Episode 338: RoboCleaning’s Success with Joe Boateng

Starting a business without a background in business management can be daunting, as Jo Boateng experienced firsthand. Which is the reason why Jo initially struggled with managing cleaners and marketing his services.

In this episode, Adam Stott interviews Jo Boateng, the founder of RoboCleaning, a cleaning services company. Jo shares his journey of starting a business in the cleaning industry and the challenges he faced along the way.

He emphasizes the importance of having fundamental skills in marketing, strategy, and sales as a business owner. Jo also discusses the fears that business owners need to overcome to achieve success and highlights the value of asking for help.

Show Highlights:

  • Jo started RoboCleaning to fill a gap in the cleaning industry and provide support to tenants, landlords, and letting agents.
  • Fundamental skills in marketing, strategy, and sales are crucial for business owners to succeed.
  • Overcoming fears and asking for help are essential steps in achieving success.
  • The supportive environment at the three-day done-for-you branded retreat has had a significant impact on Joe’s business growth.
  • Investing in mentoring and coaching can help business owners take their businesses to the next level.

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Please note this is a verbatim transcription from the original audio and therefore may include some minor grammatical errors.

[00:00:00] Adam Stott: Hi everybody and welcome to another success story where we have Joe Botang from RoboCleaning with me right now. He’s a great guy, making so much progress. Been here together at the three day done for you branded retreat where Joe is seeing lots of media exposure. He’s won an award. Which is very well deserved for innovation with some of the innovation that he’s had in his services.

[00:00:28] He’s been a great guy. We had some great chats in the spa, getting to know you more, getting to know where you are at. You’ve had a great a business that you’ve been running now for a number of years, and you’re really looking at what can you do to take that to next level. So I wanted to welcome you on Joe.

[00:00:43] How’s it been for you, buddy? Yeah.

[00:00:45] Jo Boateng: What’s it been like? Thank you so much, Adam, for that introduction. Yeah, it’s been great. I’ve been to several programs like this, but this stands out as special. And I want you your audience to know that this is a good place to be. And I’m so happy that they can also make that leap.

[00:01:06] Adam Stott: Yeah. No, we’d love having you. And I think one of the things that we really like about what we’ve done here is getting to know people more. It’s given us an opportunity to, in a very small environment, to get to know people really well and and see where they’re at. And I’ve learned quite a bit about your business, which in a normal event, I probably wouldn’t have been able to do, and I think that’s really good.

[00:01:26] Tell us about your business. Why don’t you tell us a little bit about what you’re doing, where you’re at. Be great to hear. Oh,

[00:01:30] Jo Boateng: wonderful. My business is in the cleaning industry and we found a need for people that are renting houses, tenants for that matter, landlords and letting agents. We realized there’s a gap there.

[00:01:47] The people were losing their rent deposit and others like landlords are not prepared or invested to get a tenant in and they come in the place is not an immaculate situation. So we’ve been doing that to support tenants, letting agents and landlords.

[00:02:07] Adam Stott: Absolutely. And I know that you really, you love your business.

[00:02:10] You’ve been doing it for quite a while now. You’ve, what was it like when you started out? Did you have some struggles? What was your mindset like? Where were you at the beginning?

[00:02:19] Jo Boateng: I really did, because my background is not actually in business, so I just, after losing or becoming redundant, I just took this opportunity to fill in the gap in the in the industry.

[00:02:35] And I didn’t realize that I needed to know how to manage cleaners, and I didn’t know how to even market. And I struggled through all these things, even to the extent that there was a time we had only a small van, not a van, it’s a car, and all cleaners with all our tools were inside, and we got so embarrassing that when we pop out in a a client’s place, we all popping out of that small vehicle, and then we, Learn how very quickly we invested in a large van, which has taken us, yeah we have used the we’ve learned a lot in terms of, business foundations and putting things right.

[00:03:25] So it’s been a struggle, but we’ve come far.

[00:03:29] Adam Stott: And what are some of the skills? There’s a lot of people that watch that are business owners. They might have challenges. They might even be considering starting. You’ve obviously took this business to a multi six figure business. You’ve done it. Along the way with the ups and downs learning from your mistakes You’re at the point now where you’ve invested in yourself You’re getting mentoring you’re getting coaching and the outlook is bright but what are some of the skills that you feel that business owners really need to learn and Wake up too quickly in order to succeed.

[00:03:58] Jo Boateng: Well, I think for Every business person you need to have your fundamentals in place like you need to know much better Half skills in marketing, half skills in even the strategy that you going into the market with and also sales, none of us like it, but you need to hone in and people pay you for your skills.

[00:04:23] So you need to, I love that. Yeah, you need to be. Developing them. Yeah. Developing those skills. Absolutely.

[00:04:29] Adam Stott: And I love that. And people do pay you for your skills and the more skillful you are, the more you get paid, of course. And your business has been growing. You’ve seen some great results while you’ve been here.

[00:04:38] I feel like you’ve been in, in this environment, a lot of fun to have around. You had a big smile on your face. I really enjoyed it. Right. And it’s, yeah. What’s it been like, for you to go through this experience as

[00:04:51] Jo Boateng: an established business owner, how have you felt? Yeah, normally it’s a great thing to have people around you because it’s a lonely place as a business owner, entrepreneur.

[00:05:02] So, when you are in the midst of people, You get feedback from even your thoughts and other things that you want to implement. And you guys have been so great. You help us out, no judgment. So it’s amazing. It’s amazing to be here.

[00:05:19] Adam Stott: Yeah. Well, we’ve really enjoyed having you here and seeing you grow. And I’m really excited about, obviously, your future growth.

[00:05:27] I think you’ve got a lot of things that you can accomplish. Congratulations. I feel that we’ll really help you get this business growing even more, which is gonna be awesome. So, business owners that are listening, what fears would they have to overcome in order to create more success in their lives?

[00:05:44] From your experience, what would you say? Yeah.

[00:05:46] Jo Boateng: Well, there’s a lot of limiting fears that we Yeah. We do have. Yeah. Yeah. And one that stands out with me is, sometimes it’s difficult to go out. But one thing I’ve learned over the years is that wherever you have fear, you need to face it head on.

[00:06:06] And normally you come out wherever you have the fear, you come out better. And also you overcome whatever that has been scaring you. But one thing is you need to ask for help rather than staying because of fear, you stay in that position and it doesn’t help. Yeah.

[00:06:26] Adam Stott: Asking for help, really important.

[00:06:28] And absolutely stay, get breaking through that fear, super important. While you’ve been here, is there a member of the team or someone that’s helped you specifically, anyone that you feel has had a big impact on you while you’ve been here? Oh

[00:06:39] Jo Boateng: yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Almost everyone. I can talk of Ross.

[00:06:44] I’ve been learning a lot from Ben lately. Yeah, Ben’s great, yeah. Adam, you’ve been amazing. In fact, what happened in the pool was exactly what I needed. Yeah. To turn things around and move in the right direction. Yeah. And you came in. That’s a lot. In fact, to be able to Be part of this. It was from what I saw from you, the charisma, the the quality of the things that you were showing out there on YouTube and other places.

[00:07:17] I thought, yes, if I can have that. Then I will be successful.

[00:07:21] Adam Stott: Yeah, and no doubt you’re going to achieve some great things. Where can people go and see about your business, Joe? Maybe there’s some people that are landlords on here, and they’ll want to go and check you out. You’re a great guy to do business with.

[00:07:34] Absolutely. You pride yourself on doing a great job. So where can people connect with you?

[00:07:38] Jo Boateng: Yeah, if they want to contact me, they can do that on with our email info. RoboCleaningServices. co. uk Which is

[00:07:47] Adam Stott: R O B O Yes, R O B O One word RoboCleaningServices. co. uk So info at RoboCleaningServices. co. uk Well look, very excited about your future Joe You’ve been a pleasure to have here mate Had a smile on your face Been integrated with the whole team really well And just can’t wait to see what you achieve over the coming year.

[00:08:10] Thank you. Thanks for coming on, sharing your experience. And it’s going to be awesome to see you thrive from here, my man. Absolutely. So a big thank you from me to you. so much. Well done. It’s been amazing.

[00:08:19] Jo Boateng: I appreciate it.

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