Episode 382: Procrastination: From Stuck To Unstoppable

Procrastination is a challenge that plagues many business owners, often acting as a significant barrier to achieving success. As business owners grow, identifying and understanding the reasons behind procrastination is crucial.

In this episode, Adam and Inga dive into the pervasive issue of procrastination and share actionable strategies to overcome it. Inga, a successful entrepreneur from Cambridge, talks about practical tips to transform from a procrastinator into a productivity powerhouse. The duo provides a step-by-step framework that listeners can easily internalize and apply to improve their business practices and personal lives.

Show Highlights:

  • Make an exhaustive list of reasons why you should complete the task you’re avoiding to understand the benefits and get motivated.
  • Write down what needs to be done and how to do it, breaking the task into smaller, manageable steps.
  • Assess what will happen if you don’t complete the task, and compare it with the positive outcomes if you do.
  • Adopt a mental framework that includes the why, what, how, and what if aspects to manage procrastination effectively.
  • If managing a team, clearly communicate these aspects to motivate and guide them towards taking action.

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Please note this is a verbatim transcription from the original audio and therefore may include some minor grammatical errors.

[00:00:00] Adam Stott: We’re going to talk about procrastination. Pick the thing that you’re procrastinating. Step one. Step two, write down every reason why you should do it. And if you don’t take action now, then all of that why that you could have, you now don’t get.

[00:00:21] How do you, as a business owner, break the curse of procrastination? The only way businesses grow is through taking actions, and one of the things that stop business owners from success is procrastination. Today’s episode We tackle how to stop procrastinating and become a productivity machine.

[00:00:46] Hi everybody. Welcome back to business go secrets. I’m so happy and pleased to be having Inga back on with us. She really does bring a ray of sunshine. Inga, one of our great clients. If you’ve not seen on the podcast before, she’s been with us in our gold circle and inner circle of many years achieving amazing things.

[00:01:07] She’s got a great guest house, which is called A and B guest house in Cambridge which has been really successful. She’s doing great things. You can connect with her on LinkedIn as well. We’ll put that in the description. Welcome back Inga. Pleased to have you back. How are we doing?

[00:01:21] Inga: Oh, thank you very much. You know, that, and today is a really good topic. We’re going to talk about procrastination. I did it. I pronounced it well. You know, I was worried about, and sometimes people procrastinating because maybe because they’re Achieving unwanted something, maybe they’re feeling uncomfortable with something.

[00:01:48] What do you think? What, how to break this circle of procrastination?

[00:01:54] Adam Stott: Yeah, it’s definitely something that we have seen a lot. We’ve been training business owners since 2016. And it’s something that a lot of people really struggle with and something that it’s good that we’re talking about.

[00:02:08] Like you said, it’s a super, super important important podcast. I think people listening can get some great value out of talking about this. So when we talk about procrastination, first of all, we have to just understand, When we’re doing it, what does it look like? So if you imagine the person that’s suffering from it, they usually will have a pattern on that pattern is something’s going to come up for them.

[00:02:30] They’re going to put it off. They’re going to push it away. And the problem is when we do this, things only become worse, right? They don’t become better. And I see a lot, actually, in a lot of people in a lot of different areas in life is they do the same things which create habit. And the problem is, it’s habitual.

[00:02:50] It’s habitual to say instead of going to the gym, I’m going to watch TV. It’s habitual to say, well, instead of cooking,

[00:03:00] Inga: I’m going to get Is that a science of procrastination, you know, instead of doing this?

[00:03:04] Adam Stott: Well, I think procrastination is. You know what you need to do. You know what you want to do, but you keep putting it off.

[00:03:15] And usually you put something in its place to fill the time gap, right? Because it creates a vacuum. So you put something in its gap. And usually the thing that people put in its gap in and when they put the job off is usually something that’s disempowering. So instead of doing their work or their exam, they might go to the pub, right?

[00:03:36] Instead of, and putting these different things in, which fill that time gap, rather than taking the action and getting it done. And it’s a discipline. It’s a discipline, it’s something that successful people, Manage and manage to do. Hey everyone. Hope you’re enjoying the podcast. We’ve got a free training that I’m doing right now online from the comfort of your own home called stand out brand.

[00:04:00] What this does is it shows business owners how to get noticed on social media, stand out and manage. Get more leads and get more sales. So if you want to make more money in your business, head over to adamstop. com forward slash SOB. That’s adamstop. com forward slash SOB and join us on the free three day workshop, stand out brand.

[00:04:23] Now it’s something, so this is interesting because

[00:04:27] Inga: you said like this, you know, is it because you are procrastinator?

[00:04:32] Adam Stott: Yeah, me never. And this is what I was going to say is. I’m trying to intellectually break down how somebody watching this can stop procrastinating because it is so ingrained in me now not to procrastinate.

[00:04:48] It’s almost ridiculous. Like,

[00:04:50] Inga: and you always, always was, you know, Unprocrastinated is the English word, you know, that you never procrastinate. You never had, you know, procrastination in your life.

[00:05:00] Adam Stott: As soon as I have to thought. So this is one of the things I did have some coaching around this that made me faster.

[00:05:07] In the early stages of my first business, I have everybody, I think it’s a natural human trait to procrastinate at times. So no one’s impervious or perfect or, you know,

[00:05:16] Inga: why do they do it?

[00:05:20] Adam Stott: Well, usually, I mean, if you want to know the why the why is usually

[00:05:24] Inga: not knowing what to do and how to,

[00:05:26] Adam Stott: it could be fear it could, we have, there’s different learning styles.

[00:05:30] So inside in psychology different motives, different learning styles, I don’t ever want to go down that route. Yeah. But one of those is a what if learning style and people that procrastinate often ask the question, well, what if I did do it and it worked? What if I did do it and it didn’t work?

[00:05:47] What if I did it and then I got it wrong? What if I did all of these different things? Come up for people. So the what if is one phase of, you know, that really flags up in procrastination. You also have people that have a why learning style. So we look at format in NLP psychology. You have a why learning style and that why learning styles or why do I need to do this?

[00:06:10] Because people usually can’t motivate themselves unless they have these needs met. So this is where we’re going to go probably a bit deeper, but why not? Right? That’s what you want to go deep into this, don’t you, right? So, so let’s look at that, right? Let’s say you want to do something, you want to go and take an action, you keep putting it off you keep procrastinating, it’s on your to do list you can’t take the action.

[00:06:32] Well, there could be a lack in your understanding Of why? Well, why should I do it? Why do I need to do it? Why would I do it? You know, and why should I do it? So there could be some wise going around your mind. And that could be one of the things that’s stopping you from taking the action. So the way that you get over that which we’re really going to get be very practical.

[00:06:54] Now, the way that you get over that is you have to attach the why You should do it. So this is how you motivate yourself. So in this instance, let’s say tell me something you procrastinate with. Give me an example. Something that you don’t. Podcast. Podcast. Podcast. Podcast, yeah. So making, having your own podcast, right?

[00:07:11] So what you would do with that podcast is this is what would be running through your mind. Well, why should I do it?

[00:07:17] Inga: I’m getting, I’m getting training now right?

[00:07:18] Adam Stott: Right, so you’d be like, why? And what you have to look at You is you have to look at and you have to write down all the reasons why you should.

[00:07:26] So if we look at why should you do it? What would be in it for you? What would be in it for you, Inga, to have your own podcast? Well, why should you do it? You’d become more known. Why should you do it? You’d meet more people. Why should you do it? You’d have lots of fun. Why should you do it? It would vary up your day to day.

[00:07:43] Why do you do it? You could interview some experts. Why should you do it? You’re going to you know, discover more things if you make it about hospitality, about the hospitality industry that can build your business about. So now you’ve got five, six reasons why you should do it.

[00:07:57] Inga: To be known.

[00:07:58] Adam Stott: Yeah. Okay.

[00:07:58] And that’s a big one for you then. So that would be now to be the, you know, that’s the seventh. Right. And then, you know, To make money, right? Perhaps you want to you want to do a podcast and interview people and, you know, that is going to give you more clients, that’s going to help you make more money.

[00:08:13] So what you have to do is you have to have the connected why. Now, this is where you’re struggling because if you can’t figure out why you should do it, you’re not going to do it.

[00:08:23] Inga: Yeah.

[00:08:23] Adam Stott: Does that make sense?

[00:08:24] Inga: It makes sense. And I understand everything.

[00:08:27] Adam Stott: Yeah.

[00:08:27] Inga: From bottom of my heart. But the thing is, you know, this first step to take first step, you know, like a quantum.

[00:08:36] Adam Stott: First of all, we’ve got to motivate you. We’ve got to motivate you. And the motivation, the first way I would motivate you to do this is get you really in tune with why you should. And that’s the same for everybody watching this around procrastination. We’ve got to get really in tune. Most people don’t have.

[00:08:56] This is how Simon Sinek got very big. You know, it starts with why and it’s actually having that why answer. Why should I do? What’s in it for me? What am I going to get that?

[00:09:07] Inga: That’s so true because you know, sometimes the thinking, Oh, do I need that? Exactly need that.

[00:09:12] Adam Stott: So we’ve got to connect you.

[00:09:13] Inga: Yeah,

[00:09:14] Adam Stott: we’ve got to connect you. psychologically to the activity. And we’ve got to give you the reason. So my first tip would be for you and anybody watching on any goal pick the thing that you procrastinate in. Step one, step two, write down every reason why you should do it. Every single reason why you should do this thing. Every single reason, why you need to do it.

[00:09:37] Every single reason of what’s in it for you for doing it. Now you’ve done that you’re now stronger, you’ve got a stronger connection to the thing that you’re procrastinating on. And if you don’t take action now, then all of that why that you could have, you now don’t get.

[00:09:53] Inga: And we need to probably make another list, you know, what will happen if I’m not.

[00:09:58] Adam Stott: Yeah. So that’s first. Oh

[00:10:00] Inga: yes, Adam.

[00:10:00] Adam Stott: Okay. So that’s one step. The second step would be. Okay, so what do you need to do? What do you need to do? Because if you don’t know what you need to do, you’re also not going to do it. So then, what we need to do is we need to write down what is it that we need to do?

[00:10:17] Well, first of all, what we need to do is decide on what Podcast hosting software, we need to decide on what the name of the show is going to be. We need to decide what the image of the show is going to be or the brand of the show is going to be. We need to listen to some other podcasts and see some styles we like and we need to understand what type of style we’re going to have on the podcast.

[00:10:40] We need to understand what we’re going to promote, if we’re going to promote anything on the podcast and we get in a step by step of what we need to do. Make sense? Yeah, of course. Hundred percent. So now we’ve got a why, we’ve got the what, the next bit is the how. Okay. So we moved from what to how, because you go, Oh, but I don’t know how to style it.

[00:11:00] I don’t know how to find a podcast. If I need a team, right? Yeah. So this is where you go, okay. Well, I’ve got two choices. One, you can do it trial and error, and you do the research on your own, and you can put your head down and go for it. Or two, you can hire a coach that can help you do it. You can hire an agency that can help you do it.

[00:11:18] And now, your decision to hire a coach and an agency, or whatever it is, becomes easier. Because you know, you know why you want to do it. You know what you want to do. And you can bring that to them and say, can you help me to do the how? Yeah. Right. Which is step three. Okay. And then you alluded to it a minute ago.

[00:11:36] Step four is what if you don’t do this? How are you going to feel? What if you don’t do this and your competitors do?

[00:11:44] Inga: I’m feeling guilty now, you know.

[00:11:46] Adam Stott: What if you don’t do this and your competitors do? What if you leave this for too long? You know, what if you miss the boat? But then there’s the other side of it.

[00:11:58] What if you did do it and it worked? What if you did do it, And you got all of your why what if you did do it and you felt amazing what if you did do it and you got into momentum. So now you write down all your what if scenarios and I’ll go both ways. I’ll go the negative. I’ll go to positive now if you and if someone truly was procrastinating and they truly took the time.

[00:12:21] To do what I just did, and you went through it in practical steps, you just wouldn’t procrastinate. And then what you need to do, and the next step of that, is take that internal, you just heard me rattle that off, you never heard me speak about it before, but it’s a framework that’s inside my mind.

[00:12:36] So now you have to internalize that framework inside your mind. and use it as what we call a frame of reference. That’s part of my frame of reference. So when I look at a task, I’m like, well, why do I need to do this? What’s in it for me? And I look at, okay, well, what is it I need to do? How do I need to do it?

[00:12:53] And what if I don’t do it? And then now it’s just my frame of reference on what I’m doing. And I just do it.

[00:12:58] Inga: Thank you. That is good. But the thing is, you know, if you want if you alone, you know, one person business, but if you do have a team. You know, the, and team will start, you know, the team will start procrastinating.

[00:13:13] How do you, will you notice them, how you lead them, what, how you deal with that? If your team would be, you’re not procrastination, procrastinator, you know.

[00:13:24] Adam Stott: Now it’s about communication. So let’s imagine I’ve got a motivated team around this goal. I bring everyone together and I say, this is why we’re doing this.

[00:13:34] This is what we’re doing. This is how we’re doing it. And what if we didn’t? And what if we did? And then they go,

[00:13:40] Inga: Oh,

[00:13:41] Adam Stott: I’ll get it. Great. Let’s do it. Easy.

[00:13:43] Inga: As easy as

[00:13:45] Adam Stott: that.

[00:13:47] Inga: Okay.

[00:13:48] Adam Stott: That’s what the framework is. And if you follow that framework,

[00:13:51] Inga: communication, yes. Communication is a key with the team. Yes. Yeah. But it’s really a big job, you know, to motivate others, right.

[00:14:00] Adam Stott: To push them. What if you did?

[00:14:03] Inga: Yeah.

[00:14:08] All right. Okay. Yes. If we did, you know, you achieve a lot, you know, and your business will grow. Yes. And what if you

[00:14:13] Adam Stott: achieved a lot and you grew?

[00:14:15] Inga: Yeah. That is really good. To succeed. Yeah. And what if you did succeed? Satisfied. You’re satisfied.

[00:14:23] Adam Stott: How would that feel?

[00:14:24] Inga: Perfect. You know. Self evaluation, you know, that’s really important, isn’t it?

[00:14:29] You start to self evaluate and be grateful and probably it would help to be more authentic, you know, and understand yourself and learn about yourself as well in the procedure and overcome procrastination is really a big deal. I’m going to do that

[00:14:47] Adam Stott: now. Yeah. I’m going, I’m just going to, I’m starting.

[00:14:50] Look, you’ve got everything to gain, you’ve got nothing to lose, give it a try. Yeah. look at the thing you’re struggling with. This is a thing people, you know, Ross who you obviously know as well, says this a lot actually, and this is people often look for the path of least resistance. And that’s why they live a life of less glory because always looking for what’s the easiest thing I can do.

[00:15:15] What’s the what is the least amount of work I’ve got to do? What is the least amount of effort I’ve got to put in? What is the least I can do? And if you act like that and you live like that, then you’ll keep putting these things off and people that are listening, you just end up stacking up and then it ends up being in a bad place.

[00:15:31] But if you do it differently and you actually do the work, like you take that framework and I encourage those of you that have been listening here today and you know, whether you’re watching online, you can comment or you can tell us in a review. You know, did you do the exercise? Because what is it you are procrastinating?

[00:15:48] Do you really want it? Why do you want to get it? What is in it for you? And if you do that little exercise that we’ve just given you, you will be able to self manage and overcome what is stopping you. So I’d encourage you to do that exercise if you’re watching or listening. And yeah, I think you should do that.

[00:16:06] I think you should do that with your own podcast, Inga, because When we talk about what if a year from now, you had 60, 70 episodes of your podcast and you’d met, you had lots of guests on that were great and you’d met 20 great people and you had new relationships and your business had grown and you had a lot of fun doing it.

[00:16:26] What if that was the case? That’d be pretty cool. But if you don’t do it, you don’t get it, right? So now you’ve got a framework. to self manage your procrastination. Give it a try and let’s see how that impacts you and your business, as well as everybody else that’s been watching. So does that help you, Inga?

[00:16:45] You like that? Oh yeah,

[00:16:46] Inga: now I’m on top of the world, you know, now you encourage me, you know, I’m just like very motivated, you know, just to start and do it, you know, because well, in two years time with you, you know, I was procrastinating the thing, you know, you always was giving ideas what to do, how to go and everything, but it’s after us, right?

[00:17:05] Like business owners are. only after us to follow what you’re saying. And it’s just, well, clicked and I’m going to do it now. Oh my goodness. In the car, in the front of the camera.

[00:17:18] Adam Stott: Yeah.

[00:17:19] Inga: Just like, yeah, that’s incredible. Keep me accountable.

[00:17:23] Adam Stott: We will. Don’t worry. You can report that to me. Yeah. Let me know.

[00:17:26] But that’s awesome. Look, hopefully you found some great value in this episode of Business Growth Secrets. I love having Inga on. She’s, you know, so transparent with what she wants to know. And she’s learning and applying these things, which is incredible. So hopefully that you are getting the same amount of value from the other side of the screen, whether you’re listening, whether you’re watching and hopefully you’re taking action.

[00:17:49] So Make sure that you tell us and communicate with us even in the comments. Let us know about this episode if you enjoyed it. You know, we always get a really big buzz, and I’m sure Inga will. If you’ve been enjoying Inga, tell us in the comments as well because she will love that. And that’d be pretty incredible.

[00:18:04] It’d be pretty incredible. Awesome. Well done everybody and I’ll see you on the next episode of Business Go Secrets. Hey everybody, Adam here and I hope you loved today’s episode. I hope you thought it was fabulous and if you did I’d like to ask you a small favour. Could you jump over and go and give the podcast a review?

[00:18:26] Of course I’ll be super grateful if that is a five star review. We’re putting our all into this podcast for you. Delivering you the content, giving you the secrets. And if you’ve enjoyed it, please go and give us a new review and talk about what your favorite episode is. Perhaps every single month I select someone from that review list to come to one of my exclusive Academy days and have lunch with me on the day, meeting hundreds of my clients.

[00:18:50] So if you want that to be you, then you’re going to be in with a shout. If you go and give us a review on iTunes, please, of course, do remember to subscribe so you can get all. The up to date episodes, peace and love. And I’ll see you very soon. Thank you.

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