BBE Weekly: A Year of Success: Adam Stott and Big Business Events 2024

Are you looking for exciting ways to take your business to the next level this 2025? Looking at Adam Stott’s incredible journey as a coach and entrepreneur, we’ve discovered a lot to make your business thrive!

BBE Weekly! In this episode, Adam Stott reflects on a rewarding and milestone-filled year in 2024 for his business, Big Business Events. Adam illustrates various achievements, including impressive client success stories and awards presented during their Gold Circle Christmas party.

Listen in as Adam credits three key elements for his company’s exceptional year that you could also use for your own benefit.

Show Highlights:

  • Passion fuels productivity: When you love your work, it doesn’t feel arduous and leads to greater personal and business satisfaction.
  • Building a dedicated and efficient team is crucial for scaling business operations and achieving substantial growth.
  • Client success should be at the core of any business strategy to ensure mutually beneficial outcomes and long-term loyalty.
  • Celebrating client achievements not only acknowledges their hard work but also inspires continuous improvement and commitment.
  • Strategic acquisitions and collaborations with thriving businesses can diversify and enhance service offerings.

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Please note this is a verbatim transcription from the original audio and therefore may include some minor grammatical errors.

[00:00:00] Adam Stott: Hey everybody and welcome to another episode of BBE Weekly on Business Growth Secrets. And today I’m going to talk about what has been an outstanding end to the year. We’re going to talk about the wins that I’ve had in 2024. I’m going to break a few of those down for you. So if you are a business owner, Listening and you want to get a behind the scenes.

[00:00:29] Look at what’s been happening within my businesses. I’m sure you’re going to really enjoy this episode. But before we even jump into that behind the scenes, really juicy stuff that I want to talk to you about today. I actually want to say a big thank you to all of you that have been listening. The podcast has been going from strength to strength.

[00:00:47] Many of you have been sharing the episodes. Many of you have been reviewing whether that’s on iTunes, iTunes or Spotify, and we’ve got 4. 9 rated and five star rated on Spotify. So really high ratings. I just want to say that we’re really grateful for that. Um, we, we really do want to bring you the very best quality business growth secrets podcast, helping you and your business and give you that source of listening, you know, me as a.

[00:01:13] podcast listener myself, really understand that when you’re tuning in, I want you to get something from every episode. Because when I’m tuning in, I want to have a nice casual listener myself, but I want to make sure that I’m pulling something out that’s going to motivate me, inspire me. And really spark something in me on every single one that I listen to.

[00:01:32] So I hope you’re finding some value in that for sure. And we really do love your feedback. So if you do go and leave us a review and reference the episodes that you like, you know, it’s okay for you to give us good feedback and bad feedback as, as much as we want to protect that five star rating, you know, if, uh, you can still give us five stars, but say, Hey, I prefer the BBE weeklies or I prefer the interviews.

[00:01:54] We’d really, really love to You know, to get that feedback so we could just keep improving the experience for you. And at the end of each episode, we’re now getting into that nice trend where we’re reading out different reviews that we’ve got from everybody in. So hopefully you’ve been enjoying that too.

[00:02:12] And perhaps when you leave yours, we’ll be reading your name out on the podcast too. So let’s jump into. what has been going on, you know, 20, 2024, a lot of things have happened this year. And actually for this business, big business events, my, um, events, training, coaching business, it has been a monster successful year.

[00:02:36] It’s been really, really successful in so many ways. I mean, so many ways that I, I just, which we’ll break down in a moment, but had a lot of really good things happen. Which is awesome, you know, um, having run many, many different businesses now, I’ve had businesses in automotive, where five different businesses in automotive, I’ve had businesses in service centers, mechanical centers, I’ve had marketing businesses, PR businesses, events businesses, what I do love.

[00:03:06] More than anything is the coaching business where you just get to help people and create breakthroughs. And that for me is what it’s all about. It’s why I love this business. It’s what keeps me really driven. We’re powered by our client success. And I’m going to start off with that, actually, because we’ve just come back from our Christmas party, our Gold Circle Christmas party.

[00:03:27] So in the last episode, I referenced our staff party. Now I’m going to tell you about our Gold Circle day and party evening and awards ceremony. So we had 175, 200 business owners there during the day at Gold Circle where we were educating them, Training them, showing them how to create what’s called a demo of power, which drives more leads into your business, showing them how to use that demo of power and and turn those new leads into the sales process to create conversions, which is a great day.

[00:04:00] We had celeb interviews there. I brought in Eamon Holmes, who was mega, and we will put an abbreviated copy of that on the podcast as well. So you’ll get to hear from Eamon what he said. We brought in Jordan Platton, who’s a good friend of mine, great YouTuber as well. So we had just such a mix of content throughout the day.

[00:04:19] And once the day was done, at the very end of the day, we did an awards ceremony, which was twofold. So the first part of the award ceremony, this is where we’re going to get into, you know, your success. We gave out awards to our clients based on revenue. So how it works is we have a revenue award. When a client starts working with us and over the period of the time they work with us in our coaching program, whether that is, um, for a year, whether they go on to work for two years, three years, whatever it might be, they, as they do incremental revenue, they can get an award.

[00:04:52] So we have an award for 100, 000 in revenue, we have an award for 250, 000 in revenue, we have an award for 500, 000, 1, 000, 000, 2, 500, 000, 5, 000, 000 and 10, 000, 000. So you’ve got all these different segments that clients can go on. And at this gold circle, We gave out a five million award to Diane Simpson who’s worked with us for a number of years.

[00:05:15] She’s gone all the way through those ranges going on to be a five million pound business owner. So congrats to her. She’s a superstar. You know, we love her. We’ve been working with her very, very closely for a number of years. We had Lee Price pick up his hundred K award. Lee’s a great guy. Um, he’s just broke through the hundred K barrier.

[00:05:33] We also, he’s got a company called Singing Waiters. We also had him sing our Christmas party. We had Ewelina Wiesner pick up her awards for 100k, 250k, 500k, 1 million and 2. 5 million who broke through those barriers. She’s gone on a geometrically grown a business. Paul and Louise for 250k, Tim Ward for 250k, Rob and Sam who not only did they do the 100, 250, 500, One million, 2.

[00:05:59] 5, 5 million. They’ve done it all like over the course of the period they’ve been with us, which is a year. And it just shows you like the results that we’re creating and there were many more, but I don’t want to just make it. Maybe we’ll talk about some of the others individually on some more episodes.

[00:06:15] But, you know, we gave out like in one day, just in the month of December. 17, 16. 5, 17 million pounds worth of awards, 17 million pounds. And I just love it. You know, the, the smile on the faces of the clients as they’re being recognized was incredible. Um, there really is no other, um, coaching programs that certainly that I’ve seen out there anyway, that, uh, that are consistently bringing these results in and and that for me is, is my, is my 2024 win.

[00:06:52] Uh, the amount we’ve grown as a business is awesome. The amount our clients have grown is even better. And what’s really awesome is that not only are we growing geometrically, our clients are growing geometrically, everyone’s winning, which is what I really feel that this business should be about is that win win.

[00:07:09] So I’m super happy, um, with that. So congratulations to all of those. And then we had some, some awards in addition to that, um, which were not revenue, um, related and, and those awards were, um, all about, you know, how people would contributed, um, to being a part of, you know, our different mentoring and coaching programs.

[00:07:36] And we had awards for the best top of funnel. So the best top of funnel, what that is, is that is your inquiry flow into your business, how you’re generating inquiries. And we had an award for who’s got the best top of funnel. We then had an award for who’s got the best business. brand, the best halo effect, who’s done the best sales performance of the year.

[00:07:53] Who’s got the best operations within their business. Who’s the best support of the year, the most dedicated. And we had a player of the year as well. So we gave out all these really cool awards. And if you want to see what they look like, cause we had them all rebranded and done, and they really do look mega.

[00:08:07] Uh, you can go over to my Instagram and you can take a look at, you know, the award winners standing there with a new BB awards that are really nice. Um, so the winners were. Just to give a shout out on these, we had Anna Mosley who won the best halo effect, best brand build over the course of the year.

[00:08:23] She’s a superstar. She’s a great speaker. We work very closely with her and she’s built an amazing brand over the course of the 12 months. We had best top of funnel with Simon and Victoria Hargrave who have got a number of tannings. And, and shops and they’ve done really, really well. I’ve also built an e commerce business.

[00:08:41] It’s been super successful. Ewelina and Stefan Wiesner, they, um, have got a care company and they’ve gone on to do multi, multi, multi millions in revenue since working with us in a short period of time. They won the best sales performance because they grew their business 10X their business in a year, uh, the best operational hub.

[00:09:01] Was Paul and Louise, who also did really great, um, building out their business. They went from zero to quarter of a million pounds in a short period of time. We had Nick and Nikki Greer who won our support of the year that was voted for by the clients. We had Vic Beaumont who won the dedication award, really deserved that.

[00:09:18] And our main award, like our big one for the year, which is a nice big gold plaque went to Tim Ward who won the A player of the year. And that’s just like the most. who’s taken the most action. It’s not necessarily just about revenue. Tim’s created a lot of revenue and done really well, but my word, that boy has implemented everything we told him to do and he’s seeing massive growth, uh, in his business.

[00:09:40] He’s a property investor and he’s got a landscape garden in business. And I’ve actually recently become one of his clients as well. He’s come into my garden, done some amazing work. Uh, so thank you Tim there. So that was awesome. The, the award ceremony, it was glitzy. It was glamorous. We had the music on, you know, we had, uh, all dark people coming up, getting celebrated.

[00:10:01] Everyone was going wild. It was, it is incredible. And then we moved into a massive three course meal Christmas party evening. And then we invited not only our gold circle clients, we brought in our clients from our other programs that are working with us on our marketing academy, our sales academy. Our, our speaker train, all these different areas.

[00:10:20] They were also involved, invited in as well. And, you know, we had hundreds of business owners, they’re celebrating having a party and a great time. So that was awesome. There’s a lot there, right? You know, a lot of stuff, um, that was happening. And, and actually, because I always want to make sure on every one of these episodes, we really pull out some, you know, some, some business growth secrets when you’re hosting events, that was a very big event.

[00:10:47] Actually to host. We had 175 people there in the day and had another 150 there in the evening. The amount of detail that goes into absolutely everything you do is critically important, and we were, you know, holding meetings in the morning before we started. We’re holding meetings throughout the day.

[00:11:06] We’re holding meetings afterwards. We’re, you know, getting the feedback, examining the feedback, and I think that that’s super important to be very, very organized when running events of large scale. And when you look at it, Okay. 12 months ago, because that’s what I wanted this specific episode to be about.

[00:11:25] Tell you what’s happened. Well, 12 months ago, we had an amazing December event for Gold Circle. You know, we had 100 people there. We trebled the amount of people that are winning that program in just one year. We’ve, you know, trebled the revenue of the business, which has been really great. We’ve rebranded our entire brand, not change the name or anything.

[00:11:44] We’ve just updated the brand, um, which looks really cool. We’ve had a head of brand come in. It’s done an amazing job. Uh, this year also, I’ve got the CCX award for 10 million through ClickFunnels. That was really cool. And I’ve got another few of the CC awards from ClickFunnels as well for doing a million dollars, which is pretty cool.

[00:12:03] I won three awards from the Titan Mastermind, which was really cool. Uh, say everything’s really cool. It was really cool. It was a good year. Perhaps we can talk about some of the struggles as well. We’ll get to those in a moment. Um, but what else did we do? We, um, I bought a PR company, one of our clients businesses, um, I acquired, um, and working with them directly.

[00:12:25] That’s been a really good move. Really pleased to have done that. Um, and started that PR business, um, where we’re, you know, that was one of our clients has been really successful with us. Done really great things. We helped to start a PR business many, many years ago, back in 2021. She’s been running it now for three years.

[00:12:43] It’s been really successful. She’s created such great results for our clients. I said, Hey, you know, look, do you want to take an investment on? We’d love to be a part of your business. And we were able to agree that. And that’s probably a separate podcast episode. I can talk more about that. Uh, we’ve also done the same with a marketing company as well.

[00:13:00] Um, which is. Pretty awesome. So we acquired two other businesses there. Um, that that business that we acquired also went on to win PR agency of the year, which was super impressive and doubled the revenue. We built out the team of our business. Uh, we’ve gone from 25 staff to to near on 40 staff internally with 20 contractors as well.

[00:13:23] We’ve, I mean, it’s just so many things that have happened. Really, we just come back from our immersive experience events where we did the Adams house event with the master closure event, which the Adams house events where I coach business owners start to finish on how to build their business out on master closure event.

[00:13:39] As well, we train business owners on sales. So it’s just been a lot of stuff happening over the course of the year as, as, as, as you can hear, and, you know, just really excited, uh, for what 2025 is going to bring as well. And when we look at the struggles, uh, the only struggle that I can really think of has been time this year.

[00:14:02] Um, and, and the business growth secret, we’ll make this about today. How have we managed to take that business, double it. Um, have all these accolades, win all these awards, build these businesses, buy these businesses, you know, help thousands of clients succeed. What do I think the one business growth secret is through running throughout all of that is, and this is what it’d be for me, um, so hopefully this can resonate with some people, is if you love what you do, it doesn’t even feel like work.

[00:14:33] I can honestly say to you, I’ve not felt, despite doing all these different things this year, I’ve not for one minute not enjoyed anything we’ve done. I’ve enjoyed every single step of the way. I’m very grateful. And then I’ll give you the second tip. So tip number one, enjoy what you do. Tip number two would be build a great team.

[00:14:56] Because if you enjoy what you do and you build a great team and it will go tip number three and you focus on client results, you really can drive your business all the way to the top. And for me, this is just the beginning. I’m very much looking forward to what 2025 And in an upcoming episode, I’m going to talk to you about some of our plans.

[00:15:21] What is it we’re looking to do? What are the moves that we’re making? Um, so you can get a real insight into, you know, rather than what’s just happened, what’s next. Well, I hope you enjoyed that episode of business growth secrets today. Um, in recent tradition, I’m going to take a review that has come in recently.

[00:15:42] Danny Roberts, um, has said a really good listen. I’m picking up some business tips and staying motivated from this podcast. So thank you very much, Danny Roberts. So I’m pleased that, uh, you’re, you’re hearing that. I’d also love to hear your businesses, you know, tell me what your business is. Let’s get your business a shout out here.

[00:16:01] And this is a nice one, actually. Let’s read this. Thank you for the podcast with peers day, clearly focused on heart centered business in the real world. I was deeply appreciated listening to this. It was real. It was realistic and it reflected a man that clearly works hard to make a difference. It’s a heartwarming to hear the unique business owners who are not necessarily millionaires or world famous owners of huge houses in Hollywood.

[00:16:26] Rather, they’re all like us working hard and seeking to have a positive impact. The story of wealth, care, and commitment that peers showed the frontline workers during COVID that came back to him in waves when he was ill was really moving as was the connection and commitment to the collective team. At bgs a heartfelt message, um, which says thank you for the authentic born out of this real life story Um of everyday grace for all concerned that’s from joanne.

[00:16:54] Sarah. So that’s a really nice review actually Yeah, so keep them coming in. Let’s know what you’re enjoying. I want to make this podcast for you incredible Um, you know, we want to keep making it better and better and better Keep improving it so your feedback is deeply appreciated and I look forward to seeing you on the next episode of Business Growth Secrets.

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