Episode 284: Prioritizing Learning over Earning with Khadija Kalifa

Life can throw a lot of curve balls at us and knock us down but what’s important is that we learn how to get up. Growing up in a rocky family and suffering from depression, Khadija Kalifa faced a lot of challenges in her life but she manages to learn from them.

In this episode, Khadija Kalifa talks with Adam Stott about how she suffered from anxiety issues as a young mother and started her business career. Khadija shares how she started an eco-friendly cleaning service, closed it, and is presently opening new shops for her Full of Beans Cafe. Aside from being a successful businesswoman, Khadija finished in the top 4 of the Apprentice and host of the Keep it Real with Khadija Podcast. Listen to learn more!

Show Highlights:

  • Challenges and struggles Khadija faced when her parents divorced when she was young
  • The urgency of going to law school
  • What triggered Khadija to return back home after spending most of her life in London
  • How Khadija started the cheapest business can find
  • The difficult decision of closing Khadija’s cleaning business
  • Reaching out to Rob Moore of Progressive Property after the Apprentice
  • The impetus for starting the Full of Beans Cafe

Listen to Keeping it Real with Khadija Podcast
Get in touch with Khadija Kalifa on Instagram

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Please note this is a verbatim transcription from the original audio and therefore may include some minor grammatical errors.

Adam Stott: Hello everybody, and welcome back to another episode of Business Growth Secret. You’re with your host, Adam Stott. I’ve got a fabulous guest with me today that I’m really, really looking forward to sharing a bit of a story and getting to know her better. She’s done some really, really cool things. It is Kadija Khalifa, who was featured first of all on the Apprentice, got to the semi-final, did very, very well in that competition, but since then, has gone on to build.

A couple of really amazing businesses, and I really want to get into the depths of those businesses. She’s also built a great personal brand with the Keep It Real Podcast, helps business owners in her own right, to create more success in their lives, and has built a series of play centers as well, which we’re going to have a, a lot of fun talking about, which is full of beans.

So, welcome my dear, how are you? You.

Khadija Kalifa: I’m good. Thank you for having me.

Adam Stott: Yeah super, super excited to get to have a, a great chat with you and, you know, I’ve, have a lot of friends, contacts, and colleagues and people I’ve worked with that have been on The Apprentice and it really is a, a, a breeding ground for entrepreneurial talent and gives a lot of people.

Their shot, you know, knowing Lee, mark, Joseph really well, a lot of the people that have been on it. And obviously, I’ve got to know you. I first met you at the business show and we had a good chat there. You’ve got a great vibe. Super, super energized. And you know, I see that you’ve gone on to do some great stuff in the business.

So looking forward to interviewing you and really sharing with the audience some of the, success that you’ve had. So, do you want to talk to us a little bit? If we go backwards a little? Knowing where you are now, where did we start from? What’s your kind of background prior to being on The Apprentice prior to, to, to, to helping businesses prior to running your businesses?

Where did you start, my dear? And then we’ll start off and understand from there.

Khadija Kalifa: Yeah, this is always a good one. On The Apprentice, actually, when you get to the Final Five, they do a, a behind the. You know about the candidate. So I was really lucky that because I came forth that I managed to get that spinoff show and there was a big, you know, a recept about me and my life and upbringing, and they went to my school and interviewed by head teacher.

And so if we go back from then, I grew up in a single parent household. My mom always struggled financially. My mom and dad separated when I was eight. We lived in a council house and, you know, Bailey’s came to the door on occasions and she really, she tried to work, but she had four young kids and it was really difficult.

And so I saw struggle from a young age, and then I saw that spiral into depression and other things, and I just always said, my mom says, when I was 12, I said to. One day, mom, I’m going to be rich. Like I will be rich. And she even says it now, like, I, I can, like I just had it, you know, we were wearing ham downs.

And I remember pretending to my friends that I had a computer at home because everybody went on MSM Messenger after school. And I was chat a lot. Four, nothing’s changed. I was chat a lot, four hotmail.com and and I went to the school library after school and then I’d be on MSM Messenger because all my friends had computers.

And then I’d say, oh, sorry, my mom’s just called me for dinner. I’ve gotta go. And then I’d run home half an hour because, you know, I wasn’t at home, but I’d pretended I was. So, you know, I did recently an article with the Daily Mail in the money section about that and about, you know, c and struggle and, and mental health and not wanting to go through that.

But I think there that, that made me go and study law at University. I worked really hard to get decent A Levels. I went and studied law. And then I started working for the Financial Lumberton and servicing in, south Key in Canary Wharf, and I was about 22. So it was after uni. I went and started working there.

And then I fell pregnant with my first daughter when I was 24. SIRA. The show, actually the spinoff show from the Apprentice, quite had everybody in tears because they really did, a whole section about sira. So unfortunately, I wasn’t treated very well when I was, given birth to Soya. As such, she was starved of oxygen and born with brain damage, so she was at risk of cerebral pals.

We had a whole investigation into why I was neglected and, you know, I was 24, I was in a, a hospital in London. I didn’t have any family near me. I’d lived in London from about 16 cause I didn’t get on with my mom very well as a teenager. So I’d living with a boyfriend in North London and then I just stayed in London for uni and and then have my first daughter.

When she was a month old, I decided I needed to move back to Peterborough, which is where I’m born and bred in Peterborough, even though I feel like I’m from London. Cause I lived there for so long. I’m actually from Peterborough originally. And so I went back home because my, mental health was awful.

Like had major postnatal anxiety and depression. I was, I didn’t know if she was going to walk and. We had specialists from U C L H come in, come into Peter Square once every couple of months to check her mobility skills. Yeah. For 24 year old, it was a lot. Anyway, fast forward, I was due to go back to the ombudsman at the end of maternity leave, and I realized once I calculated the travel from Peter Brita London, the time I’d be away from Serea, the childcare that I’d have to saw, you know, just wasn’t working out.

So I Googled a cheap business to start, and I saw that a cleaning business was a really cheap business to. So I bought 20 pounds worth of cleaning products from Wilkinson’s. I bought a Heti Hoover on my little Woods catalog and I borrowed my partner’s first car that was sitting in this dad’s garage and it was a three door red polo.

And I would take survey with me as a six month old baby and go and clean houses. And it started as friends of family. And then because I was really good at cleaning and then it just, you know, I just got bigger and bigger. And by the time I applied for the Apprentice with my cleaning business, I had 34 maybe plus staff.

I had a fleet of, we de I decided that I needed to have a U S P. I’m very salesy. I’ve always been salesy and I knew that there’s so many cleaner businesses out there that I needed to be different. So we were Oprah and Pearl EcoClean and Services. Everything we did was try to be eco-friendly and we employed a lot of work in moms during school hours because I was a mom and I realized that, that that needed to be a thing.

And a lot of these moms wanted to go to work, but they didn’t want to spend all their money on childcare. So we did 10 till two shifts. Anyway, I went on the Apprentice with the clean. And I’m going to be honest with you, I was in a world of thinking that the cleaner business was, you know, it could have taken over the world.

We’d applied to tender for Warwick University. And when Claude interviewed me, I said, Claude, I’m going to get the cleaning contract for this entire building. And you know, I was driven and it was going to work. And in hindsight, when I left the show, and Lord Sugar told me that he didn’t. See it scaling. I really analyzed my numbers and I analyzed my overheads and I analyzed, you know, how much hard work am I going to have to put in for these tiny little margins?

And I made the very brave decision to close the business down completely. So we faded it out. You know, I made sure that staff had other jobs, and people said, oh, you could have sold it. I really, after the show, I. You know when you just know, like, I just have this feeling in my gut, and I was like, no, no, no.

The cleaning business, it gave me the experience that I needed. It was a blim and hard grasp. I do understand.

Adam Stott: Yeah, it is business. It’s like when you get a talented person that’s got lots of drive and lots of desire, and they put that into a vehicle. In this instance it was a cleaning business.

You put that drive that energy into that vehicle. , you can only take it so far. That vehicle’s only going to take you so far. But then if you put it into a different vehicle, you can go a lot further. Yeah. And it is a difficult decision. It’s when that happens to businesses all the time. You know, talented people, most talented, great business owners have had multiple different businesses because actually realize they get their enthusiasm, talent, the sales, all this stuff to go and drive something.

They go, actually, you know, . If I actually put that energy over here and that talent over here, then I could go a lot further. And you know, it’s quite natural really. And I think it’s a good lesson actually for the people that are listening because, you do have to analyze it. You can become a busy fool.

You can put decades into the wrong thing. Right? And a lot of people don’t know that. And it’s good that you spotted that. So what happened after the cleaning?

Khadija Kalifa: What happened next? So, so I, I reached out to Rob Moore of Progressive Property because he’s from Peterborough. And, and I saw that he was doing big things online and I was lost.

I was completely lost my relationship. I wasn’t sure if it was working out. I’d come off the show. Everybody expected to be a millionaire and I wasn’t. I, and by the way, just a little pre-warning, I really keep it real like I’m the brand here. Keep it real with Khadija. I don’t mess about. So, I, I came off the show.

Split up with my partner. I had two kids at this point. Now I had a, another daughter and yeah, I didn’t know what the hell I was doing, so I reached out to my point, I said, I dunno what to do. I know I’ve got skills, like is there anything that you can that I can do with you? And he said, you can come and do some of our sales.

Literally, I’ve done like sales office training and calling when I was 18, so it was a big hit to the gut. I was now 26, nearly 20. And I was going in at entry level to progressive property, but I did not care. I was like, whatever I can learn from this machine that is happening here, I need to learn. And oh my God, thanks to Rob and the team, like I learned, I didn’t know you could make money off a webinar.

I didn’t know that you could like sell your knowledge for money. I didn’t know that you could learn how to speak effectively so that you can sell on stage. Wow. That was like the, an amazing 18 months. But I remember another guy that’s in this kind of space that you are in. Adam, I won’t mention his name, but I’ll tell you, after he came in, Rob’s offices and and he said to me, oh my God, I watched you on The Apprentice.

So you went from the Apprentice and now you’re cold calling for Rob Moore. I was, oh my God, stabbing the gut. And I was like, do you know what that was fuel. I thought to myself one day, little man, I’m going to be fucking way minter and way more minter than you, and I’m going to call you up and say, do you remember that time when you said to me that I’m just Rob Moore’s cold caller,

Look at what Rob Moore taught me.

Adam Stott: I think that actually to, to sort of sit there just for a moment. and actually realize that prioritizing, learning over earning is something that everybody needs to do at some point in their life. You know? Yes. And what you did actually, you took one step back to go many steps forward.

I think a lot of people don’t do that. They want to prior prioritize earning, and actually they’re their earning your, your earnings only go up in proportion to your skill levels. Correct. So if your skill levels can get into one place, but actually if you rate skills, you can get to the next place. Yeah.

So actually I think what you did was really smart. And you know what? There’s no, I, I also think, you know, something that I’m a big believer is like there is no place in business for ego.

Khadija Kalifa: Oh, you know, oh my god.

Adam Stott: And ego is too ego driven. That can keep you. Stuck. Right. And you put your ego aside, which is amazing.

And went to work on your skills. So that’s great. I did. That’s awesome.

Khadija Kalifa: And also, I can’t lie, I love a headset. I love a headset. Like I’ll go to anyone’s company and go Wolf of Wall Street and stand up and ring the back. Oh, listen, I went in at entry level, but Rob and his team were brilliant. Of course he knew that I’d been on the. But one, he didn’t let me come in easy, but two, as soon as he score what I had to give, not, not Khadija from the Apprentice, but Khadija, who’s working with Progressive. You know, the opportunities came. I started a podcast. I didn’t know anything about podcasting.

They really did support me find my way. And anyway, fast forward, then lockdown happened. And I fell pregnant. So everybody was kind of working remotely. And during that time I realized the need for, soft place , like everybody was at home with their kids. We were fed up like I was pregnant.

I had two kids. I couldn’t take my kids to a soft place. And a lot of the soft players in the UK are now I’m seeing in Dubai as well. They’re great. But they’re very multicolored. They’re very kid focused, and they’re very like fried food. Well, obviously what happened with survey triggered some sort of health anxiety in me.

So as you can see, I’ve got my green juice. I’m very health conscious, and I think when you become, the more successful you become, the more health conscious you become as well, because health is wealth and all that. So, I, I had this idea that I wanted to create like a chic coffee shop. Kind of what I’m sitting in right now, you know, actually they’re interiors in the place that I’m in right now, very similar to my cafe, industrial lighting, photon leather seating, these industrial chairs.

So I had this vision that I wanted. A chic coffee shop where Yu Mummies and, and mums and dads and grandparents could go and feel like that they were in a really nice environment, but their children were welcome. When I had the cleaning business, I was a marketing manager, HR manager, accountant, everything.

Cause I couldn’t afford to outsource it. So I used to take my laptop in the car and take my young children. And I’d either go to a soft play center for two hours while I dropped my teams off to clean. But then in the soft play center, the wifi would be bad. I couldn’t find a plug or the food was awful.

Or I’d go to a Starbucks and the coffee was good and there was a plugin site, but my kids were bored within half an hour. So I realized that there was a gap in the market for people like me who are very driven and want to go somewhere where I’ve got a plug here and a good coffee or a green juice, some, you know, nice paninis and salads and cakes, freshly made cakes.

So I created it. I created full of beans and the good thing was I learned how to market myself from God. And I, and people trusted me because Lord Sugar like me. So then it meant that I, it was very easy for me to raise money because as soon as I started telling people, oh yeah, by the way, I’m thinking of doing this, and don’t get me wrong, I had no money to put into it, not nothing of my own.

I did not put, I’ve not put a penny into either cafe, and I’m fine to say that because what I bring to the table is, is, is. So much weight that I actually don’t need to put money in, but I raised 60,000 for full of beans one, and we opened that in September, 2020, and then we had to close for seven months and then we’ve just raised 107,000 for foot as essay just raised.

We opened it in August, full of beans in Peterborough. And now we are in the process of raising 170,000 for full of beans in East London. I can’t say this specific location because we’re taking over an existence soft play and we’re waiting for the tenant to leave. And now my operations manager’s just been this morning to Cambridge and we’re going to open a smaller version, there.

But what we have, if you look at full of Beans UK on Instagram, It’s a three story. So play with 27 play elements. So it’s enough that your children are entertained, but it’s also in like a nice cheek Instagramable cafe. So we recently spent 27,000 pounds or dollars, I can’t remember one or the other. On buy and full of beans.com and full of beans.co.uk because this time, unlike the cleaner business, I know this is the one.

So I’m happy to, you know, ask my investors, are you happy if we invest this money into buying domains? And luckily for me, my investors support everything I do. So, You know, as they say in Dubai, it’s worked out since that cleaner business day .

Adam Stott: Yeah. Look, I, I think it’s a fantastic story and, and it’s a great, you know, some, so many lessons there.

I think for the audience to look at. One, the prioritization and skills I think was really clever. Two actually put in the ego aside. I’m going to build my skills, you know, and then moving on to then go and raise money. Use your personal brand to raise money. A lot of people don’t realize that the more of a brand you have, the more trust you have, the more trust you have, the more credibility you have, the more you have, the more people want to be on board.

You know, one thing I say frequently is success attracts success. And if. Becoming successful. People want to be around that and they want to be a part of it. So it sounds like you’ve really built those lessons into what you do. What’s your plans for the future then, you know, you, you feel like full of beans is the one.

How, where do you envision it? Where do you want to go? What’s your, what’s your kind of overall vision for it?

Khadija Kalifa: Well, there’s a reason I’m in Dubai because it definitely needs to come here. Mm-hmm. . So, you know, the plan at the minute, we, the lease is going through for the East London one, the Cambridge one we’re taking over.

It’s being reassigned to us, so hopefully God’s willing, in the next few months we’ll have four. My investors are happy that I’m in Dubai. The best thing I did actually is I came on a holiday in January to Dubai and I decided not to go home with three kids in tow, by the way. And they’re currently being homeschooled, but they’re go, they were a kids club at the.

But for me, I was spending, and, you know, you’re always learning, but I was spending a lot of time even with full of beans, doing little things that I thought were important, like a cash and carry one, or, oh yeah, I’ll work a few hours to cover someone Because, because I, you know, because I don’t have a, I don’t have a big ego, so to me, I don’t care, but gimme the t-shirt, let me jump in.

But actually it was quite detri detrimental. Yeah, it was detrimental because I was doing things to make myself feel like I was being productive when actually being in Dubai and unable to do that, I’m building the franchise model, I’m building the brand, I’m speaking to the investors, I’m doing all the other things, and actually what I realized was while the cafes are running immediately well to my great team that like and love and trust me and like, and love the brand.

I, my stuff, I was interviewing a lot of great guests, at the time that I was working with Progressive and then after, and then it kind of like whittled down. I had a baby full of beans launched. Like I’m also, I’ve also realized that you don’t have to try to do everything at once. Like sometimes something has to take the backseat and for me it was the keep it real stuff.

So now I put a post last night and and, and I’ll, I’ll send it to you. , but I basically just said, I love. Getting hit of dopamine from cold calling. When I cold call one, when they pick up the phone, I get a hit of dopamine. When I pitch to them and they’re listening, I get another hit of dopamine and when they actually are happy to move forward, oh my God, it’s like Christmas.

So I’ve realized, you know, I’ve done business mentoring and coaching. But what really, really like excites me is cold calling. I can’t tell you cold calling or just introducing a new product or getting to know a new company and believing in it so much that I can sell it. I’ve been like this since I was working in Evans retail store in uni.

They used to tell me I could sell eyes to an Eskimo third of like a, an aad. Rest in peace, Arcadia. But they’d have an Arcadia store card and their target would be like, I dunno, five in a month. Then I’d work a Saturday and get three. And they’d be like, whoa. Yeah. And I was like 18 years old back then. So I’ve done a lot of like evaluating of my personality and realizing, do you know what, there’s no shame if I enjoy being a sales girl.

If somebody wants to pay me, like I’ve done an offer, I’ll give you 10 qualified leads, per month for 200. Oh God, that’s nothing. But for me, it’s like a hobby. I, if I’ve got a few hours free and I haven’t got the kids, gimme your data, gimme your cm. Lemme call them please. Because I love, I want to get a sale and with full beans, as much as it’s great, it’s not really like that.

You know, I can market it on social market, I can market it. It’s on social media. I can, you know, we can, we, we sell parties. Don’t get me wrong. Every time someone books a party for 400 pound, I get that dopamine hit. Every time I see the strip payment come in the bank account, I get the dopamine hit. But when the business is running day to day, actually I’m a bit like, oh, what can I do?

I need to like do something. So yeah, I mean I had three people sign up yesterday to me getting them 10 qualified leads. One has got a small business awards. Shout out to Laura. And then another guy, he wants to connect with authors that aren’t, marketing themselves, right? Another guy has got, like a review platform online and he needs, people that are in the e-commerce space to sign up.

Oh my God, I’m so excited. I get to learn about their business. I get to see different, Facilities and different software that they’re using, because a lot of people use different softwares fee. So I’m learning that I also get to speak to a bunch of new people. They trust me and I’m helping people. That really is a big thing for me as well.

I’m helping them grow and that gives me dopamine, you know, ,

Adam Stott: they’re fabulous. We loving the sales part of it as well. I love it. You know? Sounds like lots of cool stuff on. What would you say to. And I think this is where we want to get a lesson outta this, which is really important. What would you say to the people that are sitting there and they’re game, you love it.

I hate it. How can somebody get over that fear of actually making that call and how can people build more of a sales mentality into what they do? What would your advice to be to someone in that, in

Khadija Kalifa: that way? I’m so excited to answer this question cuz I’ve gotta answer a true sales form. You don’t need to learn.

Let me do it for you.

Adam Stott: Well, if you want some sales, yeah, but that’s okay. But for those people, you know, so, but what would you say? What, what do you think? Because I think the problem is for a lot of people, right? There’s a lot of people never been through that part of business. Mm-hmm. . So I, I learned that in early career.

Right. And, and a lot of successful people earlier in their career have work hours, environment, a lot of successful people. So they overcome the fear of asking for the business. They overcome the fear of doing business, but many, many people got this and they never had that. And they still carried a fear.

And I, and I really think it’s important for people to be able to go out there and actually make those calls and do the business, you know, and actually start doing it. So yeah, definitely people board in your team,

Khadija Kalifa: what, what I think is, sorry to interrupt, but what I think is the most important thing is not everybody has to be a salesperson.

I’ve taken a long time over the last few years figuring out what I’m good at, and I’ve figured out that it just so happens sales is my thing. If you ask me to sit and do a spreadsheet and do my back return, I actually feel physically sick. If I have to sit down and do anything administrative, I feel sick, so I, I mean, I know I’m big up more right now, but life leverage really did change my life because I didn’t realize that you could outsource stuff that you’re not good at and, and now I outsource things that I don’t like to do or that I’m not good at.

And I realize when you’re at the beginning of the business, I did it. I wore every hat. I’m in a very blessed situation now where I know what I’m good at and I can, I can channel that energy. I also realized that a lot of people are just, they would probably be really great salespeople for someone else, but they just can’t sell their themselves, and that is a lot of self-learning.

I’ve realized that I am bloody amazing. I love myself. Miley Cyrus has just bought out a song called Flowers. Oh my God, I listen to it all the. and the lyrics are basically like, I will love myself better than you ever can. And so in answer to your question, if you really want to get good at selling, not just selling for other people, but selling for yourself, you need to learn to love yourself more, and you need to big yourself up, and you need to know what you have to offer because too, too often the only reason they’re not good at selling themselves is because they’re.

And their self-worth and self-belief is not there. Once you start working on your self-love and your self-belief, I know I’m a boss. I know I’m a boss. I know whoever gives me their money. My investors for born got 35% return on them investment in less than two years, and we closed for seven because of lockdown.

So it was like 21 months. They got 35% return on. But why? Because I’m a graft. Because I know my market, because I know what I’m doing and I believe in myself. So now when I talk to investors, I TA one. One man I spoke to, he asked for a job for his wife. The criteria of him giving me 15 grand was that I had to provide a job for his wife for life.

Now, as much as I would love to do that, I equally don’t love to be put in the position where I need to have my back against the wall, that I need to make a position for you. And so therefore, I said no. I’ve had people before. As soon as I speak on the phone to investors, they go. Soja, tell me a bit about you and I’ll go Google me.

That’s how confident I am in myself now, not in a, not in a stuck up way, but in a hold on a minute. You’ve sent me an inquiry, you want to work with me, but you want to start this call off on a level where you are going to make me feel like I need to pitch myself to you. If I feel like I need to pitch myself to you, you’re probably not the right person for me to work with.

And to get into that space where you are that confident that you know someone. I had a guy offered that offered to invest a hundred thousand pounds, a hundred thousand pounds into my business deal. Don’t get me wrong, I was like, wow, just one guy, a hundred thousand. Oh my God. Amazing. Then I spoke to him a couple of times and it was like, you know, his attitude was off.

His attitude was wrong. So I said to him, I don’t think it’s going to work out. You know, it’s not, we’re not going to, it’s not going to work out, and it doesn’t matter because I begged myself enough that I know that I’ll find somebody else in, in a few weeks time and I’ll work with someone. So the sales thing, I think is always down to you, either A, don’t believe in your product enough.

B, you don’t love yourself enough, and C, you just don’t feel like that the return for that person is good enough. It, I only will work with people even with my sales lead gen. I will work with people like Rob Moore, people like yourself, people like other companies, because I believe in the product that they’re offering.

If I don’t believe in the product that they’re offering, I’ll either try and help to improve it, or I’ll cut ties because there’s no point me trying to slog something if I don’t believe in it, you know?

Adam Stott: Hundred percent. Yeah. And I think there’s some really, really good advice there for, for, for people listening.

And, you know, you’ve hit the nail on the head. If, if you don’t love your product, make it better. All right? If you don’t love yourself, do some work on yourself. Yes. Because these things are fundamentally are, are going to help you to succeed. Look, I mean, it’s been an amazing chat. I love that you pour the energy lots and lots of energy there.

Always look forward to seeing. Ofs, which I think is a good, good brand name for you. Mad Dear . Yeah, as well, right?

Khadija Kalifa: I wear orange. I wear orange now because our brand colors are orange and gray. So now my whole wardrobe, I’m trying to buy everything in orange.

Adam Stott: That won’t quite work out for me, but yeah.

and Chair, but it certainly work for you. No problem.

Khadija Kalifa: Aw, thank you for inviting me.

Adam Stott: No, really enjoyed the chat. Where can people get in touch with you? Where’s the best place for them to contact you if they want to hear more about what you’re doing? Yeah. Instagram and question.

Khadija Kalifa: Yeah. Yeah. So on Instagram, I’m Khadija Kalifa.

Which is great when you’re in Dubai because I call myself Khadija Burj Kalifa. And then, keep it real with Khadija is the podcast, which I, I’m going to be honest, I was a bit sweary when I first came off The Apprentice, so I might go through, some of them are going to make me cringe, so maybe hold off before you download.

Keep it real with Khadija. Let me filter through the rubbish one. And then, full of Beans UK on Instagram. So you could go to, keepitrealwithkhadija.com, Full of Beans UK: fullofbeans.com and Khadija Kalifa on Instagram.

Adam Stott: Fabulous. Look, you’ve been amazing. Love the chat. Lots of lessons here, for those of you who’ve been listening, and of course, if you haven’t already, please make sure to subscribe, to business Grow Secrets and share this with somebody else that you think needs some help.

If you know somebody that is struggling with sales, struggling with their mindset, or maybe doesn’t love themselves enough to grow their business, go and hit that share button wherever you are listening and share this with someone that could give you a nice boost of confidence. And I look forward to seeing you on the next episode.

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