Episode 377: Can You Really Have It All?

The question of whether one can have an amazing business, financial success, free personal time, and great relationships is often met with skepticism.

In this episode, Adam Stott together with Ksenia Droben, dives deep into the enticing question, “Can you really have it all?” Ksenia highlights the challenges her successful clientele face in dating, providing insights on how one can overcome these hurdles.

Through personal anecdotes and professional advice, Ksenia offers a deep dive into optimizing one’s time and making intentional choices to cultivate a fulfilling life.

Show Highlights:

  • Adam underscores the importance of using a calendar to schedule not just business activities but also personal time and relationships. Advanced planning and sticking to a structured calendar are key.
  • To find time for everything, Adam emphasizes delegating tasks and focusing on high-priority activities that “move the needle” in business and personal life.
  • A successful relationship requires effort and time. Scheduling time for your partner and family is essential to nurture these bonds.
  • Understand what you truly want from life and relationships. Prioritize activities and people that align with those desires.
  • Ksenia and Adam discuss the importance of genuine connections in relationships, rather than being driven solely by external attributes like wealth.

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Please note this is a verbatim transcription from the original audio and therefore may include some minor grammatical errors.

[00:00:00] Adam Stott: Can you really have it all? Can you have an amazing business and tons of money as well as having your free time, your family time, a great relationship and just a literally a live your dream life. That is what this episode is all about. is exploring. So come on in. Let’s go and listen to business growth secrets today.

[00:00:20] And the topic is, can you really have it all?

[00:00:23] Ksenia Droben: Is it really possible to have it all to find time for everything?

[00:00:26] Adam Stott: And I know loads of people that are really successful, that are millionaires, that are celebrities that are successful in their businesses. They all run their lives from a calendar and people are like, well, I can’t be bothered to do that.

[00:00:36] Well, fine. Don’t start a business. Don’t meet a partner and get stuck into not your nine to five the rest of your life or change. What do you want to do?

[00:00:48] So welcome back Ksenia. We’ve got Ksenia with us again today. I’ve loved the episodes We’ve done so so far. They’ve been loads of fun. Really really enjoyable And I think it’s been really good the different topics that we’ve been discussing got another great one today Which is can you really have it all?

[00:01:05] Oh, obviously I’m training business owners and entrepreneurs, uh, constantly and in the masses. And, and some of them have amazing relationships. Some of them don’t have relationships. Some of them single, uh, some of them have different things going on in their life. And you’re obviously coaching and training people on how to.

[00:01:21] Find their dream partners, how to date better, how to meet the right people in your matchmaking as well. So I think this is going to be a really, really good episode. I know you’ve got some questions for me that we’re gonna discuss. So should we jump right in?

[00:01:34] Ksenia Droben: Yeah. Thank you so much for inviting me once again.

[00:01:38] And really interesting topic because I work with successful people. Because matchmaking, it’s a luxury. And to pay for matchmaker, you have to have money. And many of my clients They are business owners, males and females. And many of them, they say, I have no time for dating. So they are quite successful in their business.

[00:01:59] I don’t know. It’s, it’s always the question. What do I understand under success? Money on being busy. It’s another question, but they, they. Cannot find the right person because they think they have no time for it. Yeah. What do you think about it? Because you are successful businessman and you are in relationship and you have a child.

[00:02:20] Yeah. Is it possible? Is it really possible to have it all to find time for everything?

[00:02:24] Adam Stott: It really is possible to have it all. Having it all at once is. Perhaps a different conversation. So what we need to talk about and probably unpack, unpick is, you know, the structure of that. I think the first part of your question around time is an important one.

[00:02:41] Look, we all have the only thing in life that is equal is the amount of time we have during a day. I’m not the amount of time you have during a lifetime because some people live to be 100 and some people unfortunately don’t right so that is an equal but the 24 hours in a day we all have are common and there are people business owners non business owners entrepreneurs people that are in show business in whatever in all different walks of life that achieve a lot during their day and there are people that Don’t cheat very much and a high achiever versus a low achiever typically will use their time better.

[00:03:19] So when somebody says, I haven’t got the time for anything, it’s usually an excuse in some way, shape or form. It means that you’re not making the time for the thing that we are discussing on off and I’ve done this at events many, many a time where I’ve turned around. I’ve said, Hey, uh, Someone says, like, I don’t have the time.

[00:03:39] I was like, Hey, have you managed to watch, uh, uh, Netflix recently? There was this, uh, cool series on with, you know, whatever the series is at the time. I remember the one I had a big room in here. Actually, we have 50 people in here and I’m like, Hey, how many of you watch, uh, baby reindeer? Raise your hand if you have and every single person in the room put the hand up and I said, Well, hang on.

[00:03:59] I thought you didn’t have the time, but you found 9 10 hours to watch that, didn’t you? So it’s not about having the time. It is like literally some piece is making the time deploying the time and using the time in the right way. I personally believe that you Can have a really good relationship and still be a business owner.

[00:04:23] Um, I, I really do believe that. I think that I’ve run businesses now since 2008 and I’ve been in, I don’t think I’ve, I think maybe for the first six months of running my first ever business, I was single. And then I’ve had a couple of periods where I’ve been single for six months or a year, but I’ve always been in a relationship and I’ve been running businesses and that doesn’t mean I’ve always done it right.

[00:04:47] But it doesn’t mean I’ve always been in relationships. You know, I’ve definitely done it wrong. So in in the early years of running a business, I’ll tell you now what I do now to try and maintain this because I’m not saying I’m perfect, but I think I’ve definitely got a better handle on it now than what I did have when I started.

[00:05:03] And when I started off running a business, I probably didn’t make the time for the relationships that I was in. And I Because of that, those relationships, it caused conflict. I would stay at work late, which meant that I would not be spending as much time with the person I was with that would cause problems, uh, would make them not feel as cared about, which then caused conflicts in, in the relationship.

[00:05:28] I would go to work earlier, which also was an issue and you then become those passing ships in the night that don’t see each other. So I’ve definitely been that person that has sacrificed relationships for businesses where a relationship probably would have lasted longer. Had I not actually been in the business because I just spent all my time in the business rather than in the relationship.

[00:05:49] But now the truth is, Hey, everyone, hope you’re enjoying the podcast. We’ve got a free training that I’m doing right now online from the comfort of your own home called Stand Out Brand. What this does is it shows business owners how to get noticed on social media, stand out. Get more leads and get more sales.

[00:06:07] So if you want to make more money in your business, head over to adamstop. com forward slash SOB. That’s adamstop. com forward slash SOB and join us on the free three day workshop. Stand out brand. Do I regret that? Truth is No, I don’t. No I don’t. Because

[00:06:27] Ksenia Droben: you shouldn’t.

[00:06:28] Adam Stott: No, no I don’t.

[00:06:28] Ksenia Droben: Because if this person couldn’t keep up with your pace , maybe it wasn’t the right person.

[00:06:34] Yeah,

[00:06:34] Adam Stott: it was. It was. And truth, it was like test. Yeah, absolutely. And the truth is that wasn’t the right person because if I didn’t want to dump what I’m, if I didn’t wanna say, you know what, I’m gonna work on that tomorrow ’cause I need to go and spend time with my partner. They’re probably not the right partner, and they’re probably not the person I was enjoying spending the time with as much than what I might do now, because I actually enjoy being with my partner and doing things because she’s fun, right?

[00:06:57] And I enjoy having spending time and having fun with her, right? So I think that it’s a choice. I think that we have to make that choice consciously. And I actually said this on a, on a podcast recently, that every, every single person I know that is successful runs their life by calendar. And I like literally run that every person I know, and I know loads of people that are really successful, that are millionaires, that are celebrities that are successful in their businesses that have just been, you know, really successful in different areas.

[00:07:26] They all run their lives from a calendar. And in my calendar, I will put in my calendar. The holidays that we’re going to have the time out that we’re going to have, you know, in terms of my relationship, we talk about personal relationship as well as the time I have with my son relationship. I booked that time out of my calendar.

[00:07:43] And I think that that’s something that everybody should look to do. The bottom line is your your personal relationship is like a garden. And if you don’t water it and you don’t tend to it and you don’t take care of it, it’s going to die, right? You know, you want your garden to be flourishing and blossom in and be a nice place.

[00:08:02] You don’t want it to be like plants dying, right? And if you don’t go and spend time in your relationship, And that probably is going to be what happens to it. So you’ve got to make sure you tend to your relationship. You look after it, you spend time on it. And that’s definitely something that I do now that I probably didn’t do in the past.

[00:08:17] Ksenia Droben: I think it’s a great idea to plan everything in the calendar, even time with children, because most of the time, especially, especially women’s, uh, women’s struggle. So she’s, she’s trying to run a business. The child come from the school and she tries to jungle between having lunch, running a business, answering the call.

[00:08:39] But if the child knows, okay, mom is busy from this time till this time, even if she works at home, that’s all. Don’t open the door, even don’t start conversation, feed yourself from the fridge and survive if you can.

[00:08:54] Adam Stott: If you can, but yeah, we might, we, we might wanna water that relationship a little bit more, but , but we, uh, typically what I would say is this is, is my entire calendar runs around, um, my relationship with my son, so nothing gets booked.

[00:09:13] He’s the first booking in the calendar. Every event gets planned around that. Every meeting gets planned around that. He goes in first. Everything else goes in second and third, right? And that’s how, that’s why I do it. So Miranda, who plans my personal calendar, my PA is everything gets planned around by time of semi.

[00:09:31] Ksenia Droben: Yes, because you made another very important task to find the time you delegated everything you can.

[00:09:37] Adam Stott: Oh, absolutely. Yeah. Delegate everything you can, which is another thing that you Not everyone’s in that situation when they can do that, but everybody can have a calendar. I mean, if any was, I’ll tell you what, if anyone were to just take a big lesson out of this podcast, it would be open up your calendar.

[00:09:56] If you haven’t got a calendar, start a calendar and start planning your time and start living. Like literally, I can promise you, and obviously I know there’s lots of different people that listen to this. So people that listen to this are really successful. There’s people that listen to this at the beginning.

[00:10:12] There’s people that listen to this that don’t feel successful and say to themselves, they’re not successful. But let me tell you, every single person I know that is runs their life. Based on a calendar. Now you could get your calendar up right now. You can get a calendar, whether that be outlook calendar.

[00:10:29] You want to get a calendar app and you just start to plan your days and plan your weeks in advance. The more successful you are, the further in advance you are. For example, like my, my entire calendar. Yeah. Next year is planned already, right? Like forward planned. Everything is full planned. Everything’s booked out and they’re constantly trying to find spaces to do certain things.

[00:10:53] And I live my life by the calendar. And I think that that is the big thing that people should do. And what would I say to put in there? We’ll put say you’ve got, uh, let’s say that someone’s listened to this and they are,

[00:11:04] Ksenia Droben: can you, can you, can you give 15 minutes? Uh, yeah, I

[00:11:09] Adam Stott: definitely do this. Let’s say first of all, we’ve got, yeah.

[00:11:13] A personal window. They say someone’s listening. They say they’re 30 years old. They work for someone else. They want to start a business and they’re single and they want to go dating. What would my advice to be to them? My advice would be start your calendar, put your work out immediately. So this is what I would do if I was that person.

[00:11:30] I would book eight hours a day out your calendar for your working time in your travel time. And travel home, I would put business education, dating education, and then I’d vice versa it on each day. So that meant that they were listening an hour in the morning as they travel to work about dating and how to get better at dating.

[00:11:51] They did their day at work and then on the way home, they would listen to business education about how to start a business. And that would be feeding their mind on the two topics they want around their work. Okay. Then what I would calendarize is I’d put an hour in the diary, maybe two evenings a week, um, on business education, like hang, hey, or business, uh, business planning.

[00:12:14] I’m going to plan my business. I’m going to start this. I’m going to get my website done. I get my logo done. I’m going to look at my target market and I’m going to build all these different things out. And then I would probably leave Wednesday and Friday available for date time. Hey, you know, I’m going to spend an hour a day on dating apps and you can put that in and then I’m going to have time free on Wednesdays and Fridays to go dating.

[00:12:34] And then I’ll put the weekend in. Saturday, you can have complete free time. Okay. And then Sunday you can have complete free time, but you’ve got a structured week. Now that person will become massively more productive. Now, the problem is there’ll be people listening, going. Would you do that? I actually would do that.

[00:12:49] Well, that is actually what I would do. And then people are like, well, I can’t be bothered to do that. Well, fine. Don’t start a business. Don’t meet a partner and get stuck into your nine to five for the rest of your life or change. What do you want to do? Now, if you really want to change and you’ll do it.

[00:13:04] And if you don’t want to change, then you won’t. And that’s okay. But that’s the difference between somebody that really wants and goes after their dreams and goals and somebody that doesn’t. It’s not an accident. Nobody’s successful by accident. Nobody’s ever successful by accident. They are successful by design and by what they travel towards.

[00:13:22] So somebody listening, you can’t say you’ve not been told now. That’s what I’ll say.

[00:13:27] Ksenia Droben: And another advice. I heard it a couple of times about 15 minutes, 15 minutes. Yeah.

[00:13:32] Adam Stott: So, so then let’s give the advice then to somebody. And now we’re spinning to somebody else to

[00:13:36] Ksenia Droben: find, to find the time to make, to make the time.

[00:13:38] Adam Stott: Okay, cool. So let’s say that your business, let’s give this advice to a business owner. No,

[00:13:42] Ksenia Droben: I think for everybody, because everyone, how to, because many people say, uh, what, what I hear from my singles, I would like to, to do more exercises, but I have no time. I would like to go to the theater more often, but I have no time.

[00:13:56] All this excuse about having no time. It doesn’t matter if you’re, if it’s about dating, if it’s about business, it’s generally most

[00:14:03] Adam Stott: people. So for everyone, one of my coaches, coach Marco, um, I was, Harold was I, I was probably about 29. I’d got to the point where my business, I’d started a business at 25.

[00:14:16] It’d grown massively. It was at that point, it was doing about 13. Plus million a year. Um, we’d grown to about 70 staff. I had about four sites. I was just found out I was going to have a baby. Um, and, and literally I was just manic and I felt overwhelmed and I felt like I had no time. And Marco said to me, okay, this is what I want you to do.

[00:14:41] I want you to get your calendar. And at that point I wouldn’t have got to 30 million pound a year. If I weren’t running my life by calendar, so I had a calendar said, what I want you to do now is I want you to print off your calendar every single day, which I did. And he said, for the next 14 days, I want you to take your calendar.

[00:14:57] Because when you print off, when you look at your Outlook current calendar. It’s done in 30 minute blocks. So one hour is two 30 minute blocks and your whole day is running these little blocks, like 30 minute blocks, but you can make those 30 minute blocks, 15 minutes, right? So what he said is what I want you to do.

[00:15:15] I want you to get your calendar. I want to print it off and I want you to put it on your desk every single day. And when you go into the business that day, I want you to do what’s on your calendar, but I want you to write in the available 15 minute segments, everything you do 15 minutes a day, every single day for 14 days, you’ve only got to do it for 14 days.

[00:15:35] And in 14 days time, we’ll get on another coaching call and we’ll analyze what you’ve done. Is it is the caveat, no matter what you did in that 15 minutes, whether you went for a walk. Whether you looked at Sky Sports for 15 minutes, whether you did absolutely nothing, whether you stared out a window, right?

[00:15:52] Whatever it is, I want you to write it down and you’ve got to have the discipline to write down the different things that you’re doing. So I did and I wrote down that I was on Sky Sports for 15 minutes. You know, I watched this. I did that. And very quickly, I realized I was burning three or four hours a day on nothing from my productivity.

[00:16:11] When I went back to that, he said, what have you learned? I said, well, I’ve learned that I’ve probably got three, four hours a day that I didn’t think I had. And he said, well, how are we going to deploy that three, four hours a day? And then we looked at ways that I could become more productive with that three, four hours a day.

[00:16:24] And one of the things One of my strengths that I would say is I am productive. Um, I don’t, I get stuff done. I’m focused. And that definitely is one of my strengths now. And part of that was due to what Marco called. Now that exercise is something which I’ve talked to our clients, like Cassini, as you say, and it’s called time blocking.

[00:16:44] So it’s about black blocking the time out of your calendar and really taking a deep dive, um, analysis on yourself. And what I would add to that. Is all successful people, all people, whether you’re successful, not successful, whatever have the same time I gave you on another podcast. I said, if in the last 20 years, Elon Musk can revolutionize the payment history of the Internet, he can, you know, He can basically create Google Maps via zip to which he did if he can revolutionize the entire car industry and put infrastructure for electric vehicles all around the world, if he can launch rockets to the moon, if he can start open AI.

[00:17:27] And chat GPT, he can do robotics and build advanced robots, and he could do that in 20 years. What have you done in the last 20 years? And I think what it shows is that most people are not using the time that they actually have to do things productive. So and then I’ll give you another one of my mentors a bit of a lesson on time.

[00:17:46] Is that Sarah always says to me, make sure she what she’s always said to me. She’s amazing. And she’s, you know, knows how much I appreciate her is whatever you do. You’ve got to make sure it’s moving the needle, right? So the so the things that you do have got to move the needle. What that means is, let’s say we’ve got eight hours in a day.

[00:18:04] It’s not about me doing 22 crappy tasks because 22 crappy tasks. Uh, just things day to day. It needs to get done. What are three things that move the needle? And this is actually something that has got me very comfortable and actually much more relaxed with how I use my time because I’ll come into work and I’m like, I don’t have to do 80 things and make myself proud.

[00:18:28] What I have to do is one, two or three things that are going to move the needle and actually make a difference to this business or whatever business in the long term. So it’s about identifying what are those needle movers attacking them and getting them done. So I’ll give you an example. Um, the, the podcast, I was a, can you have it all?

[00:18:47] Well, you want a relationship. So what’s a needle mover? On, on the relationship. Well, a needle mover would be, well, you’re going to need that profile done online. If you’ve been sitting on it, just get it done. Right. Because that moves the needle that gets you in the game. Hey, another needle mover would be going out and going on those dates.

[00:19:05] Why would that be a needle mover? Well, because you’ve got much more chance of meeting some of you in front of someone. Right. And another needle mover would be, you know, uh, in your business would be, yeah. Go and register the company, register the domain, get the website done, go out and start networking, having conversations, doing these different things to make sure the stuff that you do with your time is going to move the needle in the task that you do.

[00:19:27] Ksenia Droben: Yeah, great. Uh, I have another question. I quite personal, maybe, uh, um, many women, many women, uh, women, mostly, uh, they are obsessed, uh, with searching for successful men, but as we discussed in a previous episode that it’s not only what I want to find. It’s what this person want to, to be successful in dating.

[00:19:49] It’s not what sell and buy at the same time. From your personal experience, because you and your friends are successful. Mostly men, what I saw on the, on the reels, uh, you post what successful men want to in dating.

[00:20:06] Adam Stott: Uh, that’s, I think it varies and I think it’s different. I know what I want. Um, and I, and I do think it varies.

[00:20:14] I think what I definitely value in a person is in terms of somebody that I’d want to go out with, which is very different and it’s changed over the years, but what I definitely value now, somebody that’s kind. Somebody that’s giving, somebody that’s generous, somebody that’s nice. Um, and, and that’s what I like personally now, but I’ve been through the, where I want something that’s fiery and dynamic and I want that kind of stuff.

[00:20:40] I don’t want that kind of energy around me now. The kind of energy I want is kind energy, nice energy. And that’s what I’m looking for is somebody that’s, uh, I’m not looking for it because I’ve got it, but I’m happy with, uh, Who I’m with and she’s amazing in that she’s kind and generous and giving and loving.

[00:20:56] And I think that’s what you, what I personally want. Now, I think that it’s subjective, different people. I’ve got, I’ve got friends of mine that are successful, that they just want somebody that’s, you know, a 10. Yeah, and they don’t care if that person’s personality. Now, I think my girlfriend is a ten ring.

[00:21:17] She’s beautiful. She’s very beautiful. Yeah. But she’s also got, she’s also kind. Yeah. And for me, that’s what makes a difference. And I think that, you know, That’s personally what I like. I can’t, I can’t say I can speak for all successful men, because I think also I think everybody’s different. I do just generally think everybody’s different.

[00:21:36] I will say this is what I’ve noticed, which I think is really sad, not sad. What I don’t like. Because I’ve got, I’ve got a lot of successful friends, is that some people think that women want them only for their money. And I actually think that that isn’t true, from what I’ve seen, is that all the, all the girls I’ve been out with I’ve never really felt like somebody is literally with me for money.

[00:22:01] They might be with me because they enjoy the lifestyle and they enjoy that type of thing. But I haven’t ever had someone ask me for money and go, Oh, can you give me this? Or can you give me, I’ve never had something like that would be a major. I’ll just be like, listen, if you want stuff out of life, you gave yourself, but I’m more giving anyway.

[00:22:17] That they wouldn’t have to ask that I’d want to give to him anyway, so it’s, but I’ve never met somebody that’s, uh, that I would call money grab or somebody that’s tried to, I

[00:22:25] Ksenia Droben: can explain to you why, because you’re not afraid of meeting gold diggers.

[00:22:29] Adam Stott: I’m not.

[00:22:30] Ksenia Droben: Yeah, but you know, and men, especially men with money, who are afraid of meeting gold diggers, they meet them because they’re afraid of, they are afraid of them.

[00:22:37] Yeah, I’m not

[00:22:37] Adam Stott: afraid of it because it is, I would, I’m confident enough to, to, to have a conversation about that and call that out.

[00:22:44] Ksenia Droben: And say no, say no, if you don’t, if you don’t like something. Yeah, yeah, absolutely. It’s very important not only get yeses from different people, but you know, this personal borders and this ability to say no, if you don’t like something.

[00:22:58] I had a situation a couple of, not a couple of times, constantly men pay for something, then they feel uncomfortable because they paid more than they wanted. And then they started, uh, start complaining. And I always say, why you didn’t say no before you paid. If you, if you know, they’re

[00:23:17] Adam Stott: worried that they’re going to run away.

[00:23:18] We’ll let them run away. We’ll be mom on set. Yeah. They just

[00:23:22] Ksenia Droben: pay for, for some expensive things because they’re afraid to lose this women. You know, it’s, it’s self confidence and you know, so I think generally men who are not afraid of gold diggers, like in your situation with, uh, self esteem with high self esteem, it’s, they don’t meet such people because I don’t,

[00:23:39] Adam Stott: I personally, and I also think, I think it’s a bit sad that I do know certain men that are like, Oh yeah, you know, yeah, but they want, they just want money or whatever.

[00:23:51] I actually just think like, mate, like. There’s loads of people who got more money than you. I’m sure they’re probably target someone else. If that’s what they’re bothered about is like some, some people are so obsessed with, with that, that is very, very destructive. And actually it closes doors. You know what?

[00:24:07] Take people for who they are. If you don’t like them, Don’t entertain them and if they do then do and it’s so being but you can’t sit around walk around and be afraid that people are out to get you it’s such a poor mindset and a poor frame of reference that it’s probably going to hurt you, you know, there’s plenty of amazing women out there.

[00:24:25] There’s plenty of amazing men out there. If you haven’t found the right one, you, you’re probably going to have to keep looking and perhaps look in different places. Right?

[00:24:33] Ksenia Droben: Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. I’m on your site and I try to explain to women that, uh, uh, first not, uh, all men see the money as real success.

[00:24:43] Because there’s always somebody who has more money than

[00:24:46] Adam Stott: Musk, you know, so Exactly. I do alright, but then there’s people who’ve got 180 foot yachts out there. So, you know, they’re probably, if they’re a gold digger, they’d probably be better off shooting for that. You

[00:24:56] Ksenia Droben: know what

[00:24:57] Adam Stott: I mean? So

[00:24:59] Ksenia Droben: you have to say, sorry love, I’m not good much for gold diggers, I have not enough money.

[00:25:05] So search for somebody who is more, who is richer than I am. I, I don’t have enough. Well, it’s, what’s really interesting conversation because, um, you know, but I, what you said that, uh, you feel sad about people who estimate each other only on terms of money. And I feel really sad. Uh, I also feel sad about this man who, um, think.

[00:25:32] Or afraid of women wanting their money only. But there is some psychological thing that men who say that women want money only, they sell, see themselves only as men, uh, money provider. They don’t, don’t, don’t have own values or they still think they don’t have values. I

[00:25:51] Adam Stott: think it’s perfectly natural. for women’s who want to be with a man that’s ambitious and successful and has a good lifestyle and can afford to provide.

[00:26:01] I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that. And, um, you know, I think that as, as long as it’s a two way street and they bring great things to the relationship, then I think that’s a really good thing. And if, and if someone is like that and they get a great lifestyle and they’re very caring and kind, which I said, which was important.

[00:26:18] Then I think that’s a great match. You know, you’ve got a caring, kind, loving person with somebody that is going to look after them and they’re going to have a great relationship together. I think that’s amazing. The problem in the breakdown is is if that person that wants a great lifestyle that wants to do all these great things and have all these great things but doesn’t care about the man there with and isn’t kind and isn’t generous.

[00:26:38] Well, then that’s the wrong kind of woman and a man has to be strong enough to go. You’re not the right type of woman for me.

[00:26:43] Ksenia Droben: Thank you so much for your time. Thank you for thank you so much for your time. Yeah. Goodbye. Goodbye. But you know, I think this is, this is, uh, the, uh, crucial thing about, about dating that many people, they cannot say goodbye or, uh, what, what I teach my clients, I always say, don’t think that any relationship is forever.

[00:27:04] Because it will end at one day. One of us, one of us will die. Or we’ll, we’ll, we’ll, uh, split, uh, we finish our relationship. So it’s not forever. It’s for today. Like you said about business, you know, business, it’s about today or our life. It’s about today, not about the past, not about the future. Don’t plan too much in the future because it’s happening today.

[00:27:25] And all relationship will end one day. Yeah. Sit, sit, sit at. So you’re going to enjoy it while you’re at it. Yeah, enjoy, enjoy the moment what’s happening right now.

[00:27:38] Adam Stott: Yeah. And actually, to be fair, that’s quite a, you should enjoy the moment. If you’re not enjoying the moment and enjoying what you’re doing right now, then you have to ask yourself, like, what am I doing?

[00:27:49] What am I doing?

[00:27:50] Ksenia Droben: What am I doing? Yeah. What are you doing in terms of business, in terms of relationship, friendship, kids, and so on and so on and so on. A lot of our position in life.

[00:27:58] Adam Stott: Absolutely.

[00:27:59] Ksenia Droben: Yeah.

[00:28:00] Adam Stott: So I think the answer is that one. Can you have it all? If you make the time, you organize yourself, you do the right things, then you can have it all.

[00:28:07] Hopefully you’ve enjoyed that episode because anyhow, you’ve been amazing. I’ve loved having you on again. Uh, hasn’t she been incredible? If you really enjoyed the questions, you’ve enjoyed the topic. Tell us in the comments, we’d love to hear from you. I think hopefully you’ll find this really, really useful in terms of building your business, your life, because this is about business, but it’s also about living an amazing life.

[00:28:28] So if you’ve enjoyed, please tell us in the comments and look forward to seeing you on another episode. of Business Growth Secrets very very soon. Hey everybody, Adam here, and I hope you loved today’s episode. I hope you thought it was fabulous, and if you did I’d like to ask you a small favour. Could you jump over and go and give the podcast a review?

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