Episode 335: From Doubts to Inspiration with Dawn Hurd (Hurd & Co.)

Starting out in business as a mom with no confidence, Dawn had doubts and fears about her ability to build a business. However, through hard work and perseverance, she has transformed herself into an unstoppable force in the entrepreneurial world.

In this episode, Adam Stott interviews Dawn Hurd, the winner of the Done For You Brand Retreat Inspirational Award. Dawn shares her journey from being a mom with no confidence to becoming a successful entrepreneur and an inspiration to others. Dawn highlights the importance of mindset, marketing, branding, and understanding the target market in building a successful business.

Dawn’s story serves as a reminder that with determination, hard work, and the right mindset, anyone can achieve success.

Show Highlights:

  • Overcoming imposter syndrome and building confidence are crucial for success in business
  • Understanding the target market and aligning values with customers can set a business apart from competitors
  • Continuous learning and investing in personal growth are essential for long-term success
  • Saying yes to opportunities, even when feeling unprepared, can lead to growth and new possibilities
  • Building a strong team and having accountability are important factors in achieving business goals

Find out more about Hurd & Co at https://www.hurdandco.com/

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Please note this is a verbatim transcription from the original audio and therefore may include some minor grammatical errors.

[00:00:00] Adam Stott: Hi everybody and welcome back to another interview with one of our very special clients, Dawn Hurd. And I’m really, really excited to be interviewing Dawn because she has just won our biggest inspiration award and she’s a huge inspiration to many people in our network and really is living proof of if she can do it, you can do it too.

[00:00:25] She’s been on a journey. So when she started out, she had a lot of doubts. She had a lot of fears. She was struggling in different ways about what she was going to do with her business. And she’s been able to break through those doubts, break through those fears, go on this entrepreneurial journey where she just kept building.

[00:00:41] And now she’s in a place where she’s becoming unstoppable. Nothing seems to get in her way. She’s got that ability to keep going, keep driving forward, and she’s inspiring people all throughout our network. And I’m really, really proud of everything she’s achieved, so I’m really excited to have her join us on this amazing success interview.

[00:01:00] Um, so stay tuned, listen very carefully to what Dawn’s got to say, because I’m going to really try to examine. Some of the challenges she’s had, how she’s reframed things to herself, how she’s broke through some of those fears to get better results. If you’re watching right now and you’re that business owner where you’ve had a few struggles, you’ve had your ups and downs, you’re having some of those moments where you feel like business is a lonely place and you want to put the pieces of the puzzle together as to how you can get more success in your life, then this is a must watch interview.

[00:01:31] So I hope you really enjoy. And let’s get into the interview now. Well, welcome Dawn. Really, really, really happy to have you with us and super excited to talk to you. You’re, you’re sitting here right now as a, as an award winner. You’ve got an award sat next to you. Do you want to show us what your award you’ve won is?

[00:01:48] So everyone can see.

[00:01:49] Dawn Hurd: So I have won the inspirational award.

[00:01:52] Adam Stott: So first of all, you know, very well deserved and as we talk throughout, you know, this chat, people are going to see why, um, but I’ve noticed certainly throughout our network, working with the people in our network, working with us, showing people the path to how they can grow your real inspiration, you know, should be really proud of yourself.

[00:02:13] But how did it feel to be stood up in front of, uh, All our other clients and receiving that most inspirational award where you’re just really standing head and shoulders above everyone else. What did that feel like in the moment?

[00:02:25] Dawn Hurd: I think it, it felt, I felt worthy of it because I feel, I feel like it’s a real milestone to receive, to receive this award because I’m authentic.

[00:02:37] And I was the least, the, the, the last person in the room that you would think would go forward and have a business. I was a mum, with no confidence, lost at the time, and the development and growth I’ve had, I can’t even believe it’s happened. So to, to be seen as an inspiration, it’s just great because I, I, I hope it does, it does empower other people to think they can do it too.

[00:03:02] Adam Stott: Yeah, and I think that’s amazing that you said that, and I, And I do remember when we first, first met you at an event that we did in Bath many, many years ago. Um, I remember you, you then coming on to the event and did a few things with us, you did some trainings with us. But there were times where you were nervous, you weren’t sure how you were going to propel yourself.

[00:03:24] Uh, I know that you joined our business academy and then you, you came to a special event that we were holding at my house. And I remember that being, it was a great experience, right? That event, you know, it’s great to have so many awesome clients there. And I really remember I had Gemma Collins as a, as a special guest speaker for, for those that are watching.

[00:03:44] And we did the event with Gemma. We had this massive party, didn’t we? But I remember the coaching that you got from Gemma in that event and from myself. And I remember seeing a bit of a transitional moment there where you started to think differently and Gemma’s very good at that. She definitely gets people to think bigger.

[00:04:03] I remember that having an impact on you and you starting to change and go in a different direction. So you’ve gone on this journey now. Where you’ve started a business. It was small crafts, crafts business at the beginning. You’ve built it up. Tell us a little bit about why you wanted to get into the crafts business.

[00:04:20] Why you wanted to be in that world and what it was like at the beginning.

[00:04:23] Dawn Hurd: I kind of felt a little forced into it because my background was in health and fitness. Um, and my husband and I had had eight miscarriages. Wow. So the, the advice we were given was if we wanted to be parents, I needed to stop exercising.

[00:04:37] And I didn’t know anything else really. So I’m, I was a keen crafter, um, hobbies and things at home and making stuff. It kind of felt like a natural progression to go and sell what I make. So that’s what happened. It became a very expensive hobby because I had, I, I’m a creative so I’m very good at. Making, but I didn’t have the business skill at all.

[00:05:00] So I fell into it by accident really. I wanted to, I knew I needed to make an income, but I wasn’t quite sure how because the rug had been taken from me without going back to my, my previous career.

[00:05:11] Adam Stott: And it’s so, it’s so interesting because you said I wanted to make things and sell them. I, and it tells me that in that moment, I think this is why, you know, you’ve certainly been voted in as most inspirational is because you were at that place very much where you were searching, weren’t you?

[00:05:26] You didn’t know the answers. You weren’t sure what the answers were. And since then you’ve, you’ve really transitioned and gone this journey. So. Obviously, it’s been some moments and you’ve changed so much and and getting that into this interview is gonna Gonna be really interesting for those people that are watching right now.

[00:05:43] So for example I remember that moment. I don’t know if that was a big moment for you at my house. Yeah. Or whether there were other big moments, but what were some of the key moments of change to go from business owner that’s not sure what they’re doing, trying to make a little bit of extra money, doing it part time, to building up to where you are now.

[00:06:03] What changed?

[00:06:04] Dawn Hurd: Knowing I was meeting Gemma, I made, I made some knitwear for her and I took it to the event, sat down with her and her reaction blew me away. I couldn’t believe because she, she looked at me and said, why isn’t this in Arad’s? You know, she really was, she just couldn’t believe that, that my little homemade product wasn’t out there to the mass market.

[00:06:27] And that was the first glimmer I think I had. Of somebody else believing in me, um, and, and really looking at like the real aspirational goal to think, well, actually, yeah, I could take this to wholesale, I could take this to market. And I started to take things seriously then. That, that was a real So it was a change in points.

[00:06:46] Yeah, 100%. It was instant. You know, when she, when she sat and she spoke to me, she was so clear and, and, and it just was so obvious to her. Why would you not do this? Whereas, for me, it just felt It would be a pipe dream to think that that would ever be something that could come true. And I knew in that moment, I could actually be onto something with this.

[00:07:09] So what did you do next? I got some training. I come straight on with you guys and learnt My craft if you’d like. I knew how to do that. I knew what I was doing there I didn’t have the rest of the puzzle

[00:07:22] Adam Stott: figured out. What were the missing pieces for you

[00:07:27] Dawn Hurd: the one of the biggest things for me has been My belief and my mindset work.

[00:07:34] That’s been a huge thing because that’s seen me through even now. I still have moments of wobble, which we all do. We all, we all, if, if you’re not scared, you’re not pushing yourself and you’re not growing. I don’t think so. There’s always that, but the marketing and branding for me. Was incredible because once I, we’d, we sat and we’d worked who I was looking to, to work with that changed the game completely.

[00:07:57] And once I understood that and I knew that and I knew how to speak to people, I could craft a message I could get in front of the right people that helped me work on a pricing strategy and know exactly I valued my, my products. I had belief in my product and my messaging was getting to the right. The right market which made it an easy an easy journey from that point because I understood what I was doing

[00:08:22] Adam Stott: It becomes easier when you have a strategy, right?

[00:08:24] It sounds like we’re stuck place. We’re searching a little bit We’re searching but we’ve got a lot of doubt because we’ve maybe got some trial and error in there You know you come to that particular event Gemma challenges you to want more. You stand up to the challenge. You say, all right, well, if I want more, I’m going to build the skills.

[00:08:42] You find that about really understanding target markets, really understand how to market yourself, understand how to build a brand, you know, becoming better in different areas in sales. I know you’ve done a lot of work as well, and you start building this business out. And then things start to change for you, right?

[00:08:57] So now you’ve got these fundamental skills, what changes started happening and what results did you start seeing? So my

[00:09:03] Dawn Hurd: confidence grew, I understood the market and what they valued. So to bring my values in alignment with my market values, it, it kind of took me down a route of actually, if this is long term, I have a responsibility so the sustainability issues and do I use a cheap Acrylic, which is plastic, or do I follow my market and consider what’s important to them?

[00:09:29] And to them it’s important that it’s British wool. It’s important that I’m using a natural resource. So all of those things Took me down the path of actually I’m standing out above everybody else now because There’s there’s a story with what I’m doing. So I ended up at Pure London fashion show I worked with the United Nations and that kind of propelled me, but I had the belief in the product I knew who I was selling to and I had the values in alignment with them It was a no brainer to take the business morally On the next stage of the journey.

[00:10:00] It was no longer I’m making a product to make money. It was I’m building this for

[00:10:05] Adam Stott: longevity. So, you know, depending on who’s watching this, right, there’s obviously a lot of different people watching this interview, but what you’re talking about. Fundamental things that are absolutely missed by many, many business owners.

[00:10:21] Understanding the target market, understanding their needs, their wants, their desires. Matching their needs, their wants, their desires to your products. Knowing the value of your product, charging the value of your product. Making sure that you get paid proportionally for what you’re worth, building a brand, getting into these big companies, working with great partners and being around people that can propel you and all of a sudden, you’re now in a very different place.

[00:10:45] You’ve since launched some really good community aspects as well, which I think is a big part of you being a great inspiration. So you’re Your knitwear business starts to grow. It’s no longer a craft business. You’re making more money. You’re growing. You get into this place now where you launch a product to help people in your local marketplace, right?

[00:11:04] Yeah. So tell us a

[00:11:05] Dawn Hurd: little bit about that. Yep. So, um, I know we’d gone through COVID. Obviously everybody experienced loneliness and how that felt. I’m from Somerset. We have a large population of elderly people. Um, the transport is not great. So, isolation is a real issue. So, I set up a community project. So, every week, we have a sit and knit session.

[00:11:25] We knit, we natter, we drink tea. Um, it’s more about the loneliness than it is the knitting. The knitting’s an excuse, to be honest. But the reward that that’s given me, It’s kind of, it’s a nice give back to the community, and the business is able to fund that. And that, that’s an evolution, because that wasn’t part of the plan, but it feels like the right thing to do.

[00:11:45] Adam Stott: The right thing to do. And then that’s also help you get a lot of PR and now the, the brand is building, you’ve really took to branding and understanding branding, you know, winning awards, getting media, getting yourself out there, becoming more known. Um, I’ve also seen a huge evolution. You’ve used speaking and public speaking a lot.

[00:12:02] You spoke a lot of our events and, you know, people are now seeing you as a person of real notable value. And people are attracted to working with you and wanting to do business with you. And now all of a sudden, you’re just in a completely different world. You’re a woman that has a plan that is a powerful woman.

[00:12:19] And you said that, Hey, I was, I felt like a mom. Didn’t have any value. Now you’re in a place where you’re a powerful woman making big impacts in the market, inspiring other people. You should be really, really proud. And the people that are listening. You know, if you want to get to the stage where you go on a journey, where you’re working with big people like the United Nations, where you’re giving back to your community, you’re making more money, you’re building forward, and you’re transforming your entire life, there’s some moves people have got to make, aren’t there?

[00:12:46] So, what are some of the fears that hold people back, do you think, from your experience? And what are some of the beliefs they need to change? Try and add a bit of value to the audience they’re listening to. I

[00:12:55] Dawn Hurd: think I’ve been very good, as my confidence has grown in what I do, I’ve got very good at saying yes, even if I’m not ready.

[00:13:04] So when an opportunity comes, I say yes and then we figure it out. We work out how we’re going to get there. Um, I’ve, I’ve taken the business in a completely different direction. It’s now, it is a brand, it is a brand, I understand what I’m doing with that. I feel like my mindset is something I constantly work on, but I never stop learning.

[00:13:25] I’m always ready for the next, what’s next, what are we going to do next, how can we elevate this, how can this go? So I think from a skill point of view, just, you need to keep investing in you. Because you never know all of it, and when you think you do There’s another level to get to

[00:13:41] Adam Stott: yeah, absolutely. So keep on that journey keep pushing through and what were you afraid of back in the day?

[00:13:47] that you really shouldn’t have been afraid of

[00:13:48] Dawn Hurd: I Felt like an imposter. That was my big and I know everybody says this my imposter syndrome was off the chart Absolutely off the chart and what cured it

[00:14:00] Adam Stott: What cured

[00:14:01] Dawn Hurd: it? Was seeing, seeing the gains along the way, and seeing that confidence, and seeing how people looked at me differently.

[00:14:10] Once I’d worked with the United Nations, and I’d won my first award, and then I won another award, and then another award, and it, it just Positioned me in a better position in a better place and I kind of think people started to take me seriously and I started to believe I’ve talked before about having a timeline and and being aware of You know the the winds that seemed so huge in the beginning when I look back now They kind of Irrelevant, but they’re not irrelevant because they’re part of the journey and they’ve built my confidence as I’ve gone.

[00:14:42] So I was very fearful of everything. I was fearful of, of people not taking me seriously and not, you know, I’m a knitter from Somerset. I was working at my kitchen table with dinner and children’s homework around, you know, it didn’t feel like I was a business woman. I don’t feel like that now. I have confidence in what I’m doing.

[00:15:02] I have a team backing me. I have accountability to push me forward. It’s just been the most incredible journey that my whole, my whole family and I have been benefiting from. It’s

[00:15:14] Adam Stott: just been incredible. It’s just amazing you’re making that impact throughout. And you mentioned the team, obviously working really closely with us.

[00:15:19] You’ve been in our mentor program, mentorship programs for a number of years. You’ve achieved amazing results. Is there anyone in particular in that team that, you feel has added some, some great value to you that you want to mention, perhaps, you know, for, for anyone that’s watching that you feel that made a big difference to you?

[00:15:35] Dawn Hurd: I think I have to. Ross believed in me before I did. Ross saw something that I didn’t see. And he has continually pushed me. Yeah. When I think I can’t, he’s there. And I have to take my hat off to you, really, because as much as Ross is more mindset for me. With a conversation with you, it’s what have you done, how have you done it, how have you got there.

[00:15:59] There’s always the accountability more so with you. And, and, and the business side with you. And the strategy. They both go so well together. You can’t have one without the other. And I don’t think, you and Ross work so brilliantly together. The support has been, without it I wouldn’t be doing this. There’s

[00:16:20] Adam Stott: no doubt.

[00:16:21] Well look, you’ve done absolutely amazing. And how can people learn a bit more about you Dawn? Where should they go and look you up? Where can they connect with you? Or how can they learn a little bit more about your business? What’s the best thing for them

[00:16:31] Dawn Hurd: to do? Head to my website which is www.

[00:16:33] herdhurdandco.

[00:16:35] Adam Stott: com So herdandco. com which is h u r d and co dot com Go and check Dawn out, she’s achieved some amazing things Multiple award winner, lots of media features, going places And has come so far That is going to go so much further. Let’s keep a keen eye on Dawn. She’s absolutely amazing. We’re really proud of you.

[00:16:57] I think you’ve done absolutely amazing. Proud to have you a part of the team and, you know, working with us so closely and really love having you part of our programs. You’ve been amazing. You know, so thank you very much for coming on, having a chat and sharing some of the knowledge, the fears, the beliefs you’ve overcome and really sharing your journey so transparently.

[00:17:14] You very much deserve your Inspiration Award. You’ve been amazing. All right. Thank you.

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