Episode 385: Essential Strategies for Building a Strong Brand

In today’s business environment, online presence plays a pivotal role, and customer reviews exert considerable influence. Understanding the dynamics between positive and negative reviews and learning how to manage them is essential for maintaining a strong brand reputation.

In this episode, Adam Stott sits down with Klaudia and together, they delve into the importance of managing brand reputation through reviews, both positive and negative. Adam shares his expert insights on how business owners can effectively handle reviews, learn from them, and optimize their brand’s public persona.

Adam and Klaudia highlight the crucial role that reviews play in today’s consumer decision-making process.

Show Highlights:

  • Identifying the right audience for your brand is crucial. Reviews, both positive and negative, can provide insights into whether you are attracting the right clientele.
  • Business owners should manage their emotions when dealing with reviews. Logical responses are more effective than emotional reactions.
  • Both good and bad reviews are gifts that provide valuable feedback. Use these insights to make meaningful improvements in your business.
  • It’s important to respond to all reviews. Thanking customers for positive feedback and addressing concerns in negative reviews can enhance brand reputation.
  • Regularly monitoring reviews and utilizing software tools can help manage and improve your brand reputation over time.

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Please note this is a verbatim transcription from the original audio and therefore may include some minor grammatical errors.

[00:00:51] Welcome back to another episode of Business Growth secrets. Everyone. I have Klaudia with us and Klaudia is our brand manager. So she’s really on the right podcast episode for sure. This is what she lives and breathes, right? And she’s going to ask me some questions. She’s going to be dialoguing with me today.

[00:01:10] And of course, some of the episodes we bring on a guest. We’ve had amazing guests throughout. Sometimes we bring on our clients. You know, we’ve had Ksenia, one of our clients on matchmaking on the podcast. We’ve had Inga on the podcast where they’ve asked questions and sometimes we bring our team. And today.

[00:01:26] Because we’re talking about reviews. I’ve got Klaudia on with me. She is our brand manager. She’s doing a fantastic job. Talk to me, Klaudia, what have you got in front of you? You’ve got some questions. I know on brand that you want to talk about, which is going to be brilliant for business owners. But you’ve also got something that you wanted to do on this episode.

[00:01:45] Klaudia: Well, Adam, one of the fabulous things that I’m picking up on is the number of positive reviews that we’re receiving on this podcast. So I thought it would be a good idea to go over them, read some out to you and see how you feel about them.

[00:01:59] Adam Stott: Yeah, brilliant. Well, this sounds like good news, right?

[00:02:02] Yeah, it’s all very good

[00:02:03] Klaudia: news. Okay. So let’s go with the first one. This one is from Kim V. Zombies. Interesting name and Kim says, I

[00:02:13] Adam Stott: don’t think that’s a real name.

[00:02:14] Klaudia: No.

[00:02:17] Adam Stott: Just

[00:02:18] Klaudia: listen to branding, creating lasting first impressions with Ksenia. I was looking for the topic of branding for business and it was good to think about it through the lens of a branding lens of branding yourself in the context of dating.

[00:02:32] It was a paradigm shift thinking about customers as suitors. I’m busy auditing our small business public persona, and I know that using this analogy is going to help me assess how attractive we are as a business. Great topic. Stick around for more.

[00:02:50] Adam Stott: I actually think that’s a brilliant review. It’s from Kim, yeah?

[00:02:54] Klaudia: This is from Kim V Zombies.

[00:02:56] Adam Stott: Kim V Zombies. Thank you for your review, sincerely. I love the way you’re looking at it. And one of the things I think is really cool about that set of episodes that we did with Ksenia is that we talked in metaphors throughout. That’s right. And it is very easy for people to understand when you have a metaphor.

[00:03:14] It’s easy for people to link up the lesson. And I think people did that in a really powerful way. So thank you for your review, Kim. And I think that’s awesome on that. We’ve got a couple more as well, right?

[00:03:23] Klaudia: We do. So the next one is from Lau L. Hopefully I’m pronouncing that right. Yeah. And she has said, It’s a must listen for anyone seeking a well rounded and captivating podcast experience.

[00:03:38] Episodes are both informative. Oh,

[00:03:42] Adam Stott: well, that’s another lovely one from Lao. So big thank you for your review there. 4. 9 out of five reviews. So, you know, pretty awesome, which is really good. So thank you very much.

[00:03:53] Klaudia: Fantastic. And we’ll do one more. This one is from Danny Roberts. A really good listen.

[00:04:00] I’m picking up some good business tips and staying motivated. from this

[00:04:05] Adam Stott: podcast. Brilliant. Thank you, Dani. I’m glad that you’re enjoying it. And I want to say a for all of you that have gone and left reviews. One of the people, one of the things that people don’t always know is that the way podcasts actually grow in rankings is through reviews.

[00:04:21] So, not only is it really good for And it’s really good for the ego, right? But it’s also, well, when they’re good, of course it’s also really good for actually getting this out to more people and getting more people to listen. And this topic today is all about reviews. So, let’s ask away, let’s go to work, Klaudia, how do business owners start to get better reviews for their business, manage their reviews, manage their mindset and so much more.

[00:04:44] And you’ve got some great questions. Let’s jump in.

[00:04:46] Klaudia: I do. Well, the first one I think really sets the tone for this.

[00:04:50] Adam Stott: Hey everyone, hope you’re enjoying the podcast. We’ve got a free training that I’m doing right now online from the comfort of your own home called Stand Out Brand. What this does is it shows business owners how to get noticed on social media, stand out, Get more leads and get more sales.

[00:05:07] So if you want to make more money in your business, head over to Adam stop. com forward slash SOB. That’s Adam stop. com forward slash SOB and join us on the free three day workshop, stand out brand.

[00:05:23] Klaudia: A brand’s reputation is absolutely everything in today’s day and age. And reviews form a part of that.

[00:05:30] How important do you think negative and positive reviews are?

[00:05:37] Adam Stott: I think that one of the things that’s really critical for business owners, and it depends on what stage you’re at as a business owner. If you’re really at the startup phase reviews can feel quite very personal. And we’ve seen that with a lot of the business owners we coach and train in our programs like business circle gold circle.

[00:05:57] We’ve seen people, if they get a bad review, it can feel like the wheels are falling off and they can take it very personally. We’re actually I love that it was Bill Gates said your greatest source of learning is in your complaints department. And if you reframe your mind to look at it like that, it’s going to show you often how to get better.

[00:06:21] Now, of course, nobody wants lots of bad reviews but reviews are something that’s a part of business now. It’s something that needs to be managed. You will get great reviews. And if you serve a lot of people, no matter how good you are, no matter how much you help people, if you serve thousands and thousands of people, you will make, you will definitely get some bad reviews.

[00:06:46] I think that’s something that you may not realize now, if you’re watching this, maybe you’re early in business or even you’ve done your first hundred thousand or whatever you’re starting to build a business. And you’re getting traction. I’ve seen people that really pride themselves. Our reviews are five star.

[00:07:01] All our reviews are five star. Now, if every single review you’ve got is five star, You haven’t spoken to enough people because there’s a few people out there, you know, you’re, they’re not going to agree with every aspect of what you do. You know, this is for business owners and it will be very helpful.

[00:07:21] This podcast and what we do is very helpful to business owners. But if you don’t want to run a business. I don’t expect you to like this. If you don’t want to grow a business, I don’t expect you to want to listen to this. So you’re not, if you’ve got no interest in business and you’re watching this, I wouldn’t expect you to give us a good review.

[00:07:39] I would expect actually not to get your attention and that you just went elsewhere and did what you were interested in, right? You know, maybe you’re interested in films or whatever it is. So why am I saying this? The reason I’m saying this is, if you’re doing the job right with your brand, And your brand reputation, you will be attracting the right people to you like a magnet, but you will also be repulsive to the wrong people.

[00:08:05] And what that means is not everyone’s going to like your message. However, you know, the whole topic is we’ve got to manage that. So first of all, get the right eyeballs on your stuff, whatever that is, whether it’s your content, your podcast, your products, your services, get the right eyeballs. That means that step one really is if we look at really knowing who our customers are.

[00:08:26] Client is and who we serve. I know I’m really helpful to business owners that want to grow their businesses. That’s what I do. I know that what I do won’t be helpful for somebody that doesn’t want to be in business. So I’ve got a clear, who am I for, who am I not for? And that’s something that everyone needs to be clear on in terms of building their brand reputation.

[00:08:49] Because you can’t brand the whole world, right? And this is what a lot of people think. When they say brand, they go, Oh, what Nike? And, you know, they think of big brands like You know, Amazon and different things and they and what they’ve often forget with big brands like Nike or big brands like Amazon is, you know, Nike started off selling shoes to athletes.

[00:09:10] Klaudia: It didn’t it? Yeah.

[00:09:11] Adam Stott: Right. And they forget Amazon started selling off books. That’s what they started with. So they started very. Knowing their audiences, knowing who they served and then as their brand grew, their reputation grew and they were able to then expand outwards to be more to more people. And that is what most business owners miss is you want to build a brand.

[00:09:36] Reputation with a small group of people and this is like cult branding. There is a book called the culting of brands You

[00:09:44] Klaudia: mentioned this to me. Yeah.

[00:09:45] Adam Stott: Yeah, it’s an interesting book, right? It’s and it’s all about making sure that you start off with small segments and then you expand outwards afterwards so I don’t know how that lines up.

[00:09:55] No, that’s a

[00:09:56] Klaudia: brilliant answer brilliant answer and you’re quite right It has to be starting with your target audience. Now what’s interesting here, Adam, is a lot of research has happened when it comes to reviews and the latest piece by the journal of consumer in 2023 actually states that a 4.

[00:10:14] 5 star rating in terms of gathering all your reviews is seen as more trustworthy than a, you know, a squeaky clean five star rating. How would you respond to that?

[00:10:28] Adam Stott: Well, the response, I’ll circle back a little bit. If you’ve got a five star rating, you haven’t served enough people.

[00:10:34] Klaudia: Yeah.

[00:10:35] Adam Stott: You haven’t had enough people because it is impossible to keep everybody in the world happy.

[00:10:41] Everybody has different opinions, different views different ways of seeing things. And, you know what, there’s a lot of keyboard warriors out there in the world right now. Absolutely there is. That I actually want to go and have a say and actually want to destroy. Unfortunately, you’ve heard of the whole nature of trolls and these different things.

[00:11:00] And what you’ll find is that, you know, people that give you a bad review. Probably shouldn’t have ended up in your world in the first place. What do I mean by that? Well, let’s say the person that goes to a goes to the mandarin oriental in london Where it’s very expensive to have a meal opposite harrods Let’s take that as an example the person that goes in and says oh my god I can’t believe the fact the star was 45 pounds They probably shouldn’t have been in there anyway because it was out of their price budget.

[00:11:32] Klaudia: Yep, sounds about right. Do you know what I mean? It’s their wrong

[00:11:35] Adam Stott: target market in the restaurant. And look, everybody should be able to go and do what they want. When you walk into certain areas and you walk into certain places, sometimes you’re a fit, sometimes you’re not. Someone, would might prefer the fact they can spend 45 pounds to get a whole meal in for two in Nando’s, right?

[00:11:55] That’s what I want to do. That’s what I want to do. They’re probably going to feel more comfortable there They certainly wouldn’t be giving Nando’s a bad review. So what you got the same character The same customer, the same person, two different environments. One, they’re not going to give a review because they’re just happy.

[00:12:14] They go in, they walk out happy and environment two, they’re really unhappy. Well, it’s the same person. What happened? Well, actually environment changed. So sometimes, and what am I trying to say here? Your products your service the things you do the things you offer are not for everybody and the people that don’t like what you offer Probably weren’t a fit for your products or service in the first place

[00:12:36] Klaudia: It’s a different

[00:12:40] Adam Stott: frame and I think that people listening to this that business owners you need these frames Yeah, and I’ll tell you why you need these frames.

[00:12:47] It’s because some people be sitting there And as they’re listening, they’ll be saying to themselves, Oh, you know, I’ve had a bad review, you know, different things. And they’ll be panicking about it. It will affect how they feel. I’ve seen grown men and women go to pieces over somebody that gave them a bad review over on their business.

[00:13:12] And they’ve took it so personally. I’ve seen them. I’ve seen people’s entire week been rocked.

[00:13:18] Klaudia: Goodness.

[00:13:19] Adam Stott: And you can tell me in the. Comments or you know, tell us if you have you suffered from this where a bad reviews hit you like a ton of bricks Often it can feel unfair.

[00:13:29] Klaudia: It can

[00:13:30] Adam Stott: so you’ve got to develop a thick skin and What I like about your question and where I’m going with this is the fact that if four If you have a rating of 4.

[00:13:43] 5, that’s good. Which means you’ve got a few people that don’t like what you do, but more people like what you do than don’t like what you do. And if you move in that direction, then that’s awesome. Right? So manage your, and this is exactly what this is about, as you called it on, is manage your brand reputation and manage the individual reviews, but look at the bigger picture.

[00:14:07] Klaudia: Yeah.

[00:14:08] Adam Stott: Shoot for a good rating overall, knowing that if you serve a lot of people, you are going to get some good reviews and you’re going to get some bad reviews.

[00:14:19] Klaudia: But there’s also a lesson to be had there. So you mentioned this, in some bad reviews, if you look at it, it can tell you a lot about the improvements that can be made.

[00:14:28] Adam Stott: Yeah.

[00:14:29] Klaudia: You’ve mentioned this. Could we go into a little bit more detail?

[00:14:32] Adam Stott: I think one of the things that business owners have to do overall, is to increase their emotional intelligence around their businesses, which means that they need to manage their emotions better in general. Reviews are quite a motive.

[00:14:49] So they provoke and when people are feeling emotions and strong emotions, They don’t see things logically because emotions come from the limbic system, which essentially overtakes your body, overtakes your mind, and means that you essentially don’t think straight. When you hear the phrase think straight, well, what does that mean?

[00:15:09] It means that you think logically and you think in straight lines and you understand things. The problem with a review is it triggers emotions. When it triggers emotions, your logical thinking goes out the window. So what you got to do first of all, in order to manage this is first of all, realize that it’s nothing to be emotional about.

[00:15:31] If you do get a bad review, you need to respond to it logically. You can’t change people’s feelings often.

[00:15:40] Klaudia: Absolutely. So there’s no

[00:15:41] Adam Stott: point trying to change their feelings. You want to be agreeable, amicable and say, look, You know, I’m sorry that you felt that your experience was that way. You can give some reasons on your perspective.

[00:15:55] but without being aggressive or in any way, shape or form telling people what to do. So you’ve got to manage it and you’ve got to take the emotions out. Now, sometimes I, you know, my marketing team and branding team would be involved in that process. I wouldn’t be involved in that process, so I wouldn’t have seen.

[00:16:16] some of them, which is good because it protects my emotive emotions in those instances. So the reviews you just read out, you know, on, on the podcast, really good for me to hear that we’re making an impact. And I think that this is the thing to do. Okay. So try and wrap this up, not wrap the episode up, but wrap it up into, you know, straighter lines.

[00:16:36] I think look at, if you get a bad review, listen to what that bad review is saying to you, ask yourself the questions, a reframe. What can I learn from this? What could I do differently to make sure this doesn’t happen again? And then go and read five reviews from people that really value you. Because if you’ve got five reviews plus for every bad review you’ve got, that means you’re managing your brand reputation.

[00:17:02] It means you’re doing a good job in other areas. And it means that You know, you’ve got overall, overwhelmingly, the opinion is, and I would shoot for this, right, if you’ve got ten reviews, nine of them are positive, one’s bad, you’ve got a 90 percent approval rating. A 90 percent approval rating is strong.

[00:17:20] So, look at it like that, and with the 10 percent that don’t improve, Look at your business, look at your processes, say should that person been in my business in the first place? Should that person be in my program in the first place? Should that person be in my restaurant in the first place? Did that person come from a promotion or an offer that we shouldn’t be running?

[00:17:39] You know, are we getting the right people on our bus? Because you know what takes a lot of energy to have the wrong people on the bus a lot of energy You know, so look at your business and we’ll do a little metaphor here as a bus All right, and the people that you are getting on your bus you’re driving towards your success And if there’s a hundred people on the bus, you know, and ten people are Problem, you know drop the 10 people off and go for a happy drive with the other 90

[00:18:10] Klaudia: If

[00:18:11] Adam Stott: 50 people a problem you got a problem, right?

[00:18:15] So there’s obviously a problem with your bus might smell bad, right? Your bus might be breaking down your bus might you might be driving too slowly And you need to take a real look at your business and say what well out of 50 if I serve a hundred people 50 You ain’t going to be in business very long, right?

[00:18:34] And that’s the way I would look at it.

[00:18:35] Klaudia: Very true. Now here’s a question, Adam. What would you recommend to our viewers when it comes to reviews? Obviously there’s a balance of positive and negative. Do you respond to all of them? What’s your recommendation? Do you just focus on the negative?

[00:18:52] Adam Stott: I feel that we should be responding to positive and negative reviews.

[00:18:56] Thanking people for a positive review because somebody’s taken the time to recognize what you’ve done. So you should be responding to them and you should be responding to negative. And with the negative reviews, you should be responding as amicably as possible and, you know, understanding. But what you should also do is with those negative reviews, if somebody gave us a negative review, We would reach out and try to resolve that problem every single time.

[00:19:19] You know, there would be a track record. It is difficult because you might get a negative review and someone says, well, I haven’t reached out to me. I mean, I can absolutely 100 percent cast iron and say that within my business, if somebody gave us a bad review, they would be reached out to. My team would be talking to them.

[00:19:38] And it’s difficult because sometimes people’s And this is the thing, you can’t please all people. No,

[00:19:43] Klaudia: you can’t.

[00:19:43] Adam Stott: If you’re pleasing everyone, you haven’t served enough people. That is the, that’s the cast iron fact. So what I’m really trying to do during this episode is, and what I want to get across to the audience that are listening, Quite simple things here.

[00:20:00] It is the one take if we put this into a few steps, right? So step one will be, you know, understand who the target market is. We said that already. Understand if you got the right people on the bus. Number two. Try to remove your emotion from any bad review that you might get. You can do this with a few coping strategies by going and reading multiple positive reviews.

[00:20:26] And if you do get a bad review, one of the things that you should do is you should go and you should speak to your clients and you should ask them to give you a positive review and you should be keen to do that, right? Because that then improves your rating. As a step two, As a step three, realize that as your business grows and as you serve more people and as you see more people, it is not possible to maintain a five star rating.

[00:20:55] It’s not possible. That is in the early stages. It is when you’re a small business and somebody be watching, they’ll go, well, I think it is. I think it is possible to maintain a five star rating. It just isn’t possible. No large business in the world is rated five stars on everything they do. You know, think Apple.

[00:21:15] They’re not right. Five stars and everything they do because someone will buy an iPhone and it will break or someone will buy an iPhone. There will be a problem because that is life. But overwhelmingly as Apple are a great company, a great example, they will have an overall positive brand reputation. And in four.

[00:21:35] I would say, you know, that it’s super important for you to be looking, monitoring, measuring your brand reputation on a consistent basis, taking the feedback, good and bad, and looking to use that in your business to make positive changes. That’s four really practical steps that people that listen to this can use in their businesses right now to start to manage their brand reputation in a better way.

[00:22:07] Klaudia: I love those steps. I’ve just got two more questions, which I think will be really useful for business owners. Right. So in terms of reviews, I’ve noticed a shift in the air. So whenever booking a hotel, you no longer look at the website and trust what it says, right? You go straight to Trustpilot and you judge it on that basis.

[00:22:29] With that in mind, what do you think the future of reviews means for brand reputation? Because it never used to be this way. This is a fairly new shift. How do you feel about reviews and what’s to come in the near future?

[00:22:44] Adam Stott: Well, I think that’s why we’re talking about is because it’s so important. Everybody has different patterns, right?

[00:22:50] So everyone will have a different way of doing this. So for example, you said you go to Trustpilot. I don’t go to Trustpilot, you know, it depends on the person’s nature. And one of the things that we’ve talked about is your personality styles that I know that we’ve had good discussions personally in the past on this, where some people we would call them a more of a club based mentality.

[00:23:13] And I actually did, I did a great podcast recently with John Pemberthy, who’s a good friend of mine. And I went over this in detail. So perhaps we can link this to this one. So people want to go and watch more on this. They can, but we really talk about there being four different personality styles. And one of those personality styles is a club based profile.

[00:23:31] Somebody that is more analytical, more detail driven. Someone that likes a lot of evidence, someone that likes a lot of proof. They really like to be slow paced and methodical. Dot the I’s, cross the T’s. Now that type of person is the type of person that is gonna go and search out and they’re gonna read a hundred reviews and they’re looking for the bad.

[00:23:53] That’s the truth. They’re looking for a reason why not to do something and they’re passing on the way to the reason not to do it. They’re passing a hundred reasons of why to do it to find one not to. But that is somebody’s personality and you ain’t going to change that, right? So again, you ask yourself the question, are those the sort of people I want on the bus or not on the bus?

[00:24:15] You know, if a business owner is like that and they’re always looking for the negative in everything, They’re probably not right for my bus. I want positive people on my bus. Right? So you have a, you have that kind of mentality, but you also have another personality profile type, which is that spade, which is someone that’s very fast paced, makes quick decisions, gets things done.

[00:24:36] And I’m a little bit more like that. Perhaps we can say just a little, just a tiny sprinkle of that. Right? So in that instance, What do I do? I look, I’m looking at a hotel, I look at the photos, I glance at the reviews, it’s 4. 8, 4. 6, 4, if it were 3. 8, I’d go, looks like there’s a problem there.

[00:24:59] Klaudia: Yeah.

[00:25:00] Adam Stott: So there’s a, you know, to be honest, if it’s 4, I’m still like, eh.

[00:25:05] Klaudia: Considering.

[00:25:06] Adam Stott: Yeah, considering. It is 4. 8. I’m like, oh, it’s 8. Bang. No problem at all. This sounds great. This must be good. So when you said our podcast rating right now is 4. 9, that’s because it’s awesome. It is awesome. It is so awesome. So, you know, you look at those sort of things. So bear in mind, people Not you, we can’t box everyone into one box.

[00:25:29] People are different and you know, you’ve got your diamond type personality. They like to experience things themselves anyway, so they might not even care what somebody else has written. Yeah. They might want to just go and check it out themselves without actually considering those different things.

[00:25:45] So I think people are different, but I think that there is definitely in consumer purchasing behavior. As you’re talking about, there is definitely reviews are a much stronger part of consumer purchasing behavior. I think it’s very important that it’s managed. It’s an important part of your business and if you’re not managing it.

[00:26:07] What typically happens is like anything. If you don’t, if you ignore anything in business, you ignore gets worse. Anything in business you focus on gets better. So we need to make sure that we’re focusing on this and learning lessons from it. Cause I actually think this is really important. Learn the lesson so you can improve your business.

[00:26:26] Look at it as a gift. Whether it’s good, whether it’s bad, it’s a gift and you know, someone’s watching right now, and they’ve got a little smile on their face. I’m going to give you a gift, Adam. But, you know, I would prefer a nice five star gift. Thank you. Right. But the bottom line is, you know, it feedback.

[00:26:44] helps you to improve.

[00:26:45] Klaudia: It does indeed. What a good answer. I did not see that coming, Adam. Great answer. And I’ve got just one last question for you.

[00:26:53] So we talked about positive reviews, negative reviews. Let’s look at a small business owner, right? Someone who is just starting up. How often do you think they should monitor the good and the bad as it comes through?

[00:27:07] Is there like a strategy or method that you would recommend?

[00:27:10] Adam Stott: Yeah, there are softwares as you know, that you can use for review management. So there’s things like mention was one of the, one of the old ones, but there’s many out there. Well, you can just like literally sign up to one of those that will monitor your brand reputation online.

[00:27:25] You know, if you’re serving a lot of people, you’re doing business with a lot of people, something like this becomes really important because you can see what’s happening with your review structures. So I think that’s really important. I think that what a small business owner that’s just starting out.

[00:27:40] They’ve got a lot to do. You don’t want to become obsessed by this. What I would do is if you get a bad review, I’d be obsessed with getting 10 more happy clients to make sure that for every one bad, you’ve got 10 good.

[00:27:51] Klaudia: Yeah, that’s a brilliant answer. I have no more. You’ve answered all of them, Adam.

[00:27:57] And I love, I literally love the personality types, how you tied that in. I would have never thought of it that

[00:28:03] Adam Stott: way. Yeah. Cause different people behave differently, which builds towards brand. We’ll put a video that links to that video somewhere around around here, but just wanted to say a big thank you for those of you that are watching business growth secrets.

[00:28:15] The topics has been all about reviews. We really do appreciate those of you that have left a review on the podcast. Whether you do that by giving us a rating on Apple, Spotify, or you’re on the YouTube channel, you’re leaving a comment, you know, I appreciate that too. Cause it shows the engagement.

[00:28:32] Tell me how you’ve enjoyed. This episode if it’s something that you feel that’s helped you, made you see things differently, or made you take a different action, really love to hear your feedback. I want to thank you again for being a listener of business growth secrets, and I look forward to seeing you person very soon.

[00:28:50] Hey everybody, Adam here, and I hope you loved today’s episode. I hope you thought it was fabulous. And if you did, I’d like to ask you a small favor. Could you jump over and go and give the podcast a review? Of course, I’ll be super grateful if that is a five star review. We’re putting our all into this podcast for you.

[00:29:08] Delivering you the content, giving you the secrets. And if you’ve enjoyed it, please go and give us a review and talk about what your favorite episode is. Perhaps every single month I select someone from that review list to come to one of my exclusive Academy days and have lunch with me on the day meeting hundreds of my clients.

[00:29:27] So if you want that to be you, then you’re going to be in with a shout. If you go and give us a review on iTunes, please of course, do remember to subscribe so you can get all the up to date episodes. Peace and love and I’ll see you very soon. Thank you.

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