Episode 375: Marketing: The Art Of Wooing Your Audience with Ksenia Droben

“Great marketing is being magnetic to the right people and being repulsive to the wrong people.” This principle is essential whether you’re marketing a product, a service, or yourself in the dating world.

In this second episode, Adam dives deep into the synergies between marketing oneself in the business world and in the dating sphere, featuring expert insights from professional matchmaker Ksenia Droben.

From defining your target market to creating compelling marketing messages, Adam and Ksenia explore how strategies used in business can be effectively applied to improve personal and romantic prospects.

Listen if you want invaluable tips for anyone looking to market themselves better, whether to grow their business or to establish a significant personal relationship.

Show Highlights:

  • The principles of attraction and building a reputation are crucial in both business and dating.
  • Being generous without expecting anything in return is a highly valuable trait in business and personal relationships.
  • Maintaining an attractive and positive social media profile is essential for personal branding.
  • Focusing on future possibilities rather than past experiences can significantly improve decision-making and attract positive outcomes.
  • Small, consistent improvements and a willingness to embrace new experiences can lead to substantial growth in relationships and business.

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Please note this is a verbatim transcription from the original audio and therefore may include some minor grammatical errors.

[00:00:00] Adam Stott: What does that person that you’re looking to reach want? Great marketing is being magnetic to the right people and being repulsive to the wrong people.

[00:00:12] Ksenia Droben: I hope he has enough enough intelligence. Don’t tell her everything, what he thinks about you.

[00:00:17] Adam Stott: Am I that man that deserves that person? This sounds like a lot of effort and a lot of people won’t want to make the effort.

[00:00:28] How does a one man army, one woman army go out and market themselves, not just in building a business, but actually in the world throughout relationships, dating, business, and all their synergies, other synergies in how you market yourself as a business owner to go and get leads and inquiries as to how you market yourself in the dating world.

[00:00:50] We’re about to find out because on this episode, Of business Grow Secrets. I’m gonna be bringing the business tips. Ksenia is gonna be bringing the dating tips and together we’re gonna find the synergies of how you as an individual, take yourself to market to get everything you want from life. Let’s jump in to Business Grow Secrets.

[00:01:07] Hey everyone, hope you’re enjoying the podcast. We’ve got a free training that I’m doing right now online from the comfort of your own home called Standout Brand. What this does is it shows business owners how to get noticed on social media standout. Get more leads and get more sales. So if you want to make more money in your business, head over to Adam stop.

[00:01:29] com forward slash SOB. That’s Adam stop. com forward slash SOB and join us on the free three day workshop, stand out brand. So welcome back. Ksenia is amazing to have you. You look like he’s going to come and give me a hug then.

[00:01:45] Ksenia Droben: Thank you so much for having me in your episode. Um, so we spoke about branding class time, uh, and a

[00:01:52] Adam Stott: great time.

[00:01:52] I really, really enjoyed, um, what we did last time. I think it was awesome. And, and if you were watching and you enjoyed it, tell us in the comments, yeah, yeah, go and give us all of you. I also must say, I really like your, um, your shirt today. It’s on purpose, you know, always hats. Always. So we’ve got heart earrings, heart shirt.

[00:02:11] Yeah. Looking good, right? Looking good. Yes. And all you need is love. All you need is love. Absolutely.

[00:02:16] Ksenia Droben: Yeah. Yeah.

[00:02:19] Adam Stott: Can’t argue with that. Okay. What we got today? We’re going to jump in. We’re going to really talk about marketing yourself, right? I believe. Yes. How, how,

[00:02:26] Ksenia Droben: how it’s been. Why is it possible to market yourself?

[00:02:28] Because if you’re business and usually I say to to my clients, for example, you want to to buy pink socks for the kids. Where should you go to to to sell the socks? You would never go to the stadium with pink socks for the kids to sell them to their, uh, to their spectators. You have to find the right place to do it.

[00:02:48] And I think the same is in terms of dating.

[00:02:51] Adam Stott: Yeah, I’m not really getting the pink socks analogy there, but I

[00:02:55] Ksenia Droben: mean, so for example, if you are, I don’t know, 20 years old, blonde, beautiful, and he would like to get some somebody who is rich, you probably wouldn’t go to Tinder and try to catch up with everybody.

[00:03:07] You will think about where is my audience, which golf club, which yacht club, or maybe private. Absolutely. Yeah. Something like depends on what do you want to achieve? Or if, for example, I have such, such clients, 60 plus. Who want to have children.

[00:03:21] Adam Stott: Yeah. Really?

[00:03:23] Ksenia Droben: Yeah. Oh my gosh. Yes. I have several of them right now.

[00:03:26] And this is always double problem because on one hand, we have to find the woman who is ready to have a child from somebody who is 60 plus. And second problem is age. Generations because he is in his generation with his attitude with his behavior and she is data. How to bring it together?

[00:03:49] Adam Stott: Yeah, well, that’s a conundrum in its own.

[00:03:53] Um, I think that In terms of building a business, your business strategy should be, do you want to serve that marketplace? And when we talk into marketing, that’s the first thing that you do is you identify who is the target market? Who is the person we’re trying to reach? Who is our message for? And that’s the same in business and in in relationships.

[00:04:15] You always have to look at who is, I think it’s business. Thanks. You don’t always have to look at it. It’s definitely helpful to look at who do you want to reach and who do you want to attract and where it’s very similar business and relationships is you can go and you can run a business without thinking about target market and you can go and sign clients without thinking about target market.

[00:04:36] But the problem is, is you’re probably going to end up with some clients that you didn’t want. You’re probably going to end up with some situations you didn’t want, and you’re probably going to regret taking those clients on eventually at some stage, and it’s probably going to hurt your business in ways you didn’t want to hurt your Because you didn’t do the target market aspect, whereas if you did say, because what I’m suggesting here is that every business owner should be aware of the type of client that they want to attract and that they want to bring into their business.

[00:05:02] Every business owner should have that in their mind is the first question that we ask. And many people. don’t have it. Therefore, they end up with certain clients that perhaps they didn’t want now on the relationship side as well. Um, and this is your, your sphere. But what I would suggest is that if you want, if you know who you’re looking to attract, there’s a lot more chance that you’re going to attract them.

[00:05:25] If you actually do that work initially and say, this is the type of person that I want, this is the type of person I want to be with rather than just hoping through blind luck that you’re going to walk into the person of your dreams. The problem is

[00:05:38] Ksenia Droben: many people believe

[00:05:39] Adam Stott: in it. Yeah, right. But many people might walk into the person of their dreams, but because they didn’t realize that was the person of their dreams and they didn’t understand and done no work to understand it, they’re probably not going to be in a position to actually attract that person anyway, because how does marketing work?

[00:05:53] I mean, you look like you want to ask me another question, but how marketing works is you figure out who you want. And then you figure out what they want.

[00:06:02] Ksenia Droben: Yeah. First of all, what they want. First of all, what they want. Because it doesn’t matter what they want. If you cannot get what they want, it will be just a failure.

[00:06:11] Adam Stott: Yeah. For sure. So who is the person that you’re looking to reach? What does that person that you’re looking to reach want? So in a business perspective, the way that we would do it, um, from marketing any product or any service is we would say, this is the target market, the target market, let’s say, are business owners that work in, and we can go layers deep.

[00:06:37] So we say business owners as a top layer. And we go slightly deeper and we say business owners in the service industry, they only sell service based products. And then we go deeper and we say actually business owners in the service industry, business owners that sell recruitment services. So now I’m looking for a business owner that does recruitment.

[00:06:55] And we can go another layer deep and we can say that that business owner has is in their second year onwards of business, and they’re turning over in six figures a year, and they want to get to seven. So now my target market is I’m looking for recruitment businesses that are turning over over 100, 000 and have the ambition to get to seven figures in revenue.

[00:07:15] Now I’ve got a target market. So what that allows me to do is it allows me to go to the places that they are, go and have conversations with those. But what it also allows me to do is to do the next bit of work on target market, which is recruitment agents that are turning over six figures a year that want to get to seven figures.

[00:07:33] What sort of problems are they facing? Well, in this scenario, the type of problem that they’re probably facing is they’re the top biller. They are the person that’s going out. They’re the ones that are billing the money and making the money. They don’t know how to build a team. Uh, they’re probably struggling with the fact that they’ve tried to hire some people and they’ve tried patch, but they’ve not been able to bring them into the team and those other people haven’t been able to generate money.

[00:07:56] So what do they need? Well, they need to know how they can bring other people into their business that are going to make money, that are going to generate revenue, that are not going to distract them. So there’s some real problems and challenges that they’ve got there. And what do they want? Well, they probably want to get some work life balance, they want to get some freedom back and they want to make more money.

[00:08:12] Ksenia Droben: So again, this big change in the future, what do you want to, when do you want to achieve?

[00:08:16] Adam Stott: I’ve got a very clear idea. I’ve gone deep into who I want, first of all, and then what the who I want, what they want, because now what have I got? I’ve got the ability to create marketing messages that reach them, that connect with them.

[00:08:32] And if I didn’t do that, I’m shooting blind. So let’s take this to your world. Let’s imagine for a moment that I say who I want, what I want, Is, oh, I’m in a happy relationship, right? So let’s just make that we’re doing this figuratively, right? Let’s say I’m after a 30, uh, a woman between the ages of, of, of 30 and 40, and that.

[00:08:56] type of person that I’m, I’m looking for is somebody that is happy. There is somebody that is, uh, really in control of their lives. Um, perhaps they are a business owner, they’re financially stable. Um, they live, you know, in the Southeast, that kind of area. Um, they’re in a position in their life where they love traveling.

[00:09:15] And I’ve, and I’m really understanding who they are. Like they love traveling, they love doing nice things. They love going to nice restaurants. This is the stuff they’re into. And I, and I’ve got an idea of a picture of who that person is. Yeah. Uh, they’re attractive, they’re happy, they’ve got good relationships with their family.

[00:09:32] Uh, they’re a nice person. They’re kind, they’re generous. And I’ve gone like, this is who I want. And then I go, okay, well, what do they want?

[00:09:41] Ksenia Droben: The same, what

[00:09:41] Adam Stott: do they want? The same, the same

[00:09:42] Ksenia Droben: man.

[00:09:43] Adam Stott: Well, okay, so they want the same man. And then I have to ask myself. Am I that

[00:09:47] Ksenia Droben: man

[00:09:48] Adam Stott: that deserves that person or what do I need to do?

[00:09:53] Do I need to be more kind? Do I need to be more generous? Do I, do I need to want to travel more? Do I need to get a better work life balance? What do I need to do to attract that person to me to make sure that we’re a good fit?

[00:10:05] Ksenia Droben: You know, here’s the really big difference between, uh, Your world, your business, business owners world, and my world of singles, because if you read the profiles of most people, of most people and something, my interests different, my character find out.

[00:10:21] And I always say, if you’re right, my interests are different and my character find out, nobody’s interested to find out.

[00:10:27] Adam Stott: No, well, then you’re playing to your picture, right? If you’re talking about online dating, the only thing they see is your picture, and I’m sure you’ve got a good picture, but I’m sure there’s a lot of other people that got good pictures as well.

[00:10:39] You’ve got to market yourself in a way that you are going to stand out. You’ve got to market yourself in a way. We’ve just done the example where you speak to that person. All right. And actually you can sort of say, Hey, I’m looking, I love traveling. I love doing lots of fun things. I like going to nice restaurants.

[00:10:56] I’ve got a really good relationship. My family, actually, I’m looking for somebody. That is kind, generous. It’s like this. And if you’re somebody, you know, I don’t want to go out with anybody that is not kind, that is not generous, that is not fun loving. If you hate traveling, don’t contact me because great marketing is being magnetic to the right people and being repulsive to the wrong people.

[00:11:17] Ksenia Droben: I remember I made an analysis of one dating profile for one woman, and she wrote really very with big letters, only business owners. I said, you know what, just delete it because there are not so many business owners and you can lose these doctors, engineers, people with normal jobs if you write only business owners.

[00:11:38] She said, you know what, I have bad experience with engineers and doctors and so on, and I have so many matches. It was on Tinder, 5, 000 matches, so I wrote business owner on purpose because I’m so attractive for, for everybody, so I have to find a way how to sort out really something like some people write very complicated things in their dating profiles just to sort out the people they don’t want to attract.

[00:12:07] Adam Stott: Yeah, well, you should say who you want and who you don’t want and be very, very clear in that and that’s the same remarking if we’re running an ad. Yes. For an event, I’m running out saying, attention, business owners, because I want business owners, hey, business owners, stop this message is for you. So we’re actually clearly calling out the target market.

[00:12:28] That’s what we’re clearly doing. Now, we’ve got to do that in a way. Where we still use what are called inclusion statements. So inclusion statements are, say your friend, the put only business owners. Instead of putting only business owners, it’d be, Hey, I’m looking to meet somebody that perhaps is a business owner or is somebody that’s really ambitious and very entrepreneurial.

[00:12:50] Now, what have I done? I’ve gone. I’ve took the business owner profile, but then I’ve took the traits that I’m actually looking for because the traits are ambition and entrepreneurs and someone like that. Right. So that’s how she might do that in a softer way. Right. And that’s the same with marketing. You have to.

[00:13:07] So inclusion statements are. Um, let’s imagine that I’m marketing, um, and I’m trying to get the attention of business owners. What’s going to happen as I’m marketing, let’s say I’m marketing a webinar or a challenge, whatever it is, and I want to go and get a message across to those people. What will happen when I say, Hey, business owners or attention, business owners, or stop business owners, I’ll call their attention.

[00:13:29] I’ll have their attention for the next five, 10 seconds because I called them out. And then they’ll go, but is this just for big business owners is this, this isn’t for small business owners, or I’m too big for this. And what they’re doing is they’re, they’re going to go, well, is this for, they’re always trying to look, is this for me or is this not for me, which will bring me to one of the most important things in market in a moment.

[00:13:50] So what I would do is I would use an inclusion statement says, Hey, you might be a very, very small business looking to grow. You might be a really big business. It’s looking for your next competitive edge, or you could be somewhere in between. And now I’ve used an inclusion statement to talk to all three markets, which is the startup, the grow up and the scale up.

[00:14:10] Yeah. So I’ve spoke to all three with one statement and you can do that during dating as well. And, and the way you, but the most important thing anyway, we’d mark him. We’re dating because the same thing you are literally marketing a product or service. And in this case, if you’re dating, you are the product or service.

[00:14:27] Yes, you are. This is important. We could talk about sharpening you up as well, which is important. You sell

[00:14:33] Ksenia Droben: yourself.

[00:14:33] Adam Stott: You are the products of service, which is what makes people feel uncomfortable, both in business and in dating. Because if you’re a personal brand, people get really uncomfortable with that too.

[00:14:41] That’s a different conversation. Anyhow, what’s the most important thing? The most important thing is everybody’s favorite radio station is W I I F M. What’s in it for me? That’s their favorite radio station. So when you’re marketing, you need to make sure you get that across. So the way you get that across is you You know, not only do you say what you’re looking for, but you look like what you can bring.

[00:15:08] What can you bring to the table in the relationship? Hey, you know, my ideal partners can be someone that loves going out having fun that, you know, is not sat on the sofa all week, but actually wants to go out to dinner, wants to go to theater, wants to do exciting things. And whoever I’m in a relationship with, they are going to have a life of fun because that’s what I’m all about.

[00:15:26] Now that will not suit everybody, but will suit some of you. So if you are somebody that enjoys having fun, going nice places, doing cool things, we should definitely connect and have a conversation.

[00:15:34] Ksenia Droben: Yeah, true. Uh, online dating, you know, I’m a matchmaker, so I have people who read information, but in online dating, the problem is they just look at the photos and don’t read necessarily what’s written, uh, written in the profiles.

[00:15:47] It’s obvious, everybody knows it. So what I recommend that, uh, if, uh, If, uh, for online waiting to market yourself and to show who you are, if you said, I like sport, you have to show that you like sport, you have to be on the ski. If you say, I like nice restaurants, you have to show the picture where you’re dining very smart.

[00:16:08] If you say, you know, what’s adventurous, you know. I don’t know, paragliding or something absolutely crazy showing this testosterone and ability to risk.

[00:16:18] Adam Stott: Absolutely. Love that. Yeah. So your visual imagery needs to match your copywriting. So if you look at it like that, right? So you, you know, you’ve got, um, so this is an important thing.

[00:16:28] When you think about marketing in business, you’ve got copy, which is your copywriting, which is usually going to sit at the top of the ad. You’ve got your creative. Which is your actual imagery that you’re going to use which can be creative in terms of images or it can be creative in terms of videos and that’s going to sit here and then you’ve got your call to action so I would say that whether you are marketing your business or marketing yourself make sure you’ve got good copywriting you describe things well and look you could go and take a look A creative writing course that will cost you a hundred quid be lots of fun or whatever or 500 quid if you want to go on a really advanced one and actually do some creative writing.

[00:17:05] You could, uh, you could go and read a couple of books, which could cost you 30 quid on creative writing and actually improve yourself in that area. You could go and take a photography course so you could look at good imagery or whatever to improve yourself, but you can improve your marketing. As a person in dating the same as you can improve your marketing as a business.

[00:17:24] Now, this sounds like a lot of effort and a lot of people won’t want to make the effort. But this is what I want to say to people from the dating perspective. In front of the business. Yeah. Well, yeah, yeah. Well, actually, it’s still, it’s just always both really, which is really random. But what do you want to end up with?

[00:17:40] Because you know what? 50 percent of your time. You spend at work 50 percent of the time you spend at home, right? With you, you know, a very small amount. That’s not quite the stats, but a lot of time is spent at work. A lot of time is spent at home. That’s where you spend the most of your time. So you got to do what you love and it’s helpful if you actually enjoy being around your partner, right?

[00:17:59] Because if you don’t, you don’t, don’t give for a good life. Right. So it’s much, much better now to really make sure you get a mega partner, someone you’re really happy with, uh, rather than you have it in a relationship after relationship, after relationship, after relationship that don’t work. So take a little bit of short term pain to do it right.

[00:18:18] For the long term gain rather than keep making the same mistakes over and over again.

[00:18:22] Ksenia Droben: Absolutely agree. I remember having conversation with one guy who said that he choose his current partner not because she’s great because she’s amazing because he was so tired of all these dates and dates and endless dates without any results to something like she’s.

[00:18:38] She’s okay. I’m taking her just, just because, you know, I, I can’t be bothered to search any longer because you know, it’s, it’s, it’s really crazy. And just because, because people have no

[00:18:50] Adam Stott: idea, I hope, I hope she didn’t,

[00:18:52] Ksenia Droben: she doesn’t know it. I hope, I hope he’s clever enough, don’t have a show about, about his conclusion.

[00:18:59] She must feel special. Yeah.

[00:19:02] Adam Stott: Yeah.

[00:19:03] Ksenia Droben: I hope he has enough, enough intelligence. Don’t tell her everything what she thinks about you. I hope so. I don’t know. I don’t know his relationship. Probably she’s agree. Uh, but you know, this is really interesting thing because in terms of business, it’s, it’s simpler. Uh, uh, but, uh, about photos, I constantly see your adverts on Facebook for the books likes me and correlate me in this.

[00:19:26] But every time I react. Even I know and I know what’s about and probably I was already in this course, I, I, I, but it’s still something the photo should be like, even people know you, they still stop him. What’s, what is it right now? What Adam is, is trying to, trying to tell us and exactly this thing I tried to explain to my clients that people should stop seeing your photo.

[00:19:54] It should be really for second, something like, something special on the photo. Really something special that people stop, you know, scrolling

[00:20:02] Adam Stott: or, yeah, attention grabber. Yeah. Yes.

[00:20:04] Ksenia Droben: Some, some, some emotional, but most, most people, especially elder people, 50, you know, 50 plus is not elder, but, uh, elder people, they think I’m not young enough to make some funny photos.

[00:20:18] I’m. old enough, uh, not, uh, I’m really too old and too intelligent and I’m high professional to go to photographer and take photos for their, uh, dating profile. And they miss so many opportunities. And I see it in some business owners because they post their photos on their, on their websites of themselves that you want to cry.

[00:20:41] You don’t want to spend any money with them. You want just to, you know, try with them and, uh,

[00:20:47] Adam Stott: Yeah, I, I, I think that marketing, um, in general is about whether it’s business or relationships is about getting a message across. And starting the conversation. So I always say that marketing isn’t selling marketing is getting someone to take the next step.

[00:21:05] So in this case, if we grab their attention with an image is to get them to look at that image is to get them to read that copywriting is to get them to click to potentially consider. But actually the sales part is the call to action. How are we going to call them to action? How are we going to close the deal?

[00:21:18] Et cetera, et cetera. So when somebody is marketing themselves, they’re marketing to grab attention and if they’re not grabbing attention, but what it really says to me in both, both of the chats that we’ve had so far. is that there’s a hell of a lot of products that could be created off the back of this.

[00:21:35] There’s photography products. There’s photography courses. Uh, there’s different imagery that can be created. There’s copywriting. We’ll write your profile. All of these different things is from a position. If everyone’s struggling with these, Cassandra, I would be looking at how do I create products can make their day in life easier.

[00:21:51] Ksenia Droben: We do all these services. We help them. Because what, what I noticed, I probably, this is the difference between business owners and single people, because most business owners, they’re still ready to learn something new because it’s, it’s their money. The more they know, the more money they can earn potentially.

[00:22:08] With singles, they, um, many of them and most of them, they don’t want to learn. They want to get results now.

[00:22:16] Adam Stott: I can understand that. So find them ways and show them ways to get results now, because that’d be really cool. You know, to, to, to help them get that result faster.

[00:22:23] Ksenia Droben: I remember, I remember as a couple of years ago, I made something like a Christmas present.

[00:22:30] I said, send me your photo, and I will send what I see on the photos like a man, you know, it was for, for women, like, like men. What they see and why men don’t react on your photos? Why, why not this, uh, triggering? Uh, there were 130 women who sent me the photos. I sent to every of them video, um, I don’t know, report, what I see, video report to every photo.

[00:22:56] 130 women. Only two of them really, uh, went to photography and, uh, made new photos.

[00:23:04] Adam Stott: Did that really well. Yeah.

[00:23:06] Ksenia Droben: Yeah. Amazing. You know, amazing. You know, and after it, I said, I don’t, I don’t do it anymore. If you want, if you want to get this information, this report on my opinion, it’s only for money. I don’t do it for free anymore.

[00:23:18] Yeah. Yeah.

[00:23:19] Adam Stott: Yeah. Which should be a product in itself. Yeah, for sure.

[00:23:22] Ksenia Droben: Yeah. But yeah, but uh, it’s, it’s exactly like in business. That’s why I enjoy our conversation so much because it’s absolutely the same, the same problems you have with your, With your kids, with your business owners and I have with my kids, with my singles.

[00:23:38] Um, I want, I forgot what I wanted to ask. Do you think, uh, do you think it’s, uh, in terms of business, in terms of, um, um, dating, do you think it’s, it makes sense to search for the right person for the right match from the beginning? Do you think? Oh. Or, uh, do it as a funnel to get many people in your, in your audience, and then sort out and search for the right one.

[00:24:12] What’s, what do, uh, being, uh, um, search, very, very careful.

[00:24:19] Adam Stott: Yeah. If I look at it from a business perspective, the whole point is the funnel, we only want to put the right people in the funnel anyway. So when you’re building a funnel, it’s about putting the right. The right avatar, the right prospect into that funnel.

[00:24:32] So yes, you should build a funnel. Um, it’s going to funnel people through and, and, and you, but you, what you’re really doing, if you were dating is your market, but you’re making sure the conversations you have are with the right people. You don’t want to just be feeding anyone in. If you know that they’re not the type of person you’re looking for, it would be better for us to speak to 20 people that are right.

[00:24:52] Then have 50 people in that weren’t right. So it’s actually better to funnel the right people to the right conversations with you because you’re going to find someone that resonates with you much, much quicker, I would imagine.

[00:25:04] Ksenia Droben: I remember you said many times in the coaching sessions about, uh, that you cannot be a business owner if you don’t know your numbers and what you said, it’s really correlated with numbers because in terms of dating, in terms of dating, numbers is time.

[00:25:20] Adam Stott: Yeah.

[00:25:20] Ksenia Droben: Time we spent with, uh, wrong people, time we spent on the dating platforms, time we spent on doing some things related with, uh, with dating. So it’s absolutely like this funnel. If you have right people in your funnel, in your platform. I don’t know, between your clients, between your dating clients, it’s easier to find the right one.

[00:25:42] And if there’s randomly people, it’s, will be a lot of time spent to, uh, to find the right person. Yeah.

[00:25:49] Adam Stott: And I would 100 percent say that if you, when you talk about funnel in business and you talk about funnel in dating, um, you know, as I said, I’m in a relationship now, but when I was dating, I wouldn’t want to go and speak to a hundred people.

[00:26:03] I want to speak to five of the right. People and that would be it. You know, five people that thought could be right. You want to be having. Yeah, it’s because again, time is short. You don’t want to be just spending your time constantly having conversations with random people. You want to be talking to the people that you could be could be right.

[00:26:21] You know, it could be right for you. Um, so you want to narrow that down for sure and be much more targeted. In your approach. And, you know, again, it’s a conversation of really, really enjoyed and, um, marketing yourself. If we wrap that up into just say five ways that you can, you can market yourself the first way being number one, you’ve got to be very clear on when it comes to marketing your business on who it is that you are trying to reach.

[00:26:46] And we’ve got the same dating. We’re definitely aligned on this one. You’ve then got to understand number two, what that person, um, yeah. He’s what’s driving that person. You know, is that what did they want? Number three, you’ve got to look at yourself and you’ve got to say, can I provide a product or service that souls number two?

[00:27:06] Or can I be the man? Can I be the girl that is going to be the person that’s going to solve number two as well? From there, we’ve got to make sure that when we market ourselves, we market ourselves with the Good writing, good imagery and good call to action to present ourselves in the right way. And we’ve got to keep that that open mind where we don’t speak to hundreds of people.

[00:27:27] We speak only to the right prospects in business, the right prospects in relationships. And if people lean into those five, they’re going to start to get much better results in their business or their relationships. I think that really helps. Would you take us in on that?

[00:27:41] Ksenia Droben: Thank you so much for sending so much advice because it was really helpful and it brings more structure and more system for singles because most of them, uh, they think, okay, photo is more, uh, very important or the text and profile is very important, but it’s really understand.

[00:27:55] I sell myself, I buy. I buy some product, but I sell myself, and if you see it seriously like adults, you, you can, you can do it because there are only simple steps. Thank you so much.

[00:28:06] Adam Stott: Brilliant. Well, I hope you’ve enjoyed that episode of Business Growth Secrets. And what are you thinking of the, the dynamic aspects of business and relationships?

[00:28:14] Obviously so important and so much synergy. Uh, if you enjoyed This episode and you’ve you’ve loved seeing Cassandra on go and tell us in the comments or go and leave us a review. It only takes a few seconds. Just a quick, quick move of the finger to go and click the three dots and go and give us a review for the podcast.

[00:28:33] Hope you’ve loved it. Hope you’ve enjoyed it and got lots of value. And I look forward to seeing you. On the next episode of business growth secrets. Hi everybody, Adam here, and I hope you loved today’s episode. I hope you thought it was fabulous. And if you did, I’d like to ask you a small favor. Could you jump over and go and give the podcast a review?

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