Episode 337: The Wow Effect: Empowerment and Success with Nadine La Reine

The Covid-19 pandemic has significantly impacted many lives, bringing both positive and negative changes. For Nadine, it was an opportunity to establish her own business and empower others.

In this episode, Adam Stott sits down with Nadine La Reine, a double award winner at the Branded Retreat, to discuss her inspiring journey and her mission to help other business owners succeed. Nadine shares her personal experiences with abuse and how she has overcome them to create a successful business. She talks about the importance of self-belief and surrounding yourself with positive, supportive people.

Nadine is the founder of The Wow Effect, which offers simple, low-cost solutions to help small businesses increase their web presence and make more sales. Nadine’s courage and determination shine through, inspiring listeners to overcome their own fears and achieve success.

Show Highlights:

  • Nadine’s personal experiences with abuse have given her a newfound belief in herself and a desire to help others who have gone through similar situations.
  • Surrounding yourself with positive, supportive people is crucial for business success. Having cheerleaders who want to see you succeed can make all the difference.
  • How The Wow Effect, Nadine’s virtual business emporium, helps others with their business.
  • Overcoming fear and self-doubt is essential for business success. Learning from others and sharing your story can help you gain confidence and find support.
  • Nadine’s journey to make a positive impact on others.

Know more about Nadine La Reine on LinkedIn

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Please note this is a verbatim transcription from the original audio and therefore may include some minor grammatical errors.

Adam Stott:

[00:00:00] Adam Stott: Hey everybody and welcome back to another big success story and I’m really pleased to be sitting here with Nadine who has had an amazing experience with us over the past three days. She’s actually a double award winner at the Branded Retreat. Because she won Best Story and the Creativity Awards.

[00:00:19] She won one of the awards with her now, not both. But we’ll talk about that in a moment. I just want to say that, Ladeen, I think you’ve inspired people in the room while you’ve been here. It’s been amazing to have you here. How does it feel to be an award winner right now?

[00:00:32] Nadine La Reine: Amazing. I was really shocked.

[00:00:33] I still am shocked. I didn’t think it was possible, but, yeah, I’m really very happy.

[00:00:39] Adam Stott: You are, right? And you’ve seen yourself in the media, you’ve seen your business getting featured. How did that feel?

[00:00:46] Nadine La Reine: I don’t think it’s quite sunk in, to be honest. It feels amazing.

[00:00:49] It’s not something that I ever thought I would see about myself, so.

[00:00:54] Adam Stott: How does that make you see yourself differently now?

[00:00:59] Nadine La Reine: It’s given me a bit of belief that I never had before. It’s been quite it’s been quite an emotional week and I wasn’t expecting it to be. But it’s helping me with the kind of issues that I have around my self belief and what I’m capable of.

[00:01:15] Adam Stott: And that’s that transformation, that transformational journey. Yeah. And I think that really leads into why you won Best Story. Yeah. Because you’ve been through a lot, right? You’ve had, quite an emotional journey, anyhow. And hopefully, moving forward, you can use some of those experiences to empower you, rather than suppress you.

[00:01:35] And I’m not saying that they were suppressing you. I think that you’ve stepped into that. And now you want to help other people in a cause that I think is phenomenal. And that’s what the business is all about. So do you want to tell us a little bit about that?

[00:01:48] Nadine La Reine: Yeah, I mean, I’ve kept a lot of stuff that’s personal to me.

[00:01:53] Hidden away and been too ashamed to kind of talk about it, but I now, I want to use the experiences that I’ve had to help other people. And, you know, I want to show other people that they can kind of have a business and work hard and be proud of something and actually achieve something in life, especially when they’ve been told that they can’t.

[00:02:18] And I love business. I always have done. I’ve always loved business. So to be able to help other people in business is

[00:02:27] Adam Stott: something that makes you happy. And also the fact that you said there were things that you’re ashamed of, you’ve overcome them. Shows a lot of courage, right? And I think that courage that you’ve had.

[00:02:40] and you’ve demonstrated why you’ve been here. How have you felt the group have responded to that when you told them all your story?

[00:02:47] Nadine La Reine: Actually, I was talking to one of the ladies this afternoon and she said, you must have seen everybody’s reaction. And I said, I didn’t because I was in shock and I don’t even know what I said.

[00:02:57] Like, I can’t remember. And she said, everybody was really impacted by your words and your story. And it still feels a bit odd to me because I’m kind of getting used to sharing it. It’s the first time I’ve kind of done that in front of a group full of people. So yeah, I, I kind of didn’t really realize how much of an impact my experiences could have in people and how much they could potentially help people.

[00:03:27] Adam Stott: Well it did, it shifted the room and obviously you want to help women moving forward, right? Who are experiencing abuse or domestic abuse in some way. And that’s what your business is about. And if anybody’s watching and they know somebody that’s suffered from anything like that, and there’s a lot of that happens in the world right now.

[00:03:46] Then certainly reach out to Nadine because you know, I don’t know what you want to share on here or what you don’t want to share, but I think you’ve definitely got you’ve been through it, you understand it, you’ve come out the other side of it and you’re doing it with bravery and courage, right?

[00:04:00] So it’s something you should be really proud of.

[00:04:02] Nadine La Reine: Thanks, yeah. I’m doing my best to yeah, feel that way about it. So after spending years not feeling good about it, I’m trying to turn it around. I, You learn so much from experiences that you go through in life and I really believe that you do learn more from lots of good stuff.

[00:04:21] Yeah. But I have to find something good to come out of those experiences. So if the good can be helping other people, then, you know, at least it’s had an impact.

[00:04:35] Adam Stott: Yeah, absolutely. And I understand first hand How that is and finding that courage. So tell us a bit about your business and what you’re doing.

[00:04:44] And tell us a little bit. Obviously, you’ve got the creativity. You’ve got the story, you know, we really felt that you’ve been really creative in your approach. Tell us a bit about the business.

[00:04:54] Nadine La Reine: So I started my business in lockdown in 2020 running online networking events, doing speed networking events, but the world’s changed again.

[00:05:05] My skills have changed and developed. Over the kind of 10 years I’ve been in business in total. And I want to put all the things that I can do to good use. So I’m creating a virtual business emporium, which is kind of a pick and mix for business owners. Aimed at small micro businesses. Lots of simple software solutions.

[00:05:29] That are Low cost, high value, a kind of do what they say on the tin, profit driving solution. So, it could be things like lead generating interactive magazines, for example. That actually People can sell from. It’s not just sending out a document. It’s actually something they can sell from. Things like digital business cards.

[00:05:54] Again, that people can sell from. We’ve got a business directory. Again, that people can sell from. So everything’s designed to help people increase their web presence. And make more sales, essentially. But in simple, easy to manage ways. That are not tech kind of heavy. Because so many people that I talk to get overwhelmed by the tech side of stuff.

[00:06:16] And it puts them off. And there’s actually some stuff that people can do and implement in their business that’s actually going to help them make money very simply. So, that’s a one off.

[00:06:26] Adam Stott: And where can people find out more about that business, Nadine?

[00:06:29] Nadine La Reine: So, it’s called The Wow Effect. So, thewoweffect.

[00:06:32] co. uk and that’s where I’m hanging out.

[00:06:35] Adam Stott: Yeah, absolutely. And in building that business and going through all the challenges that you’ve been through, what are some of the things that you would say to business people, business women that want to go and succeed out there? What are some of the things that you’d say they need to overcome in terms of fears or beliefs?

[00:06:52] Nadine La Reine: I would definitely say to learn from other people. I think surrounding yourself with people who, I’ve actually got your best interests at heart and who are positive. A lot of my friends in jobs don’t understand what being a self employed is like. So I think you have to choose who you want to spend your time with carefully.

[00:07:12] And yeah, just get people that are cheerleaders for you. You know, I have a couple of really good friends who are just my biggest cheerleaders.

[00:07:21] Adam Stott: They want to see you succeed, right?

[00:07:24] Nadine La Reine: Yeah, absolutely, 100%. And I think it’s really important it can be lonely, it can be a lonely place being a business owner and, but actually if you have conversations, you network, you talk to people you come across more opportunities and people that will help you.

[00:07:40] And I just think that the more you kind of talk about what you’re doing and about who you help. Then, you know, you get more support as you kind of go along.

[00:07:50] Adam Stott: Absolutely. And you’ve been here with us for three days. You’ve been at the branded retreat. Lots of done for you, right? And lots of things happening.

[00:07:58] What, how would you sum it up? What would you say about it? What’s it been like for you? What’s the experience been like?

[00:08:03] Nadine La Reine: It’s been really good. It’s been unexpected in that I didn’t feel like I don’t know, I didn’t think I’d be this emotional. I think I’ve cried every day because it’s quite an emotional journey.

[00:08:15] Not in a bad way, but just like, you know, making you think quite deeply about lots of different things kind of way. Yeah. And looking at things from different angles that you don’t normally look at. Thinking about things differently and kind of putting it all together, putting it all together.

[00:08:32] It’s been a brilliant experience. Absolutely amazing. And I just, like, seeing the pictures, seeing, you know, the press releases and the awards, like, seeing everything come together is pretty awesome.

[00:08:44] Adam Stott: It’s been pretty incredible how every person in that room’s got big results, haven’t they? And I think that is really encouraging.

[00:08:51] It was great to see your media come up. It was your photography session you had with Aaron. Yeah. You looked amazing in the photos and then seeing those photos in the press, how did that feel?

[00:09:00] Nadine La Reine: Incredible. I was really shocked. Someone tapped me on the shoulder and went, look, that’s that. Oh, what? Yeah. I yeah, no it’s awesome.

[00:09:08] I’m going to be I’ve already sent it out to a couple of friends that link. Absolutely. It’s going to be plastered all over the place.

[00:09:15] Adam Stott: Well done. You know, you’ve been amazing. We’ve really enjoyed you and. Really enjoyed having you here and really big things for the future. I have no doubt.

[00:09:23] Go and check Nadine out at the woweffect. co. uk. Doing some fabulous things for businesses. You’ve been amazing, really pleased to have you here and thanks for coming on and sharing a bit about your experience. Well done.

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