Episode 327: Achieving Service Excellence in Business with Inga Grigaitiene

Inga Grigaitiene, the owner of A&B Guest House in Cambridge, has experienced a remarkable transformation in her business and personal life. Through hard work, dedication, and the guidance of Adam Stott, she has turned her guest house into a multi-award-winning establishment.

On the sidelines of The Done for You Branded Retreat, Adam Stott interviews Inga Grigaitiene, the owner of A&B Guest House in Cambridge. Inga shares her journey of transforming her business and falling back in love with it. She emphasizes the importance of following your gut and taking action. Inga also discusses the types of guests she serves and the unique experiences she provides. She expresses her gratitude for the support she has received and her excitement for the future.

Show Highlights:

  • Following your gut and taking action today, not tomorrow
  • How Inga provides a cozy, friendly, and clean environment to attract returning guests
  • Embracing new perspectives and continuously growing your heart and mindset
  • Building relationships with your guests and making them feel at home
  • Attending business events to gain new ideas and learn from others

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Please note this is a verbatim transcription from the original audio and therefore may include some minor grammatical errors.

[00:00:00] Adam Stott: Hey everybody and welcome back to another one of our great success stories. I’m here with someone who’s been a part of my inner circle. Who is achieving amazing things has had a real transformation and I’m really, really proud of everything that she’s done. Uh, she’s worked a lot on herself. She’s grown a great business.

[00:00:19] Uh, she’s been featured on national TV previously. And today she’s sitting here as an award winner for service excellence because a guest house provides a, an excellent service. She’s very, very proud of what she does, very into the details and very much looking to, to, to help people, which is amazing. So congratulations, Inga, for your service excellence award.

[00:00:42] You, a lot of people went to that. A lot of people wanted that one, but the reason that you got it is because you’ve just demonstrated time after time that you want to do a great job. And, and, and we’re really, really proud of all the transformation you have. So welcome. How are you? How are you feeling?

[00:00:56] Inga Grigaitiene: Oh, yes.

[00:00:59] First of all, I really would like to, from the bottom of my heart, you know, to say thank you very much for inviting me, you know, on your podcast. Thank you very much. Without you, I wouldn’t be achieving those things, you know. Thank

[00:01:09] Adam Stott: you. Well, that is absolutely my pleasure. And if you would note,

[00:01:13] Inga Grigaitiene: that English language has no expression in the vocabulary, how well and good and amazing

[00:01:19] Adam Stott: I’m feeling.

[00:01:21] Oh, that’s brilliant. Well, you certainly deserve it. So, I just wanted to, you know, have a good chat with you. And you’ve achieved some amazing transformations since I’ve got to know you. And some of that transformation has been just that pure positivity that you’re bringing now to everything that you do.

[00:01:38] And I know that you’ve had some, you know, some ups and downs along the way. You’ve had some struggle. What are some of the things that you’ve experienced in running a business? Because you’ve got a really great guest house in Cambridge. And maybe tell us about your business first. Let’s start there. Tell us all about your business.

[00:01:52] Inga Grigaitiene: Alright, okay. A& B Guest House. Uh, A& B Guest House is my baby. I love it. And, uh, it’s multi award winner now. Yeah. And, uh, thank you to you. You know that I was working in the business and now I’m on top of the business, you know, I’m trying to. What you leading me to, you know, we are very good located, you know, location is fabulous.

[00:02:15] You know, we are small, but they are cozy, friendly and very clean. Yes. Very clean. Yes. What is important for the guests. Yeah, of course. And like we have lots of returning customers, guests, and I’m very happy to be there.

[00:02:33] Adam Stott: Yeah. What’s it been like growing that business? I know that you, you know, knowing you really well and working really closely with you and knowing where you were in the business and knowing where you are now.

[00:02:46] It’s almost like you’ve been running it for a long time, but you’ve fallen back in love with it, right? Would that be the right description? What’s it been like? You’ve had ups and downs. You’ve, you know, you want this business to be great and you’ve worked really hard on it. What’s your journey been like?

[00:03:00] Inga Grigaitiene: Oh God, you know that one? I’m out. I’m trying not to cry, you know, but the thing is, you know, I would say to everybody, follow your guts. And then I followed my guts, you know, I ended up meeting you and, uh, I re learned to, uh, And I really loved, is it how to love my business? You know, I fell in love, you know, I thought, you know, I was sitting like, you know, the, in the God’s waiting room.

[00:03:29] Oh no, no, no. In the Fabergé egg, my business was doing well, you know, that had lots of good income, but you know, when you’re sitting in the egg, you know, the inside, this inner kid, you know, was so bored and in a dark place because kids wanted to grow, but this golden frame, you know, didn’t allow it to. Now, when I met you, you know, that I saw different perspectives, you know, that I saw, you know, I’m flourishing, you know, the Fibrosia egg open and I’m growing, you know, that in the same way, but you know, not financially I’m okay and was always okay, but the thing is, you know, what you showed me, you know, I can grow in my heart and in my mindset.

[00:04:11] Adam Stott: Thank you. And, and you have, right? And now you seem excited about the business, you’ve obviously spent a lot of time with us, you’ve been to a lot of our events, you’ve, you know, we’re in Champneys Hotel, we came here, didn’t we, for a few months ago in a circle, we had a lot of fun, you’re having lots of fun in the spa, weren’t you?

[00:04:28] You’re having tons of fun in the spa. What’s it been like here? Have you enjoyed it, this event?

[00:04:34] Inga Grigaitiene: Yeah, yes, it’s absolutely, oh God, mind blowing, you know, that, well. I was, I couldn’t sleep last night because I knew that I’m going to do podcast, but you made me feel so relaxed and happy and you know, that, that is good, you know, but yeah, it’s cool.

[00:04:48] So many ideas, you know, that what we knew, but we didn’t know, you know, but you showed us that we can use that, you know, and how to grow and what to learn, you know, and you will have me for another two years, you know, if you don’t know that, you know, yes, I sound for new.

[00:05:08] Adam Stott: Yeah, brilliant. And about your business, obviously you help people in Cambridge. They come, they stay at your guest house, you have a lot of people that come back in. What type of people do you have come and stay with you? Is it people visiting Cambridge? Is it people that are working in Cambridge? Is it a mix of both?

[00:05:24] Inga Grigaitiene: A mix of all four or five things, not just the both. You know, I do have people. I know all over the world because I was with Alex Polizzi, you know, in the hotel inspector previously. Yes, people also, I do have people coming from there, you know, from, you know, pushing as a curiosity, you know, but I do have lots of returning customers, guests, you know, that some send them, you know, they supported me, you know, through the lockdown and, and now, you know, they’re coming and bringing, you know, winter months, lots of business people, lots of parents.

[00:05:55] Because Cambridge is an academic town with lots of students, there are parents coming and staying with me. Um, uh, because I speak Russian, and you know, the thing is, you know, there are lots of former Soviet Union countries, you know, that do speak Russian. And parents, you know, that want to, the parents who bring in the children to study in Cambridge, you know, they’re coming and staying.

[00:06:18] I mean, specifically with me because we can talk about the Cambridge about history about, you know, and then making them feel, you know, like, you know, like, at home, but you know, in a really nice small environment, you know, sometimes when you come into different country, and all the kids, you know, those youngsters, you know, they’re really quickly adapting, adaptable are adapting, you know, to the new spaces.

[00:06:42] But for us parents being about my age people, you know, that. They’re a little bit kind of cautious, you know, because they don’t know what, where we’re coming, you know, and I’m, I’m there to help them and, you know, I do have loads and loads of friends I met because

[00:06:58] Adam Stott: I’m, I’m in the guest house. Because of, because of what you’re doing, yeah, which is awesome.

[00:07:03] And where can people find out about your guest house? Where’s the best place for them to go and check it out? If they’re going to Cambridge and they want to stay in Cambridge, they want a great location, what’s the best place to go and look you up? All right.

[00:07:14] Inga Grigaitiene: Okay. Of course, the internet, you go online, you know, you find, you know, a and biggest house cambridge.

[00:07:20] com and you just

[00:07:22] Adam Stott: Book, book, book away and you can come and spend some time with the lovely Inga in A& B Guesthouse, which, which should be awesome. And look, you, you have been on this journey in building this business. And like you said, when I met you, you had a great business already and you were doing well.

[00:07:39] You’ve took that moment to really refocus on the business, rebuild it, took the Faberge lid off, and now you’re growing even more. What would you say to a business owner, um, that could give them some tips. Maybe they’re struggling. Maybe they’re in their business. They’re, they’re in their business right now.

[00:07:57] Maybe they’re falling out of love with it. What would you say to someone like that to try and help them to see things a bit differently? What should they do? Promise not to laugh. No.

[00:08:07] Inga Grigaitiene: Yeah. Because just do it, you know, just do it. Just. Do it. Just do it. You know, just do anything you’ve, anything comes to your head, you know, just do it.

[00:08:24] You know that not tomorrow, do it today. Now, you know, if you do have ideas, because if you postpone, you know, it is, you know, as I will never, sometimes never happens, but you know that. Well, it’s um, I’m not saying, you know, that signed this big business event, but you know, it’s the best thing what happened, you know, to you.

[00:08:39] Yeah. Yes. Thank you. You know that and signed, you know, not because I want them, you know, but

[00:08:44] Adam Stott: you know, Yeah. Well, we love having, we love having you a part of what we do, you know, you bring a lot of fun, a lot of good energy. And, you know, I’m really looking forward to the future and having you around in, in, in what we do.

[00:08:57] Very excited. You’ve got some great media and press while you’ve been here. How’s that felt?

[00:09:02] Inga Grigaitiene: Amazing it’s amazing and I’m like, you know, I’m steaming.

[00:09:06] Adam Stott: I was pleased to put See you in lights. It was really good

[00:09:09] Inga Grigaitiene: Spreading my life, you know that but without you without Without trust without Ben without all your team, you know, I probably I wouldn’t you know, because I knew that I need to grow you know, but Yeah.

[00:09:25] Follow guts and come to see the big business event.

[00:09:30] Adam Stott: I certainly, uh, appreciate the endorsement. Well, look, this is the lovely Inga who has created the wonderful A and B. guest house in Cambridgeshire. Go and check her out and if you have any plans, and I will say I love Cambridge. Well, I love Cambridge. If, go and spend a weekend there, go and spend some time there, and look Inga up so you can get a lovely welcome and enjoy her guest house.

[00:09:54] Oh, promise, promise. And thank you so much for coming on. Thank you for having me. No, I’ve loved it. I’ve really enjoyed it as always. Well done, Inga, and I look forward to seeing you succeed even more.

[00:10:04] Inga Grigaitiene: Okay, thank you very much.

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