BBE Weekly: The Gold is in your Business List

Many business owners neglect to utilize fully, or in some cases, maintain a robust CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system. This oversight can result in missed opportunities and stunted business growth.

In this episode, Adam navigates through a robust strategy of executing major email promotions to engage clients and maximize revenue. Adam highlights how a well-maintained contact list could become a goldmine for your business, detailing methods of capturing, nurturing, and utilizing contacts to ensure consistent communication and sales growth.

Listen in to uncover the secrets to ensuring your business remains in the minds of prospects, a simple yet impactful approach pivotal to doubling revenue without significantly adding to your workload.

Show Highlights:

  • Understanding the immense value of email lists and why maintaining one is crucial for long-term business success.
  • The necessity of consistent communication with prospects through emails, texts, and other means of engagement.
  • Insight into converting organics lists into revenue by creating regular promotions and offers.
  • The importance of employing CRM systems for tracking and nurturing client relationships efficiently.
  • A call to action for business owners to move from working in the business to working on the business by implementing systematic solutions.

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Please note this is a verbatim transcription from the original audio and therefore may include some minor grammatical errors.

Adam Stott:

[00:00:00] Hey everybody, and welcome back to another business growth secrets, BBE weekly. So as you know, if you’ve been listening along a BBE weekly is where I come and give you a weekly dose of what is happening in my events and business training business. Big business events, and we’ve had a lot going on. We really have.

[00:00:25] We’ve had back to back to back events. We’ve had our business grow secrets event running Wednesday to Friday. We’ve had our power to influence event running over the weekend. We’ve had our business map event running for four days as well. At the same time, we’ve got our branded retreat on as well as so many more different things.

[00:00:44] So it has been really, really full on. And my team have done a phenomenal job to make sure everything runs smoothly. I. And then we’ve seen over 200, 250 clients attend these events over the course of the last week and be absolutely wowed. The breakthroughs have been incredible and it’s going to be absolutely awesome.

[00:01:02] And all the while, whilst we’ve had a, had a load of other things going on. So what I’m going to talk to you about today, and I’m going to try and pick out of each week, what’s something that, We’re doing in the business that I think could actually benefit you and you could add into your business. And there’s a couple of things here that have really come to mind.

[00:01:19] So while we’ve had these, these five events running branded retreat, power to influence business, grow secrets previews across the country all these different events going on. We’ve also had a major campaign that has run that’s gone out to our email list. We’ve got quarter of a million people. A lot of people on our email list, which has built up over the years, and a major promotion go out, which has been really cool.

[00:01:45] And that’s what I’m going to choose to talk to you about today, because I think it can add value to you. So what we did is we, we have a program called Inner Circle, which has been closed pretty much for the whole year. The reason it’s been closed is that we want to keep it small. We want to keep it exclusive and we don’t want it to get too big.

[00:02:02] And that’s why we’ve had to sort of limit the amount of entries that we’ve put into the program. But over the course of years, it’s been closed for a year. We had. All five spaces have come up from people that have either gone in different directions. Some have actually moved abroad. A couple of spaces came from stuff like that.

[00:02:15] So we’ve had some new opportunities come in. So we did this email promotion out to our email list. We had hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of people apply to get into this program, which meant that we had a lot of consult calls to run and as well as running these five events at the same time, which was really cool.

[00:02:33] So first, first lesson that I want to talk about is that, that major promotion. Now, one of the things that we do within the business is that we will run promotions to our email list on a monthly basis, and those promotions that we run to our email list on a monthly basis are there to keep our clients that are on the peripheral, on the edges, the business.

[00:02:58] Interest in what we do, but maybe they’ve not been able to come to event updated. We do everything that’s going on. And it’s a really, really good way of, of, of actually showing them what’s happening in the business and giving a behind the scenes look. And we did that within a circle. Now we filled those spots straight away.

[00:03:14] So the program is now filled, it’s going to be shut again for the whole year again which is really awesome because we found some brilliant people to work with. But the reason I’m telling you this is I also had my hot seat this week and I do hot seats every week, my gold circle clients, where I get on and I coach them on their businesses.

[00:03:31] And there’s a couple of businesses I was coaching and I see the common thread. It just happens time and time again, that businesses are one, not keeping. A list an email list at all, or using a CRM for their business to put all of their inquiries in one place. That’s a big mistake. And we’re going to talk a bit, a bit more about that in a moment.

[00:03:52] Two, some are keeping a list, but they’re not actually emailing the list. They’re not texting the list. They’re not communicating with the list. They’re communicating with the leads they’ve got day to day, but they’re not actually going back out to that list, which is, you know, just like literally sitting on a gold mine, not picking up.

[00:04:08] The shovel and because of that, they’re not keeping in touch with their hottest prospects. So I wanted to talk about this topic because we filled those spots. I mean, in a circle, it’s a 30, 000 program. You know, a couple of emails to our list. We feel Those spots immediately you know, five or six spots just went pretty much immediately, which is incredible.

[00:04:31] And there’s a lot to do with brand there as well, but imagine the amount of people that you are on your list that want your product or service that have known you over the years that you’ve built some type of relationship with, but for whatever reason, you’ve perhaps not kept in touch with them. And I think this happens with businesses all the time.

[00:04:49] So speaking to. A business this week on the hot seat, and I said, how many people got the list? They still, I’ve got 6,000 people. I said, how much is your product? They said, the product’s a thousand pounds, and they bespoke their products. This particular business I was talking to and I said, well, imagine for a moment you came out of a special promotion.

[00:05:05] All you did was you went out to 6,000 people every week with a new promotion or a new product. You know, what if those 6,000, you just sold five of them? They said, well, yeah, okay. That would be pretty good. I said, well, that would be 5,000 pounds a week over the course of the year. That’s really going to start to rack up and people don’t look at it like that way.

[00:05:24] But if you did look at that way, you know, your 5, 000 pounds a week, let’s say 50 weeks, rather than 52, that’s 250, 000 pound in revenue. And the business I was talking to said, Adam, that would double my revenue. I said, yeah, I know. Why are we not doing it? So what I wanted to share with you on the podcast today is.

[00:05:43] The gold is in the list and if you are a business that listens to this right now, you need to make sure that even if you’re at the beginning, even if you’re just starting to generate inquiries for your business, one of the first things you don’t want to do is set up an email list and phone list where every inquiry you get their name.

[00:06:01] You get the phone number, you get their email, you put them either onto your CRM or if that early that you don’t have a CRM, which is a customer relationship management system, you go and get a spreadsheet and you just put all the, all the details on the spreadsheet. And the reason you do that is you’re keeping an itemized list of all the different inquiries you get.

[00:06:18] One, that means you’re going to remember where your inquiries are, which means you’re more likely to go back to them. Two, it gives you the opportunity to go out and have those conversations consistently with those people. But three, a year down the line, it’s going to start to rack up and you’re going to build a bigger list and you’re gonna be able to start sending mass emails, mass text messages, mass WhatsApps to generate inquiries to your business, which is gonna make the whole thing so much easier.

[00:06:40] And just most people don’t do this. And I don’t know why. But. Because it literally is a huge asset for your business to be able to sell your, your products and services. And I want to give you a different frame on it as well, because it’s important to embed this point is every business owner that wants to do more business, wants to get more sales, wants to get more clients.

[00:06:59] If you’ve been in business a little while, you know that in order for you to sell something, people have to know you. They have to like you and they have to have some type of trust in you, at least the trust that you’re going to get the product that you bought. So you’ve got that KLT. No like and trust.

[00:07:15] And there was a lot of people that you built those relationships with over the years that knew you, liked you and trusted you, but for whatever reason, because you’re not kept in touch with them, they’ve fallen off. And that means that they’re, they’re not going to hear from you, which means next time they want to go and buy a product service, they don’t get it from you.

[00:07:35] And I just think this is a big lesson. And that’s why I wanted to make it this week, just about the list. So what do you do? Well, if you’re one of our clients, you get our CRM system as part of the program. If you’re not one of our clients, why are you not one of our clients yet? Get in touch. You can be, but secondly, you should go out and you should look at.

[00:07:52] Getting yourself a CRM system to manage inquiries to your business. It’s a very simple thing to do. It will be a move that pays you back many, many, many times over. I don’t know. It’s like some of your business owners and you’re probably sitting there saying I’m busy, I’ve got this stuff to do. I’ve got this appointment to go to.

[00:08:08] I’ve got to put this in place for this person and that person. I’ve got this to do. I’ve got that to do. We’re in on earth and we’re going to get some time to do this. Well, look, one of the ways that you can grow your business is to stop working in it and start working on it. This is a typical example.

[00:08:23] Cause people say, Oh, I know that phrase. I heard that name if, well, yeah, but you’re not doing it. So this is a specific instruction of how you do it. Working on the business rather than in the business, we’ll be putting a system in place to gather your client’s details together. So you can continually remark it to them.

[00:08:39] And some of you can be like, awesome, Adam, I’ve got that. Thanks for reminding me of the list. And I appreciate that. Well, what should you be doing? Well, if you’ve already got the list, I want to actually challenge you. How many times you communicate with the list? How many emails are you sending? How many text messages are you sending?

[00:08:52] Cause even, even the elite business owners I know are probably sending one or two emails a week. Someone’s on your list. If you’re emailing them, there’s no reason why you can’t email them every single day. As long as what you’ve got to say is interesting. You can email them every day. So my challenge to you, if you are sitting here, you’ve got to see them.

[00:09:08] You are emailing the list. You are speaking to regularly speak to them more because if you send an email week and you make a thousand pound a week, you’re making 52, 000 a year. Okay. What have you sent three emails a week? Will that make you, you know, 156, 000 a year? It possibly will. So hopefully this has been of some value to you today as a reminder for our startup businesses, go get your list sorted for our scale up businesses, send more, communicate more, make more offers.

[00:09:35] You make more money. That’s today’s business growth secret. I look forward to catching up with you soon.

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