Episode 430: 5 Different Ways to Sign New Clients for your business in 2025

When you have a business, attracting a steady stream of new clients is the cornerstone of achieving success. With countless strategies available, it can be challenging for business owners to identify the most effective ones.

In this episode, Adam Stott dives deep into the secrets of business growth, sharing five powerful client acquisition strategies that have propelled his businesses and clients to monumental success. Adam’s comprehensive guide discusses methods to attract mass clientele through digital advertising, strategic collaborations, and dynamic content marketing.

From utilizing platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Google to the intricate dynamics of online presentations, learn the core of turning strangers into customers.

Show Highlights:

  • Identify and utilize platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Google to target and attract clients effectively by purchasing ads that ensure consistent eyeball traction.
  • Use strategies like Video Sales Letters (VSLs) and webinars to showcase your business’s value proposition and engage potential clients.
  • Create content addressing client pain points offering insightful solutions to foster deeper engagement and conversion rates.
  • Form strategic partnerships with entities that already cater to your target audience to facilitate quicker and more extensive market reach.
  • Don’t underestimate traditional methods such as direct mail, phone calls, and emails, which remain viable for client acquisition.

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Watch the Episode on Adam’s YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/adamstottcoach?el=Pod

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Coaches, consultants, and business owners – lower your marketing costs, increase ticket prices, and get more high-ticket clients: https://3daybrandbuilderworkshop.com/start-here?el=Pod


Please note this is a verbatim transcription from the original audio and therefore may include some minor grammatical errors.

Adam Stott: Everybody’s looking for that one magical way that they can flood new clients in the masses to their businesses. We want to show you in this video is it’s not just one way, but actually five ways that with absolute certainty you can bring new clients In the masses to your business. How can I be so certain?

[00:00:21] Well, I’ve used it to do 156 million in sales across all of my businesses, and I’ve used it to do many, many more times that within my clients businesses. We’re about to take you into the hood of business where we look at client acquisition methods. I’ll talk to you about paid ads. I’ll talk JV’s partnerships and so much more.

[00:00:43] Get ready for a game changing, life changing, Business video that does everything you need it to do and more. Let’s jump on in to the five ways to get new clients in 2025. Five ways to sign new clients for your business. That’s what we’re going to explore in and we’re going to dive deep into. Number one is something that every business owner in today’s world needs to be using, and that is paid ads.

[00:01:09] We need to be using paid ads to drive our businesses. And I’m going to explain to you why you need it right now. And you’ve probably tried this before and you might already be saying to yourself, but Adam, I’ve, I’ve tried paid ads. I ran some Facebook ads. I’ve ran some better ads. My account got banned, or you’ve got some other crazy stuff that happened to you during this process.

[00:01:26] We’re going to tell you why you need it. And actually how simple. We can use paid ads to create massive impact for your business. And I mean huge. So let’s break it down for you. First of all, what are paid ads do? Well, when you’re in the business of paid ads, you simply are buying the most important thing in the world right now.

[00:01:45] And that is eyeballs. Many of you may have heard me talk about eyeballs before. You are buying a bag of eyeballs, and these are for sale everywhere. Now, why do you care as a business owner? This is why you do care, and why you should care, is if you want to get new clients, sell more products and services, the absolute key is to getting your message in front of new eyeballs as consistently as possible.

[00:02:12] The more we do this, the more clients we can get. Now, the really cool thing about this is you can buy as many as you want. It’s unlimited. You can go out and get 10, 000 people a week to see your message with paid ads, 100, 000 people a week to see your message with paid ads, a million people a week see your message with paid ads.

[00:02:32] And you’re like, Oh yeah, I’m only a small business. Well, we can start very small and we can build up. So how does it work? Well, very simply, we choose our platform. So we want to look at what is the platform that we want to get eyeballs on. And there are multiple different platforms that we can buy eyeballs from.

[00:02:50] Meta are in the business of selling eyeballs. That’s your Facebook and your Instagram, right? So they’ve got the, they are an eyeball factory. That’s what they sell. And guess whose eyeballs they sell? Yours, right? Yeah, you’re watching right now. They are selling your eyeballs every time you’re on there to other people The cool thing is you can even get really angry about that Or you can start getting involved in the game and start buying eyeballs for yourself.

[00:03:14] Who else is in the game of eyeballs? Google are in the game. So, you know, PPC, paid search ads and YouTube ads, you might be watching this on YouTube now, are also in the game of selling eyeballs. So how can you, as a business owner, start to get faster results? Well, first of all, you have to say, how many people do I want to see my message and break it down?

[00:03:37] If we want to get 10, 000 people to see our message, Per week. We buy bags of eyeballs at 1, 000 from the platforms. I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again. This is called a CPM, and these can cost us anywhere between 25 to 65 pounds or dollars, whatever your currency is that you’re using. So if we want to get 10, 000 people to see your message, and you’re paying 65 per thousand, that means it’s going to cost you 650 to get your message out to 10, 000 people.

[00:04:09] So why do you care? Why does this matter? Because if you’re a small business owner, and you’re sitting there and you’re saying, I want to get new clients, but you don’t know how to, you’ve got a couple of choices. You can do what most business owners do and you can go out networking. You can go out looking at repeat business referrals, slow growth.

[00:04:27] You can put your, your adverts in some magazines. You can try giving out some leaflets, doing some leaflet drops. You can do all these kinds of manual type things, or you can instantaneously run a paid ad. and get yourself out to 10, 000 people. And this is a really cool thing, is you can get feedback very, very quickly as to whether this works or not.

[00:04:46] So what’s the cool thing about this method is instant feedback, which means we know whether what your message is to these eyeballs, whether you decide to place it, whether it’s good or not, and we will be told very, very quickly. So imagine this for a moment. Imagine that you had a tap. Imagine that we had a tap for our business.

[00:05:09] We understand this concept of eyeballs now. I’ve talked about it a few times before, and you can look at some of the other YouTube videos I’ve done on it. And let’s imagine we’ve got this tap, and you’re sitting there in your business, you’re wanting to get new business, and literally, at the moment, your leads and income is just a bit of a dripping tap.

[00:05:29] Got a little bit coming through, a little bit here, a little bit there. Imagine that you want a ton more leads and a ton more sales coming through. You literally just turn the tap on. So turn it round a bit, we’re going to wheel this tap around, and we’re going to turn these drips into a steady flow of water.

[00:05:45] So how do we do that? Well, paid ads are what allows us to do this. It means that we can actually put money in, get our message out to more people, which flows more leads into our business consistently, which is why it’s awesome and why we want it. And some of you might be saying, yeah, but Adam, what if I get too busy?

[00:06:02] What if I get too many people coming? What do you do? What do you think if your tap was bursting water into your sink and it was starting to overflow, what would you do? You’d turn it down. So you’d just go back the other way and you would turn it back down so you could deal with all those customers, all those new inquiries you’ve got.

[00:06:16] Paid ads and using media buying and actually buying spots in the media is only one of the only places that we can have that tap that we turn on and we turn off, which means your business can buy consistency. And look, if you want to Get more people and you want to grow your business. And in fact, I was speaking at a really cool event this year called Adcon.

[00:06:36] 500 people there, Stephen Bartlett was on stage and, you know, he’s great. He’s a great guy. Many of you probably know who he is, watched him, Diver CEO, all that jazz. One of the things he said that I thought was really, really cool when I got to talk to him backstage and things and asked him about this was that he said.

[00:06:52] very clearly that in order to get a business to significantly grow, one of the key things that we have to do is we have to turn strangers into customers. Is if you are not able to turn people that don’t know you into a buyer of your products or service, you’re not able to do that, then that’s going to mean That you’re going to have a very, very slow journey in your business because everyone’s going to know you.

[00:07:17] It’s going to be friends, family, locals, referrals, repeat business, networking, that kind of jazz and all that kind of thing. Instead, if you can actually start turning complete strangers into new buyers of your products or services, that’s how you can grow. Number two. Online presentations. Now, the way the world is moving now is that people have lots of choices, right?

[00:07:40] Lots of choices. You’re watching this or on YouTube, you’re listening on to the podcast. Information is available in many, many different forms in many, many different places. In fact, it’s available everywhere. You’ve got chat GPT, you’ve got AI coming in, you’ve got all this different info on. YouTube, Google, books, audio books, audible, all these things.

[00:08:00] It’s coming out of our ears, all this different information. So what’s happening is it becomes quite confusing for the audience to actually go, Hey, is, is this the thing that’s right for me? Is this what I need to see? So what you’re seeing is that a lot of people are now taking more time when it comes to making purchasing decisions on certain products or services.

[00:08:22] And number two is especially powerful if you’re a service based business. Because what people really want to see is how you’re going to take them through the journey and how you’re going to get them the transformation. And one of the ways that you can do this is online presentations. So when we talk about online presentations, there I’ll give you three simple form ones that we can do.

[00:08:43] Number one. We can have what we call a VSL. Now that is what we call Video Sales Letter. And that is where you are going to create a video that sells your products and takes someone through the journey of understanding what your product is, how your product works, and how it can help people. Now these are really useful people, because instead of them reading on your website about what your product is and not really being sure and not being able to hear it from the horse’s mouth, they can go and they can look at this landing page.

[00:09:13] Which has your video on it here, which has 20 minutes of you explaining your product, your service, your process, how you help people, what you do for people, what outcome they can get. You can really go over absolutely everything, and this can save you a ton of time. And where this is especially successful is getting people to then book a call with you and your team to take it further to the next stage.

[00:09:37] So that type of VSL online presentation works very, very, very well for getting new clients. Imagine that next time you got a client on the phone with you, they knew your product, they knew your service, they knew your offer, they knew who you were. They knew what you stood for, they knew what your deal was, they knew absolutely everything about you, and then they come and they book a call and they got on the phone.

[00:10:02] What happens next? It’s pretty obvious. What happens next, if they come into the phone call, they probably want to buy the product or service that you’re talking about. Are you following this? Hopefully you’re getting this. Because this is something that could be added to give you new clients on demand and also give you replication.

[00:10:18] Because if you start doing this, you can replicate yourself because you can have a thousand people a day. watching this and you can’t make a thousand phone calls a day. Make sense? So you can actually replicate yourself and get better results. So VSLs are a really great way for you to get new clients.

[00:10:33] Next one would be a live webinar. Now you can do webinars live. You can do them automated. There’s all sorts of different softwares. And if you want to, if you want us to understand and unpack that for you in a different video. Tell me in the comments if you want to understand more about webinars. Just put webinars, put webinar live, webinar automated, whatever you want.

[00:10:54] Perhaps we can look at that. But to give you a brief understanding, running a live webinar allows you to bring clients on with you to spend time with you. Where you can talk them through the product the service the transformation much like the VSL But in a more detailed format now these live webinars Which we’ve run thousands for ourselves and our clients they could be a 60 minute webinar could be a 90 minute webinar You could do an all day type event webinar where people come online and learn about your product to service.

[00:11:25] This is great for nurturing new clients, getting people to the point where they can buy your product service. Now, perhaps you find that a bit daunting and you don’t want to go down that road. And if you do find that a bit daunting, then what we can also look at, which is a bit more simple, is you can do Zoom meetings.

[00:11:42] where you can actually do a presentation. So you could invite people on to a Zoom meeting and you can see everybody on there and you can have a conversation with them. You can even turn this into like an online networking thing where you discuss things with people and you talk about your products or service.

[00:11:56] Well, what’s the benefit of this? The benefit of this is you’re now talking one to many rather than one to one. This is another great way of you getting clients. And look, we’ve done this for so many different industries. You might be watching this in your wedding planning, you’re like, I can’t do a live webinar, like why would I do a webinar for a wedding planner?

[00:12:15] Well, we’ve done that many, many times where you can bring people on and you can talk about the weddings and different things and how to style. We’ve seen that in that industry. We’ve seen it in the industry of recruitment, actually doing webinars where you bring business owners on to understand how to train staff and build relationships with staff, book a call, talk about how we can recruit staff for your businesses.

[00:12:34] Coaching programs, training products, services all different ways. We even does yoga studios. I mean, we’ve done it endlessly with different businesses and adding this component to your business is a very modern way for you to connect with your audience because frankly, there’s too little connection. Do you know what’s not going to cut it?

[00:12:52] For you getting new clients is posting on social media every day and thinking that somebody’s gonna discover your random post or your little reel you’ve done. Remember, if you post a reel tomorrow, there’s 30 seconds. You’re spending 30 seconds with a client. If you do an online presentation, you spend 90 minutes with a client, which one’s going to get you more likely to do business?

[00:13:13] Of course, spending 90 minutes. So remember this, and actually this is a segment which is important. The length of time that you spend with people really impacts the likelihood of that person becoming a client for you. Number three is dynamic content. So what is dynamic content? And what’s the difference between content and dynamic content?

[00:13:34] So what dynamic content And this for me is what we’d call long form. So we’re here now, we’re going over the five ways you can get clients for your business. We’re shooting straight from the hip, we’re going bang, you can do this, you can do this, you can do this. Giving you great ideas, and if you’re a business owner, you should be getting very excited and feeling excited, because you’re like, okay, maybe I haven’t got some presentations in my business right now, and I need to do that, and that’s something that I can do.

[00:13:58] And perhaps you’ve gone, actually, you know what, I tried paid ads in the past, but like Adam said, I didn’t allow them to stretch out that longer period of time. And now he’s talking about dynamic content. I can use all these things. They’re going to get me more clients. I’m getting excited. Well, hopefully you are right.

[00:14:11] And if you’re not, you should be, but anyhow, when we look at dynamic content, this is you taking what we call a pain point of your ideal target market. And creating a piece of content which helps them to solve that problem. Guess what? Do you think you might be watching one of those? Absolutely. So, when we look at this, and let’s just take you behind the scenes of, well, why do you do YouTube videos?

[00:14:48] Like, what’s this all about? Okay? So, we now do this video. I’ll give you five different ways that you can go out there and you can get clients to your business and you watch me and we build a relationship and and if you are a business owner comment business owner for me because that’s who we’re taking this out to right now depending on how this performs so this is like really behind the scenes we will take this piece of content that we create here which is what 20 25 minutes we’ll take this we’ll put this into YouTube, we will go out and we will have conversations with business owners and it may do really well and it might Roll off and lots of people start watching it and lots of people are commenting and by the way You can help that process and be involved in the process by commenting by sharing by liking which would be awesome And that allows this piece of content to grow and it helps me to go and build more relationships Now this is the thing some people get really negged out because let’s say that this video was to get a hundred views All right Okay, I worked really hard to get a hundred views on this video and like what’s going on?

[00:15:53] Well, Instagram. I can post a reel that is me making a funny face. I get 30, 000 people to see it. But would I rather have 30, 000 people view a video of me making a funny face that does absolutely nothing for me in the business? Would I rather get a hundred views? Of business owners of me helping them solve a problem Well, hopefully you’re putting two and two together and you’re realizing that actually i’d be better off helping 100 business owners Watch a long form piece of content that would solve a problem with them or listen if you listen on the podcast So when we look at that, you know, this is purposeful.

[00:16:30] I know the biggest pain point for businesses, and there’s lots of different pain points for businesses, you know, time is obviously a big pain point for businesses, getting started, perfectionism, procrastination, all of this kind of things are really the whole business is bad. But the bottom line is, if you had loads of clients coming in, you’d probably feel better about a lot of that.

[00:16:47] Does that make sense? Right, so that’s kind of like the big pain point. So I make a piece of content, put that piece of content out there, and if it performs well, so let’s say it doesn’t get a hundred people view it, let’s say we get 5, 000 people view it. It performs a little bit better. The algorithm has told me that actually 5, 000 people viewed this piece of content, Adam.

[00:17:05] They think it’s pretty cool. Well, guess what? Now, it’s really simple for me to go, let’s take This piece of content and let’s turn it into a content paid ad and you can go and find me business owner eyeballs every day on this piece of content. Does that make sense? That’s making sense, but make sense into the comments for us.

[00:17:33] So when you get a good piece of content, it’s very easy for you to combine that. With dynamic content which you turn into an ad now, what’s the beauty of this? I record this once and yes, I know what it’s like and you’re probably like oh, I just say out of my hate recording content Oh, I don’t know if I want to get in front of a camera and I get really frustrated and you know Like oh, it’s just like the worst thing ever and I don’t want to do it and look I get that and frankly I know a few people that love it and thrive on it But most people have to rev themselves up for it.

[00:18:08] Most people have to go, Okay, right. You know, and most people, I’ll tell you how I do it, is I think of the end user, I think of you, and I go, there’s someone that I can reach that’s stuck, and I can help them, and I can give them something that’s going to get them to the next stage, and I know that this is a valuable use of my time.

[00:18:25] But the other way that I constitute this being a valuable use of time, just so you’re on the inside of things, is that, when I turn this into an ad, I’ve invested a time segment of, let’s say it takes me, say it’s a 20 minute video, 25 minute video, let’s say it takes me one hour to do it, right? So, all in all, what’s that?

[00:18:45] I’ve got to wheel the TV in, I’ve got to set up with the team, the team’s doing their thing, and, you know, we’ve got to navigate all these different challenges and all these cool things, to get this piece done, and then I do it, and I’ve got to shoot the hook, and these different kind of things. And we get it, and I’ve invested one hour.

[00:18:59] Let’s say we get, let’s be conservative and say this does 3, 000 people view it organically. I’d be more conservative, because I don’t want anyone going yeah, that’s all right for you Adam, because people know you, blah blah blah. Let’s say a thousand people view it, and only a thousand people see it organically.

[00:19:16] Now if a thousand people watch it, for 25 minutes or 20 minutes or whatever. Obviously, I’m getting a lot of eyeballs, the same as I would with the paid ads. Except because it’s long form content, and I’m solving a problem, those eyeballs are actually more valuable. Then, I pay to get 1, 000 people to watch this per week of the right people, 52, 000 people a year.

[00:19:41] And out of those 52, 000 people, they say I end up with 100 clients coming to my mastermind program or something like that. Because I’ve run the ad for a, for a year. I’ve run the dynamic content. Because this is what we’re talking about, yeah? And I’ve run it. And those hundred, let’s say my programs, you know, even if we look at a tank, we’ve got 20, 30, 40, 50k programs.

[00:20:00] Let’s say it’s a 10k program. We get a hundred people. What’s it worth? That one hour time. Plus the ad is worth a hundred thousand pounds to the business How many of you want an extra hundred thousand pounds for your business? If you do put an oh, yeah in the chat and could you get excited about that?

[00:20:18] Hopefully you can get very very excited about that because that can really is how you combo one and three So let’s look at number four, which is partnerships and JVs. This is really simple. The people you want, let’s imagine this is the client you want. They are, you know, that’s the client that you want for your business.

[00:20:38] They are, we’ll give them a mustache or whatever. Okay. And they are, let’s say they’re a tennis player and that’s who you’re after. You’re after professional tennis players for your business. It looks like a weird tennis player, but you get the point. And that tennis player is somebody that’s been professional for, for two years.

[00:20:56] And, you know, they want. Uh, you want to help them with mindset and psychology and, you know, sporting excellence or whatever it is that you offer. You’ve got a couple of choices. Finding a pro tennis player of two years with a moustache that needs psychological mindset lessons, I’m sure we could agree, if we’re buying eyeballs, it’s gonna be quite hard.

[00:21:16] Can we agree with that? Yeah, we can. And you can spin this in every way you want. Maybe it’s not a tennis player. You know, maybe it’s at some random target market. However, there is somebody that has this person in their pocket. And lots of them. So let’s imagine there’s an agent that is an agent for tennis players.

[00:21:35] Just as an example. And currently, on their books, they’ve been running for 20 years, you’ve been running for 20 minutes, okay? So like, you started your business 20 minutes ago, and you started watching this video. And they’ve currently got this tennis player. in the multitude in their agency because they’ve been working for them for years and you want them in your business.

[00:22:01] You’ve got two choices. Well, you’ve got multiple choices, but you could go and run paid ads and try and find the needle in the haystack if you’ve got a really, really niche client there. That would be option number one. Option number two is you could do an online presentation for tennis players of that ilk and you’ve got to go and get those tennis players onto the presentation.

[00:22:20] You can do option number three where you create some dynamic content and maybe you combine that up with ads. Or you could do something very easy, very simple, very quick, which could further you quicker, is bob the agents over here. You could go and talk to Bob and say, Hey, can you introduce me to all your tennis players?

[00:22:39] That would get you to the target market much, much quicker. And you’ll be then like, Yeah, but Adam, I’ve been, Bob’s been running 20 years, and I’ve only been running 20 minutes. But the difference between you and Bob in this scenario is, you’ve watched this video, you understand that you’ve got to solve a problem for someone.

[00:22:56] Which is pretty awesome, remember that? So you go to Bob and you say, Hey Bob, professional tennis players have this problem and I’ve got this presentation that I’d like to show them on how to solve this problem. And I think it would add a tremendous amount of value to your audience, Bob, if you would let me do that.

[00:23:14] And by the way, Bob, if any of your tennis players then want to work with me, it’s going to be completely synergistic. It’s not going to cost you any money. You know, and I’ll pay you if they come on board with me. So what you do is you create a partnership or a jv with bob Not literally bob you find your own version of bob for your industry, of course But this can allow you to get out to market and too many people Really really miss This opportunity that they can build into their business.

[00:23:42] So my question for you is who’s already got your client? Who has already got your client? Who’s got your people that you want? Because if you can go direct to market, it’s going to make things much, much quicker. Number five is we can go old school. So what is old school? Well, old school is using methods, which we can use, and we’ll go through each of these, where we actually go and start having conversations.

[00:24:10] So I’ve been training business owners for many, many years, and I tell them that your business is essentially as successful as your proportion in the beginning. For startups as to how many conversations you have in how many offers you’re making. The reason most businesses don’t grow, the reason most businesses are not successful, is they don’t talk to enough people, they don’t get in front of enough eyeballs, and they don’t make enough offers.

[00:24:31] If you can cure those two things, then you will invariably grow your business. Even if you have a conversation that sucks, i. e. you don’t know what to say, you say it wrong, you say it badly, you don’t present yourself well, you communicate badly. Even if you do that terribly, you’d still be better off having a hundred bad conversations than having none.

[00:24:51] Because even if you do really badly, at least one person’s going to go, cough, feel sorry for him, I’m going to give him a chance, right? And then the other side of that, you can have a really bad offer. But if you don’t speak to a hundred people, put that off in front of a hundred people, somebody’s gonna do business with you.

[00:25:04] So the thing is, get out of perfectionism, get out of procrastination, get into action taking. And the old school is, one, the phone. Like, get on the phone. You may have a list of people already that are in your business, that you talked to previously. When’s the last time you picked up the phone to them? In the amount of business owners I’ve trained, I’ve trained thousands and thousands of business owners, and many of them have been running for many years that don’t call the people that have already bought off them.

[00:25:29] Big mistake. The people that have bought off you are many, many times more likely to buy off you again than the people that haven’t. So actually picking up the phone to do business with people you’ve already sold to is one way that you can bring clients back to become your new clients. Another way is actually looking at using email marketing and sending emails out.

[00:25:50] in the masses. Why does this work? Because emails allow you to get your message out to the masses, a thousand at once, 10, 000 at once, however many email addresses you’ve got, and you can start to build a relationship and draw inquiries back to you, which then you can link them together to get them on the phone to sell them your products or services.

[00:26:07] Again, when I speak to business owners having trained thousands, what typically happens is I say to someone, have you got an email list? They go, yeah. I say, how often do you email them? They say once a week. Or once a month, or what do you think they actually say a lot of the time? Never. So collect the email address below and go back to them, right?

[00:26:24] So make sure you’re utilizing your email list. Another one, which is super important, is direct mail. Actually, you can still write a letter today. The post still exists. And it’s actually very simple to send someone a letter. People do open it, you can communicate with them, and even if you had went and sent a thousand letters out next week, to people in your local area about your products or service, and even if you went out and you started putting those out, there’s lots of different things like DocMailer, where you can do that, send out a thousand letters, you can buy data, you can go and do a direct mail, that’s old school, but it’s still a way of driving inquiries.

[00:26:55] Next one, which is not so old school, but more new school, um, way of actually using the phone. Is voice notes all of the people you now got voice note function on Instagram and you could be voicenoting people Let’s say you get a new follower go and send them a voice note Hey, really really pleased that you follow us here want to connect with you.

[00:27:14] Tell them what you’re doing What brought you here, etc, etc. Go and make that connection another place you can do that is whatsapp Really really great too voice notes work and then finally text messaging and actual whatsapp messaging These are other ways that you can use the old school to drive more conversations, drive more offers, which get you more business.

[00:27:34] Now, at the beginning of this video, I promised you five ways to get new clients. In the end, we’ve probably given you 15 ways to get new clients, but hopefully you have enjoyed. And if you have enjoyed and you’re a business owner, That wants more growth. You want to understand how to grow your business.

[00:27:48] You actually want to work with people that have done it. Not just for themselves many, many times but also for our clients. We’ve helped so many clients to build their businesses through six figures, through seven figures even help clients build through And you want that kind of help and support. You want to stay on the forefront of business growth and go over to the description.

[00:28:07] There’s a link in there that tells you all about my gold circle mastermind, which is one of the biggest, best masterminds there is where we take business owners for a simple process to grow their businesses. And if you are someone that’s. bold, ambitious, and once more, it could really be a game changer for you to go and check that out.

[00:28:24] And guess what? It’s a VSL. You get to go and have a look at what one of those looks like. We talked about that earlier. And of course, if you’ve enjoyed this video, it’d be awesome for you to subscribe. We’re making new videos every week. We launch them out. They come out on Thursday. You know, we want your ideas too.

[00:28:38] We want to be collaborative. So if you’ve got an idea about what you want to see, where you need help in your business, put it in the comments, and we’ll be sure to consider that when creating content. Thanks for watching. And if you’ve watched all the way through, you’re here right at the end. Two actions.

[00:28:51] One, comment “A player”. That way I know who’s watching, which is really cool. I see lots of A player messages going out. So thank you for those of you that are writing A player. And two, go to the description. Let’s have a look at how we can help your business grow. And I’ll see you very soon.

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