Episode 362: Social Media Pitfalls

Businesses often struggle with social media due to a lack of understanding and clarity on their objectives. The significance of understanding the purpose of using social media can make or break a business.

In this episode, Adam talks about the common social media pitfalls businesses face when implementing changes in their social media strategies. Adam emphasizes the significance of defining clear outcomes, understanding the deeper layers of desired results, and striking a balance between organic and paid media approaches.

By dissecting the phases of social media success, including earned media, paid media, team management, and scaling, the episode provides valuable insights for businesses looking to enhance their social media presence.

Show Highlights:

  • Establish clear outcomes for your social media efforts to drive tangible results.
  • Dive deeper into your goals beyond surface-level desires to understand the true objectives.
  • Find a balance between earned media (organic) and paid media strategies for optimal results.
  • Progress through different phases of social media success, including team management and scaling, to achieve sustained growth.

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Please note this is a verbatim transcription from the original audio and therefore may include some minor grammatical errors.

[00:00:00] Adam Stott: This is why 99 percent of businesses suck when it comes to social media. How can you join the elite 1 percent and be an absolute social media superstar is what’s inside this episode of business growth secrets.

[00:00:17] Hi everybody. Welcome back to another episode of business growth secrets. Uh, today I’ve got our head of client success with us, Steve. Welcome Steve. You excited mate? So happy to be here. Yep. Very much so. Very much. And brilliant. What, what have we got? We’ve got some great questions in. I know that you’ve been getting some questions in from our clients.

[00:00:36] And of course, if you’re watching this, uh, whether you are an existing client of ours or not, you can go over to the comments and you can talk about what you need help with in your business, and we’ll be more than happy to have a chat with you, help you, and see if we can do some, some episodes around your topic, um, which would be pretty cool.

[00:00:54] So Steve, why don’t you take it away? Tell us what you’ve got, um, what has come in in terms of questions this week.

[00:01:00] Steve: Cool. So, um, we’ve had loads and loads and loads of questions. Um, so the one that I’ll pick out here is specifically around social media. Um, so obviously you’ve trained thousands and thousands of businesses on social media specifically.

[00:01:12] But this question is, what do you think are the biggest pitfalls when people are trying to implement changes into their business with, um, you know, specifically with social media?

[00:01:22] Adam Stott: A massive question and So many businesses struggle, uh, with their social media. And usually it’s because of their attitude towards social media that they’re actually struggling.

[00:01:34] And what we want to do, if we’re a business and we’re watching this right now, and we’re, and we’re trying to get better results of our social media, what we need to look at doing is, is understand why we’re using it. In fact, everything I do, I had a call earlier. Great, great, great guy wanted to talk to me about, you know, some different strategies and some different things we could do.

[00:01:55] And, and the first thing it says, what’s your outcome? What is your outcome? What do you want out of this? And that’s what I’d like to ask everyone about their social media. In fact, you can tell us in the comments, why do you want to use social media? Let me tell you what I think your outcome isn’t. I don’t think that if you’re watching this and you’re a business, that your outcome is The, I want to post every day on our social media.

[00:02:17] I want it to take up loads of our time. I want to get limited to no engagement. I don’t want to generate any leads, but I just want to be consistent. And the problem is that is the outcome that a lot of people shooting for, but I don’t know that they’re shooting for it. Because they’ve never been asked the question.

[00:02:37] So the question is, what’s your outcome? You know what my outcome is? My outcome is that we want leads from our social media. There’s two different types, right? So the way it works is this. If you imagine here, this is a top of funnel. And this is a funnel. And here we’ve got a pipeline, right? This side of the funnel, we’re going to call this earned media.

[00:03:00] This side of the funnel is paid media. Now with my paid media, my ads, I want to drive as many leads into the funnel, into the business as possible using advertising. And with this side, I also want to drive leads, but what I want to do. Is I want to give those coming in paid something to see. So for example, what you’re watching right now is you’re watching business grow secrets podcast, or you’re listening to it on iTunes, Apple, whatever you’re doing.

[00:03:29] This is about relationship building. This is how do I add some value to you before we ever meet. That’s the purpose of it. But how do I get you to, to see this different ways of doing business? How do I get, how do I challenge you and get you to ask yourself different questions? How do I take you from being part of the herd to actually being a business owner in control of their business?

[00:03:49] Yeah, that’s what this, this podcast is about. And this sits on the earned side of media. Now the problem is, is that most people don’t have a balance. They usually, they’re doing all organic or all earned, or they’re doing Well, really you do need a balance. You need a balance of the both. You need something that adds value to your clients in earned, and you need direct marketing, which generates leads.

[00:04:14] So my question starts with this. If you’re a business watching this and you’re in social media and you want to get it working and you’re stuck, you’re probably stuck because you don’t know what you want out of it. That’s the first thing. So what do you want? And there, when we’ve got that question, we can build, but if you don’t know what you want, We can’t build.

[00:04:35] So there’s a few I’m going to give you just in case you don’t know what you want. I’m going to offer you a buffet, right? And this is where you get to choose what do you want off the menu? Do you want leads? Do you want sales? Do you want more people to know who you are? Right? Do you want to drive more traffic to a website to create sales?

[00:04:55] And then whatever the answers to those questions are, whatever sandwich you take off the buffet, now all of our activities need to drive. Those outcomes into the business. And I think people are stuck because they don’t know what they want. That’s, that’s kind of the main thing. So just knowing you, what you want and tell us in the chat, what do you want?

[00:05:15] You want more leads? You know, tell us in the comments, what do you want? more sales? Do you want more traffic? You know, do you want more people to know who you are? Problem is, is, is. It’s imagine that that buffet, what do you think, Steve, that they think that they want, because this is, you imagine it, you’re head of client success, you’re speaking to clients all the time, and we’re training thousands of people, so what are you hearing in terms of what they want?

[00:05:42] Steve: So one of the things I think that, well, I’ve definitely noticed is that they don’t know what they want. Right, which is where we’re going, right? If I’m being honest. Um, and hence the question. So what? Yeah. One of the things that I’ve noticed specifically is that we want to get in front of more people. We want more eyeballs.

[00:05:56] Um, but I think the pitfalls that we’re noticing is okay. Well, what do we do with all these eyeballs? What do we do with all these leads? You know, have we got a proper system in place that we can manage those leads thereafter? Um, and I don’t think people think about that problem. Bigger picture, right? So in a nutshell, we’ve, we are kind of taking a stab in the darker, you know, I’m going to post all this content.

[00:06:15] I’m going to post, post, post, post, post each day, every day. I don’t really know what my market is. I don’t know who, you know, who I want to see this. I just want a little bit of everything, that kind of generalization, but actually what’s the pitfalls in terms of, okay, this has worked now because, you know, say for example, you have a shot in the dark and you get.

[00:06:33] Three or four leads or three or four inquires off the back of that. And now we’re kind of in panic mode of, oh, okay, I need to now service these customers and we’re juggling one thing at a time or multiple things at a time, not focusing on one thing at a time. And then we become a little bit stuck in terms of.

[00:06:48] It’s not a clean process. If that makes sense.

[00:06:50] Adam Stott: Yeah. Most of them don’t have a process. Most, most people don’t know what they want and there’s different stages. So when people come to us right at the beginning, usually they don’t know what they want. So what, if you are somebody that has not been trained by us, what do you want?

[00:07:05] They’ll say, I want more engagement or I want more views. I want more people viewing my, my stuff, or I want more people commenting on our stuff, or I want more people liking my page. That’s kind of where they go first. But this is always three layers deep, right? And the way that you look at this is, is a good way to really understand and coach people and what they want is if I say to you, what do you want?

[00:07:29] And you say, Adam, I want more, um, I want more views. And then I say, and why do you want that Steve? Then that gets you to move past that initial, your surface level thing you need. So, why do you want that? What do you think they would say why they wanted that? Well, I want

[00:07:46] Steve: more inquiries. I want, I want to generate more leads.

[00:07:49] Adam Stott: So you want more inquiries. Why do you want that?

[00:07:51] Steve: Because I want more money. Okay, right. Because that’s what it comes down to. What

[00:07:55] Adam Stott: they should want Is they should want three layers deep, not one lady. And at the end of the day, you should be, if you’re watching this and you want to get great results from social media, you should be looking at how do you generate leads, how do you generate sales?

[00:08:11] And that really is where, and why do people get stuck? Cause they don’t focus on those outcomes. They focus on the one layer deep outcome, which is a one more engagement. Or I want more views or on my people following my, my, my, my page, et cetera, et cetera. So what I would suggest for people that are watching now, go deeper.

[00:08:31] If you haven’t got a coach, you have to coach yourself. And the way that you coach yourself is when you’re looking for that thing, why do you want that thing? Now, business owners are more established. They go, all right, Adam, I get it. I want leads and I want sales. How do I get them? That’s when we go back to.

[00:08:49] If you haven’t run ads, we have to go on an evolution and we can start off by making our social media look pretty and, you know, making some content that’s level one, but then we’re gonna have to go to level two where we start investing money. We start buying the sacks of eyeballs, which I’ve talked about on the podcast before.

[00:09:07] In fact, we can link a episode where I did a big thing on this cause I don’t want to be. Super repetitive, but you can buy as many of your dream clients watching your stuff as you want. You buy loads of them, right? So that’s where you have to move to after you’ve moved past the first phase into the next stage of buying what you want.

[00:09:25] Now, the third stage is now that you’re buying inquiries, how do you get other people? To deal with those queries, convert those inquiries, organize those inquiries so you can scale and grow your business. And the reason they get stuck is they get stuck even before phase one. So let’s wrap this up into a, into, into, into really practical, helpful ways that people can look at it.

[00:09:48] Pre phase, this is before phase one, what’s your outcome? What do you really want? Then phase one, three layers deep on what you want. So if you said, Adam, I want more views on my videos. Why do you want that? Cause I want more people to see who I am. Why do you want that? Because I want to get more inquiries to my business.

[00:10:11] Now we’ve got the real thing, right? So then we go to next phase. Are you using earned or paid? And if you start off with earned, yes, you’re going to start off with earned. I’m going to make it look pretty. Then we go to the next phase, which is paid. Then we go to the next phase. Which is getting other people to manage your paid media.

[00:10:30] And that’s how you get unstuck. And if you’re a business or watching this and you’re listening to this, whether you’re listening on iTunes, you’re listening on, you know, wherever you’re listening to figure out where you’re stuck. Are you stuck on outcome? Are you stuck on the layers deep? How many layers deep on what you really want?

[00:10:46] Are you stuck on your, your actual organic and you’re earned? Are you stuck on your paid or are you stuck on a team doing it for you? And if you look in that way. You’ll be stuck somewhere along that route. And then there’s more phases, which is now you’ve got a team doing it for you, but why is it not consistent?

[00:11:03] And then we look at consistent scaling, et cetera. And this keeps going. And that’s how you build up to multi, multi, multimillion bounds is by moving through the phases. So my mission for you, whether you’re listening or whether you’re watching is tell us where you at. Are you stuck at phase one, which is your outcome?

[00:11:19] Are you stuck at phase two? Knowing really what you want and the layers deep. Are you stuck at your organic? Are you stuck at your paid? Are you stuck at building a team? Are you stuck at scaling a team? And we can help you move through all of those phases, step by step and get you unstuck. And, uh, yeah, I mean, I think that’s pretty, pretty good for people to be able to assess where they’re at.

[00:11:39] And, and look, if you’ve enjoyed today’s episode, you know, you’ve got to You know, you can, uh, it will be really, really helpful for you to give us a review, go and hit that five star review on Apple. That really is how we scale this podcast because we don’t run ads, you know, on this particular podcast, we, you know, we’re not looking to, we’re just looking to help people.

[00:11:58] Like I said, this is that first phase of us helping you as a business owner in if you’ve enjoyed. would love a review going, don’t hit that review up and I’ll be watching the review. And in fact, on the next episode, we’re going to start reading those reviews out that people have given. So go and hit that up.

[00:12:13] And we look forward to seeing you on the next episode of business growth secrets.

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