clear that what is your, your ROAM offer, that’s your core offer, and we have this slightly different language, but the same thing. Knowing what that core offer is, so when we did this with Kennedy. So Kennedy worked directly with Chris, um, our head of marketing, um, to create the exact structure that he’s talking to you about now.

[00:40:26] The, we, we had lots of different directions that we could have gone in. But raise your hand in this room if you have purchased the social media monetization system. Raise your hands. Okay. If you haven’t your hand raised, you, you all have, right? By the way. Every single person in this room has purchased that because that is the Rome offer.

[00:40:48] That’s what gets somebody into our world. And from that Rome offer, they can then go on to purchase other mentoring, whether that’s business circle, gold circle, inner circle, we now have sales academies, we have market academies, these other products and services. Soon we’ve got an email marketing academy on its way, I think.

[00:41:06] No, I’m only joking, right? Do we want it? Do we want it, team? Yes or no? Yeah. Right. But, you know, you’ve got all of the But that’s the Rome offer. Now I love what Kennedy just did, because if you don’t know that, doing this is quite difficult, right? But when you do know that,

[00:41:27] Kennedy: when

[00:41:28] Adam Stott: you do know that, how easy is it to build a structure to make that offer?

[00:41:34] It’s not that hard, is it? So I love that. I just wanted to knowledge

[00:41:39] Kennedy: and you bang on it obviously. And the what’s interesting about having the Rome offer. It means whatever you do the decisions in your business are easier because all we do is business owners make bloody decisions. Do you ever get business fatigue decision fatigue?

[00:41:54] We are like, can I just not decide like when I go home to my girl when I go home to my girlfriend? I know shocking got a girlfriend. I know. Um, um, Um, I don’t know if it’s just the hair, honestly. It’s, um, um, but it, um But, um, when she’s like, what do you want for tea? I’m like, I’m not making any decisions. My job is decisions.

[00:42:22] What’s really nice is having a roam offer, all roads lead to roam offer, means decisions become easier. And what we need to be doing as entrepreneurs, outside of email marketing, right? Outside of everything. As entrepreneurs, we need to make making decisions easier. And the only way we make decisions making easier is by having decision making processes.

[00:42:41] A lot of what Adam teaches you and shares with you guys in this program are decision making processes, right? Is this the right thing? Is that the right thing? Does that stay on? Does that go off? Does that go and grow? Does that, like, that’s what happens, right? So, decision making processes. So, if your Roam offer is your Email Hero Blueprint program, every decision I make in my, in my, in my, in my, I have my creative ideas, is my decision.

[00:43:04] Yes, I’ve got this creative idea, but does it help me get more people into my Roam offer? If the answer is no, we park the idea until it has another way. So for example, if you say an offer from me, which is not my Roam offer, which is not saying buy email hero blueprint, do you know what’s gonna be on the page after you buy the other thing?

[00:43:23] An offer for the email hero blueprint. Because everything leads to Roam. The problem that most people have, and which is where money is leaking through your business, by the way, Because you’re generating leads. I’ll come back to that in a second. Is most people’s business looks like this. I’ve got one offer.

[00:43:39] Offer A here. Which means I’m driving traffic one here. And that’s, they’re buying that. Great. And I’ve got another offer B over here. And I’ve got traffic two doing that. Or I’ve got maybe summer traffic one doing that. So what I’ve got now is I’ve got two expenses. I’ve got that thing costing me money, and I’ve got that thing costing me money.

[00:43:57] I’ve got to optimize that for conversions, optimize that for conversions, and I’ve got to deal with the rising cost of traffic all the time. That’s a nightmare. If instead your business looks like this, I’ve got a Rome offer.

[00:44:13] Great. So let’s say it’s a course about weight loss, right? Let’s say it’s a weight loss course. I think it’s a niche we can all kind of understand, right? So I’ve got this course, it’s all about weight. Great. What’s that? One we all need. Yeah, believe me. So, Roam offer. Great, weight loss. Over here, I might have a thing which is just about how to, um, eat healthy on holiday.

[00:44:37] So I’ve got a little offer here called Holiday Fitness or whatever. Well the good news is, if I drive traffic into that, traffic one, and on the next page I upsell into that, I get more people into this just by promoting this. So I’m getting the compound effect, like an investing, of all of the So then I’ve got a thing over here about, um, about how to eat well over the holidays.

[00:45:06] The upsell to that is this. Then I’ve got a thing about how to, um, how to find the right clothes to wear for my body type. And guess what happens? They end up here too. So it’s no wonder that the bank of this thing piles up because everything leads to it because we’re getting the compound effect of this.

[00:45:29] So yes, I might spend 50 pounds to get somebody to buy this, I’m going to get the benefit of having this at 100 percent profit. This becomes extremely profitable because I’m liquidating the cost of acquisition through this or this or this. And if every single offer you have that’s around is all leading to this, and you’re also going to have some traffic, let’s say traffic number 12, pointing to this as well, amplifying this on its own.

[00:45:58] But if all roads lead to Rome, It means you are compounding the effect of this, and your decisions become easier. Do you see how it’s no wonder that when we haven’t got a Rome offer, business seems really complicated, it seems like I’m all over the place, but even marketing seems like it’s a mess, and I don’t know where all my offers are.

[00:46:17] Whereas if I have one thing that I really care about, because it’s the thing that’s going to help people the most. The thing that’s going to help people the most, serve people best. If I could just tell every one of you and show you how you need to be in this thing. I know for a fact you would make significantly more money.

[00:46:36] You would give me the best testimonial ever. If I could get a show to you, if I, do you, how many do you know? If you’re people who just see how damn good your product or service is, more people would buy it. Right? Why the fuck are you not doing this?

[00:46:53] Right? Good. Attention’s reset with an F bomb? Like it. Okay. Good. So, does this make Who needs more clarification on how important the Roam offer is? Or is everybody like, damn, that’s good. And it’s not even bloody email marketing! Jesus Christ! Yes? Alright. This is the core method that we teach in my Roam offer.

[00:47:18] I’m giving it to you today, right? So that’s how important this is. That’s how significant this is. So after we’ve been through welcome, we’ve told them about the offer. Hey, here’s my sales page. Then we’ve done some contents. We’ve like taught some stuff, let them see how good we are. Let them see how authentic we are, how different our thing is.

[00:47:38] Then we’ve handled some objections. The last thing we’re going to do.

[00:47:45] is risk reversal.

[00:47:51] People can’t buy if their perceived risk, they feel like the risk of buying from you, is greater than their chance of having success with you. That might be because they’re not very good. I won’t make that work. I’m not very good. It might be because I don’t know how good it is. It’s for whatever reason.

[00:48:12] So risk reversal could be like, if you’ve got a membership or something, that’s like offering a 14 day dollar trial. Or it’s, um, in a course, it might be, if you’ve got an online course or something like that, it’s check out the first module of the course. If you’re a window cleaner, it’s I’ll come and clean your windows for the first time for free.

[00:48:30] It’s you taking the risk on and being very clear about that. This is what we call the score method. very much. Because sales, content, objection handling, risk reversal, and then after that, we’re going to go into engagement monitoring. This is the SCORE method of email marketing. Now you’re thinking, that’s probably quite good.

[00:48:53] That’s quite good. What’s really nice is we’re dealing with the people who are most eager to buy at the beginning, rather than pushing them down the line. Because by the way, that’s what most people do. They say, no, I’ll lead with some content. Look, if you went into the hospital, your legs hanging off, There’s blood spurting up the wall, you hop in, right?

[00:49:13] And you’re like, Doctor, doctor. And the doctor goes, The doctor goes, Hi, it’s just time for me to nurture you. Uh, let me tell you how I got into medical school. Uh, my parents were doctors, and I, uh, found You’re like, fuck me, I’m gonna die! You’ve got people coming into your world whose legs are hanging off.

[00:49:36] Don’t nurture them till they bleed out. Okay, we’ve got to take the people who are eager who only joined your email list to find out the best solution to go. How many of you like to pay more to go faster to get success? Of course, that’s why the hell you’re in this room, right? So am I gonna nurture you to death?

[00:49:54] No! I’m going to be like, you get this. You obviously know it’s important. That’s why you’re paying attention. You haven’t walked out yet. So why don’t you buy the thing? Right? So we’re not going to nurture them to death. We’re going to sell to those people first. Great. Those people are satisfied. They’re not going to bleed out.

[00:50:12] Lovely. Now we’ve got the content. Now objection handling. And then risk reversal. Because this is why they haven’t bought yet. These people need a bit more education. I was thinking when I pulled up this data, That the impact of doing this, cause you know, we’re gonna lose some people’s attention and all that sort of stuff, fine, of course we do lose people’s attention.

[00:50:32] The impact of doing this, I might make double the amount of money, right? That would make sense, I might, I might quadruple the type of, the kind of money that we made in that period. For just the sales and welcome, which is less than most people in this room are even doing, we made twenty seven and a half grand.

[00:50:51] The same period of time, the same Rome offer, not a different offer, to the same email subscribers. The only thing that was different was more emails. Same subscribers, same offer, no sales page to be written, no sales video, nothing, same offer. That turned us from 27 and a half grand

[00:51:19] to more than 500, 000. It was an 1800 percent increase and it is profit. Because there’s no additional delivery cost. 1, 800 percent increase by sending some more emails. So when it comes to email, more is more. More is more. This is not, I’m not saying you’re gonna make 1, 800 percent increase, obviously. I don’t know how good your offer is.

[00:51:47] Adam Stott: For someone that’s starting out, Kennedy, someone right at the beginning, if you imagine someone that, they’ve got their CRM system up and running, they’ve got a bit of data going into that, they start the process off. It might be that in the beginning, they get the welcome sequence done, they get the sale sequence done, they make the odd save sale here or there.

[00:52:09] But over time, that, that function, this built function that you’ve created here, is, as every week goes by and every month that goes by, every quarter that goes by to every year that goes by, you’re just generating more traffic into the same thing. You know, how would you, how long, how much do you think is someone early starting out, maybe he’s got a thousand people on their list.

[00:52:34] What do you think could be a good starting point, a good growing point? How much money do you think they could eventually get out of their list on, on that? I know it’s a broad question. I was just trying to remedy it to the, the people that might be listening, to show them the, the upside of what could be generated.

[00:52:49] Kennedy: Well, the first upside is, I haven’t even looked at these emails for years. And every day, they’re bringing in sales. Here’s a question for you. If I showed more people your sales page, would you just make more sales? Right? So even without the psychology of why these sequences work, we’re showing more people, because we’re getting more and more people opening as we go, different types of people opening.

[00:53:16] They’re just, it’s just more people seeing your sales page. So at the very baseline, This is showing more people your sales page. If you believe, for sure, that if more people saw your sales page, more people would buy, this works just on that. Without understanding the full psychology, which is for another time, about why that works, why that works, the different psychological biotypes that are involved in this.

[00:53:37] Who cares about that at this level? We’re just sending more people for different reasons to our sales page. And will you make 1, 800 percent more? No, probably not. Right? Probably not. You might make more. I don’t know. But, that’s a good start. But the thing is, don’t be overwhelmed by this. In our business, everyone always assumes that Oh, right, you’re an email marketing guy, so I must spend all day doing email marketing.

[00:54:01] No, I don’t. Because I wrote that years ago. I don’t need to. I’d still be 70 80 percent as profitable as I am right now. If I didn’t send any more live emails because I got, I set up the asset. So all I say to people is spend maybe two hours a week. Do you think you could find two hours a week to create the automated sales mechanism for your entire business?

[00:54:29] I think of business like this,

[00:54:43] a plate, and we’ve got three things on our plate. I thought

[00:54:50] Adam Stott: you said a play.

[00:54:51] Kennedy: No, a play

[00:54:51] Adam Stott: play. Yeah.

[00:54:56] Kennedy: And now I’ve realized I can’t divide things into three. Hang on. Is that three? Yes. Mercedes. Great. Kinda. Mercedes, like, the kind of Mercedes you get from Turkey. Do you know what I mean? Like, Um, Um, Um, there’s three things on your plate. The first thing is audience building, right? That’s generating leads, building your social media audience, all that sort of good stuff.

[00:55:22] Lovely. Alright. The next part is sales, converting that audience. That’s where the money is, that’s getting the money out of the damn list. And the last bit is delivery.

[00:55:38] Delivery. Delivering the thing. Making sure what you do is bloody great. Delivering the program, delivering the service, delivering the product, delivering the thing. Right? Delivering the thing you do. But if you install and just spend two hours a week, either half an hour a day for four days a week, take one day off, two hours on a certain day, whatever you want to do, you get to take one third of the essential business functions off your plate.

[00:56:05] Gone. I hate making sales. I hate it. I had to do a webinar the other week. I was like, I hate my life. Right? I hate it. I hate it. I probably hate it.

[00:56:20] Adam Stott: Right? Why do you hate it, Kennedy, so much? Why do you hate it so much? Making sales?

[00:56:27] Kennedy: Oh no, it’s just not my bag. I love marketing. I like, I do. I like doing, I like teaching.

[00:56:33] I like sharing. I’m just giving this to you. I’m not going to tell you anything on this, by the way. I’m not going to tell you what to buy. I don’t care. Because I just want to teach. I want to share. I want to do this for Adam. I want to do this for you. Because I care about you doing it. Like, I care about you finding more money in your list.

[00:56:44] Because that’s great. So, um, But here’s what I want you to do. When you take this off your list, when you take this off your plate by installing an automated score engine into your business, when you do that, please do not do what you are all going to want to do. You’re going to want to fill this third, which used to be full of chips.

[00:57:08] You got beans and sausage, right? You’re gonna want to fill this third of your plate up with more audience building and more delivery. Please don’t do that. Because you didn’t start this business to do this shit. Please save yourself at least a sliver to get a life.

[00:57:31] To see your kids, to see your partner. to do whatever you want to do. Save at least a sliver to get a life. Have a Sunday off, for God’s sake. Stop checking. Oh, I haven’t made any sales. Really? Have you got a sales engine? No? Wow. Wow, Poirot. Why is that not working? So please, please, please, and also, I don’t know how to laugh, but please, when you take off, That third, save a piece of this for you, for your well being, for your mental, physical health, your relational health.

[00:58:12] Save a piece of that for you. Please draw this diagram if you haven’t, because I know when you automate this, you will fill it up with this. And that’s not good for you, that’s not why you do this. You do this for you, so you can have a bit of you. And why do we keep filling our plate up with shit that’s not us?

[00:58:32] No, I don’t want you to do that. Damn, this got deep. It was supposed to be about emails, wasn’t it? I haven’t even mentioned subject lines.

[00:58:42] Um, yeah, there we go. So, um, That’s what’s amazing about having this system in place, is that I get to take sales off my plate. And do, you know, do I like creating sales campaigns? Flippin love it. Love it. I get a real buzz. Like, I did a search on the way down from Newcastle yesterday, because I had to get the train and whatever.

[00:59:04] And I thought, I’ll just check what is the average you’re trying to make from your email list. And the average that all the gurus, all of everybody, the internet, you know, even the big, like, mail chimps in all of this world, are saying per emails, Do you know the stat you’re trying to figure out on your list, what the most important number with your email list is?

[00:59:27] Guess. What is it? Sales? Good idea. Anybody else? Open rate? Okay. Anybody else? Conversion? So, um, first of all, open rate’s a total pain now, um, so I would totally ignore them, pretty much. Um, here is the number I want you to track.

[00:59:52] E P S P M. Just double checking for Dyslexic Kennedy now. That is correct. Good. Um, this is what I want you to know. This is a relative number that grows as your business grows. This is your earnings per subscriber per month. All you’re gonna do to figure out your earning per subscriber per month, and it doesn’t matter how big your business is or how small your business is, you’re gonna get the number of subscribers you’ve got.

[01:00:23] So let’s say I’ve got a business and I’ve got 10, 000 subscribers. And I earned 10,000 pounds. Quick maths. I earned one pound per subscriber per in that month. That was in January. Okay. The next month I earn, uh, 50 grand. I’ve got 50. I’ve got 50,000 subscribers. ’cause I’ve had some kind of crazy wild event.

[01:00:51] Great. And I’ve earned, um, 10,000 pounds. Have I done better or worse than the month before? Worse, right? Way worse. Because we need a relative number. So what we need to do is just take the number of subscribers you got, how much you’ve earned, and divide it by the number of subscribers you’ve got. The aim of the email marketing game is to get that number to go up.

[01:01:16] So the average earning per subscriber per month, Sorry. No, not the average. The, the goal that all the gurus are teaching is you’re gonna try and get to $1 85 p per subscriber per month. So if you’ve got a thousand people on your email list, that email list should be producing you, uh, a thousand, a thousand dollars if it’s a thousand people on your email list.

[01:01:41] If you’ve got 500, 500, if you’ve got 500, 1,500 grand, right?

[01:01:48] The good news is that number is a limiting belief, and that’s been a theme of today. Right? That is a limiting belief. I didn’t know that number existed until 12 months ago. And that’s why in our business, we produce between 12 and 35 per subscriber per month. Because I wasn’t even aware of this belief that it would limit me.

[01:02:11] And the only way I’m doing that, it’s not because I’m clever, none of that, it’s definitely not because I’m clever. It’s, um, it’s because of that score method. So, I mean, last, um, last week I did a promotion. I think I was just telling you and the team about this over lunch. I did a promotion. I grabbed 500 people from a segment of the list.

[01:02:31] I told them about an offer. So I was expecting to make 2, 500 because I’d heard about this number. Great, I’ll send it out to them. And through not good copywriting, just good structure, all I did is send those emails. I think it was six days. 2, 500 people. The goal was 2, 500. We did 11 and a half so significantly up just by using good structures.

[01:02:57] All right, cool. Um, I’m trying to think of other little cool, valuable things that I can give you that you can go in action.

[01:03:04] But yeah, hopefully that was helpful. so much for having me. This will give Kevin

[01:03:07] Adam Stott: a level 20 round of applause.

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