Episode 258: The Insurance for Success with Sam White

Sam White – one of the UK’s leading female entrepreneurs who started a company at the age of 24 from her sister’s conservatory, building it up to a success with a £20m+ turnover business and 170 staff. Now 46, Sam is the founder of Freedom Services Group – an ever-expanding insurance business in the UK and Australia and umbrella brand for a number of different insurance businesses Sam owns.   

Sam White about how she built a huge business in the insurance industry. Sam tells us how her independent nature fuelled the fire of entrepreneurship at a young age. Listen to this episode and certainly you will learn more!

Show Highlights:

  • How Sam started her own company at 24
  • Sam’s experience working at a motor claims company
  • Sam’s journey into entrepreneurship
  • How Sam grew her business into a huge success
  • Getting Robbie Williams to sing on her wedding day

Check out Sam White’s podcast Human Business Podcast
You may found out more about Sam on Linkedin and Instagram

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Please note this is a verbatim transcription from the original audio and therefore may include some minor grammatical errors.

Adam Stott:

Hello, everybody and welcome to Business Growth secrets. I’ve got a really, really exciting guest with me today, who has built an amazing business. We’re going to be diving into the build of this business and some of the ups and downs. The challenges in the strength have been created by Sam White, the founder of Freedom Services Group and Stellar. 

Sam does business internationally. And all over the world isn’t available to serve over 140,000 customers in the insurance industry, generating eight figure revenues and creating some amazing results along the way. So welcome to the podcast. Sam, really excited to have you here and looking forward to having a great chat about your business experiences. How are you? 

Sam White:

Good. Thanks for having me on Adam. Yeah, I’m good. Considering I just got back from Australia at the weekend. I’m feeling relatively peppy. But if I suddenly start napping halfway through, you’ll know that the jet lag is… 

Adam Stott:

Relatively perfect. Well, definitely very peppy. So I’m really looking forward to chatting. So for those people that are listening, I know you’ve got a podcast you might have some of my listeners have listened to your podcast before that might have heard some of the things that you’ve you’ve been doing. 

But for those that haven’t met you or heard from you before, you’ve obviously created a huge business in the insurance industry, you helped lots of people. But what I really love to do with the guests is kind of bring it back to the start and find out a little bit about the beginning of your journey. So how did you first get into business? And what was your first foray into business? How did this all come to happen for you?

Sam White:

Yeah, it depends which way you’re looking at really, I was chatting to somebody the other week about this. And officially I started my first company when I was 24. At my sister’s conservatory with this is how old I am, it was with the yellow pages, and a telephone and a desk. But to be fair, I was always quite entrepreneurial. So I bought a little bit of money from my granddad when he died. My parents wanted to put it in a building society and kind of earn interest off it. And instead, I managed to persuade them to let me buy a car with it when I was 13. Me and my dad did it up in one of the garages because I was also doing a BTech in motor vehicle technology. 

So I was like, fancied my chances of kind of getting it to work properly. And I ended up selling it for quite a decent profit a few years later. So there was washing cars in the neighborhood to get cash from people, which are generally used to go out drinking with my friends when I was sort of 14/15. But I think that spirit of wanting to generate something out of nothing was definitely in me from a very young age. And I’ve always enjoyed that idea that you can come up with an idea. And if you can get enough people excited about whatever it is that you’re doing and kind of get behind it that you can create something. So that’s always been my passion. 

Adam Stott:

Awesome. And you hear it a lot. You hear a lot from the different things of entrepreneurs that started different things. I think it’s like you said it’s 24 from the conservatory the first time but Yellow Pages, and a fun, you know, what was it that started at that point? What was that business? And how did you take to having a phone and the yellow pages because frankly, for a lot of business owners that scared them, but actually that’s where a lot of it starts, right?

Sam White:

You gotta start somewhere. So I mean, I had so I did a psychology degree at university and then I did two years with a degree and then there was I had some family issues, which meant that I couldn’t really carry on at university and in all honesty, I had been working in my summer holidays working for a telesales company. 

And I’ve been making so much cash that when I was comparing how much money I was going to make as a psychologist, and you know how much I could easily just pick up on a job. I was a bit. What’s the point ? I’m going to be in education for another seven years. It didn’t really work for me from a family viewpoint. I knew I could make cash and so I left the course. But I got a job working for a claims business, and I’d applied for a few different jobs, and I’d got offered all of them. 

This one just kind of caught my eye, it was probably the better package, the better opportunity. So I went with it. I did really, really well there and I got promoted. And I ended up on sort of 50 grand a year with a company car as a 22 year old, which, you know, in the north of England, 20 odd years ago was a substantial amount of money. But I didn’t enjoy being told what to do by other people, it was always going to be a bit of a challenge for me, I’m fiercely independent, and I like to kind of steer my own ship. 

And there were times where they wanted me to go left, and I wanted to go right, and I just knew that it wasn’t for me. So I had a series of personal, you might say, tragedies, or you just say challenges when I was 23. They’re kind of compounded all at once. I think I just got to a point where I very early on kind of said, Life is short. 

I should be doing the things that make me happy. So my desire to leave, working for somebody else, and go and work for myself was motivated by both my desire to be independent and have my own freedom. And also an awareness from a young age that actually bad stuff can happen and completely throw you off your trajectory. And so you might as well just just grab it. So yeah, there wasn’t a big plan. 

So for a while I thought every other entrepreneur had this really clean founders story where they, you know, they had, I found this problem that I wanted to solve for. And then I built this amazing business off the back of it. And it most definitely wasn’t like that for me. I worked within this industry, I thought I could do something for myself. And I was happy to have a crack at it. And so I did just go okay, well, if these guys can do this, can I do it for myself? I think I can. And the test of that, for me was did other people think that I could do that as well. 

So it was very much on getting that faith from other people, that you were able to provide something for them that they might be interested in. And I can’t say that it’s changed much over the last 20 years in terms of the businesses that are built and move forward. For me, it always comes down to people, the people that you employ that are going to come on that journey with you and support you in those goals. And the customers and opportunities that will come your way. Because people outside of your group also buy into whatever it is that you’re trying to achieve.

Adam Stott:

Absolutely. What you just said there about your claim founder’s story. I think sometimes he’s dressed up that way. But I think the actual reality is, like most people, when they start off they are looking at almost any improvement or they’re built a skill set. And they want to now monetize that skill set and a maximum, I’ve seen that it’s very, very common, not common. It’s not common that people do it to the level that you’ve been able to do it for sure. But I think a lot of people, that’s where they start. 

I mean, that’s why I decided 100% I was working for somebody else, or can I do this for myself. And I think a lot of people I’ve met that have been really successful have had that journey. So it’s interesting, you should say that because of that clip, because the thing is, when you’re talking to the group of people that are listening now, just small business owners a lot of the time, they’re like, What is my big idea? What is my game changer? What’s my 10 million pound idea or whatever it is? And the reality is it just doesn’t work like that. It’s more likely to…

Sam White:

I think it’s dangerous rhetoric as well. It’s a bit like I always say people that have kids, there is a rhetoric that it’s all magical and wonderful. Is the Instagram pictures and and the reality is there’s a lot of challenges. There’s a lot of stuff that people don’t talk about, that comes as a shock when you’re in that environment. I think it’s incumbent on all entrepreneurs to talk about the gnarly bits and the bits that don’t quite make sense because then everybody else doesn’t end up with imposter syndrome thinking there’s something wrong with them, because their experience has been slightly different. 

I think this feeling your way through growing a business is actually the reality of the situation. If you’re trying to raise money, then what they’re looking for is a cookie cutter, kind of very clean. Here’s the picture. Here’s the vision. I’m going to do this followed by that followed by that and and, and I think one of the challenges I mean, certainly I’ve really struggled to raise money in the past and I talk about that a lot because there is an absolute bias against female founders and statistically you can You can pull up a load of evidence as to why that’s, that’s a truism. 

But I think one of the other issues is, is this, I think, certainly in the first, you know, enough to seven years, you would be incredibly foolish as an entrepreneur, not to be open to pivoting and finding the bite points and taking advantage of opportunities that come your way. And if you’ve got funding into your business, and you’ve got, frankly, often a bunch of accountants that like things to be extremely black and white, and on a spreadsheet, 

I mean, the amount of times I’ve sat down, and they’ve got a number in a spreadsheet. And because they’ve put a number in a spreadsheet, they’re like, it’s almost, you know, OCD, it’s that number, that they that isn’t entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship, who’s going, I had this meeting with this guy last week, there’s something there, I think I can explore it. I’m going to test it in a way to find that solution to that problem. 

Adam Stott:

Well, I think the 100% what you said, right, and I much prefer exactly what you said, which is a model, because I think everyone, if you say your work and invest in anyone anyway, you would want them to be able to pick up Yellow Pages and a phone and make something happen. Yeah. Because if you give give someone a million quid and say, you’re gonna build a business, what would they do, they’ll go and hire a load of people by load a desk by load chairs, and load the load of money, and then get stuck down the line guy, and right now you need to go and get some business and I want to do it. 

I actually prefer the build of exactly what you said, that entrepreneurship to be able to make something happen, I think, anyone that’s going to be successful. So it’s really interesting your background. Because sometimes I’ve often said to entrepreneurs that want to start companies, I’ve said some go work in a tele sales center, and get told no 1000 times. And then I swear to God, you’ll be much better for it. Because you’ll just rub off that, that fear of rejection, and all these different things. 

You know, I’ve actually given people that task in the past, because I think it’s really important. You need to be able to sell that’s really interesting, totally aligned with what we’re saying there. So moving forward, you’ve obviously gone on to build this, this, this large business, how did it come about? You obviously settled on the insurance and how insurance works? How did you go about making it happen? And then building the team and growing things from there? Because I know you got quite an ascension.

Sam White:

So I mean, it was all I mean, it’s all been organic, I haven’t got funding up until probably last year. I got some funding, actually, as a result of COVID, ironically, and also I got an investment to launch stellar. But the trajectory of the business was probably really tough going for the first five years, I’d say, and by tough we doubled in size every year, and we were profitable, straight off the bat. So you know, that was great. But it was a case of, you know, starting me on the phone, persuading people, but then I have to get off the phone and actually handle the business that’s coming through. And I think that’s one of the most difficult things. 

As, as a founder, you, I know what I’m good at, like sales was my strength before I set up my business, making connections, finding opportunities, kind of having that vision for what you want to do. Absolutely. Detail organization, making sure that all of the files are in the right place once you’ve got not so much. I remember my best friend who has been my best mate since I was four, came round to my sister’s house, walked in, there was paperwork everywhere, like across all of the desks, you can see this check book on the side. She walks in and she’s like, Sam, what that you know, what, what is this? 

I’m like, I’m just like, I’ve done three deals like this. And she was like, is that a Chinese takeaway that you’ve bought with the company check book? I’m like, “yeah”, she’s like, “You can’t do that”. So ostensibly, she looked around the room and said, you need some help. I was like, come help me. And she was the first member of staff and she immediately took all of the admin stuff out the way so I could then carry on doing the new business and I think that’s that is the bite point. When you start up you can’t afford to hire people to take the stuff off. So you can focus on the things that you need to do. 

You need to kind of over deliver yourself enough to get that income in to then make enough money and then you’ve got to accept that it will drop you. You’ll drop in your profitability while you bring those people in. And then you have to go again and go again. So the first five years, I remember office space, which is not challenged now, because you know, lots of people working remotely. But at the time, I was limited by the office space that I had in Switzerland. This conservatory, me and my sister then bought an old Victorian semi together and we turned the basements into offices, and we all lived together, it was like this massive commune. 

And that enabled us to get three or four people that were also fairly laid back, clearly happy to work in a basement. But you know, it enabled us to get a little bit bigger. And then we got to that sort of crunch point if we need proper offices. And I rented an office above and opticians in the local town, and it was about 1500 square foot. So it had room for maybe 15 people at the time, squatting like squash, and we grew into this space. The problem is we at that point, we’d signed a five year lease for this place. And we couldn’t fit any more people in. 

So I instantly got bored. Because if I couldn’t grow, it was like, what’s the point? I was like, “Okay, so we’re tied into this lease, I can’t like I can’t afford two offices, kind of, we’re in this sort of stasis”. So I actually went traveling around the world for a year, I hired somebody to manage the business for me that was doing the day to day. So we got ‘X’ number of clients at that point, and it was kind of bringing it income. We were maybe heading towards that sort of million pound turnover. 

I said, you know, here’s my mobile number off, I was gonna go traveling before. Most people thought I was absolutely insane doing that. And you know, you’re in the middle of a startup, and you’ve just gone traveling around the world. But it was the best thing I could have done because it really won, I sorted my health out, I wasn’t particularly healthy up until that point. I was struggling with a few things and I’ve kind of really kind of got myself in, in good shape and mentally in a great place. 

Secondly, it opened up my mindset to these different kinds of you. If anybody that’s been traveling will tell you, you spend time with different cultures, you realize that everybody thinks differently that there’s lots of and that I think from an entrepreneurial viewpoint really helps. So when I came back, I doubled the profitability, the year that I came back, and increased the clients. Then we went again, and we got a much bigger office, got an office that was three times the size. Again, we then grew into it. And this is the thing,…

Adam Stott:

My views on it when you get an office say you just all of a sudden just…

Sam White:

He’s kicking a ball, isn’t it? Like, okay, if you build it, they will come. I love Field of Dreams. And it was kind of like, why don’t the office be empty? So what else is gonna do? What do you know, what are the products we can sell, what other things can we move into and that, so we just had such a good run of it from setting up in 1999, right the way through to 2010, double double doubled. 

At that point, I was turning over 18 million, I had profitability of three and a half, I’d got a couple of businesses doing sort of slight variation of the same thing, all around the claims industry. And I actually ended up in Beverly Hills, which is another completely another story that I won’t take as off on that tangent, but I left again got these management teams in place and was like, I’m gonna go and try and like set up in California, I love California, get this house and this craziest day, end up getting Robbie Williams to sing at my wedding just like this absolute crazy, crazy stuff. And then I’m in the claim sector. 

That is a massive regulatory change in the environment that hits every single revenue line that we’ve got, because everything had been built around that industry. And I lost 60% of my revenue lines in a four week period. So I had to come back from California management teams. And this was interesting because I think the skills that a founder possesses versus a management that can scale are very different. 

So once you’ve got your established revenue lines, and you’ve got a structure and you know what you’re doing, actually, I found it can be quite disruptive because I get bored easily right. So I want to carry on twiddling with everything. And so I’ll keep one pushing stuff out when actually you are better off just focusing and turning the volume up. So from 2007 to 2010 I’d kind of transitioned that management team that was just turning it up turning it up was doing great. And then this regulatory change just basically broke the whole train set. And the management team at that point did not know what to do, because it was unprecedented. Nobody had any solutions. The industry didn’t have any solutions. 

So they were floundering. And it needed me to come back in then as a, with a startup mentality to go, Yeah, we got to completely reconfigure this business, which at which I did, and we went from 300, staff down to 100, automate mass redundancies, and had to move into other areas of the market. So we started doing a lot more work on behalf of the insurance companies instead of on behalf of the clients. 

And I stabilized the business at a lower level and started again. Now, you know, I often wonder what would have happened if I just sold partway through that process when we were on that great trajectory, and then done something else and done something else. But you don’t, I think you don’t really get it at that point, I was still pretty young. And you know, the lifestyle was great for me, I was making a ton of money. And I was having fun with it. So it didn’t really occur to me that I should be taking some risk and equity off the table and going again, I think…

Adam Stott:

Because we’re going it’s really good, especially if it’s your first time round, you always feel like it’s gonna go on forever and also because you’ve been so good at what you do you almost feel like you can’t get it wrong.

Sam White:

Absolutely. I always call it my asshole years. No, you do think you’re invincible. You’re like everything I’m doing is you know, people say business is hard. But look at me, I’m doing this, and then the other. And then it is an absolute cold bath when something like that hits you. And logically speaking, if you have a business for a long period of time, it’s likely to happen, particularly if you’ve got no outside funding, you know, it’s almost an inevitability. But I think it did teach me a lot about myself, about my levels of resilience, and about the fragility of business, and how to kind of stabilize yourself. 

So once the business was stable, I then kind of pushed it further and launched the natural insurance company. I was like, you know, I’m going to move completely on the other side of the fence. We started from claims, and we’re going to move into insurance. So I launched an insurance company in 2016, and then launched a brokerage in 2017. And just use the income from the previous business to build the next one, again, rather than getting investment, which I really probably should have brought in somebody else’s money. But every time I tried to get funding I’d hit.

Adam Stott:

That was tough. And you feel that female founders have it particularly difficult in that area, right?

Sam White:

I mean, statistically there’s, I think it’s still only a pound in every pen soon every pound that goes to female founded businesses. And you know, I actually had a conversation with somebody earlier that’s doing a PhD on this, because there is no statistical reason why. 

Adam Stott:

For the females that are listening now as to how to take that. You know, because I think if it can be taken as a negative, it also could be a real driver.

Sam White:

Yeah. And look, at the end of the day, you find another way. Yeah. And, you know, arguably, I’ve retained control of all of my businesses, because nobody invested. And now I’m getting to keep the lion’s share of that money with an exit because nobody invested. So, you know, ultimately, I get the last laugh. It’s, if you back me sooner, you would have got a really good deal out of it. But it’s, it’s, I do think it needs to change. But I’m a great believer that there’s no point whining about stuff. Like that doesn’t get you results. 

My thing is, I’ll show you, I’ll show you why I’m wrong, why you’re wrong. I will show you why you should be backing women that, you know, the world is as it is not as we wish it to be. And I’m incredibly privileged to live in the country that I do in the time that I do. And I never forget that, you know, there are a ton of people behind me that are in a much worse situation. So, you know, it is what it is, should it change? 

Yes, absolutely. And I think there are a number of people that are fighting for that change, and you know, there’s, there’s female funds being set up, and there’s people that are focusing on the problem. So my view is that it will shift like it can’t not shift. But in the meantime, I’m just going to carry on building and growing businesses and anybody that wants to kind of get on board can get on board, you know?

Adam Stott:

Absolutely. And you’ve moved now into the creation. So you’ve got a business in Australia, called stellar, right? Do you wanna talk a little bit about that, and tell us about that business. And that, and then we’ll move into the fact that you’re actually expanding there on it, which is gonna be really interesting as well.

Sam White:

Yeah. So I mean, that was a random one. And again, back to that things don’t always come in a very clear package. So Australia, I 2016, somebody introduced me to someone who was doing some business out in Australia. And they were saying to me, it’s great. It’s fantastic, you know, loads of investment going in over there. Their market was slightly underdeveloped in claims and insurance in comparison to the UK, it’s worth taking a look at. And I just went through a pretty messy divorce at the time. 

So the idea of getting out of the country for a few weeks, and kind of clear in my head, was quite attractive. And then a mate of mine. And again, this is for me how work in life can come together. A friend of mine had met a guy at a party who was Scottish and living in Sydney. They’d spent a week together in the UK, she absolutely fell madly in love with him. And then he’d gone back to Sydney, and she was like, this isn’t going to work. It’s, you know, a long distance relationship. But I am incurable, romantic, and also wanting to check out Australia anyway. 

So to tell you what, why don’t we just both go over together for three weeks, I’ll see if there’s a business opportunity. And you can see if this guy’s got longevity for you. And we’ll see how we go. So we went on this bit of this madcap trip to Australia. She ended up working out really well with him. He moved back to the UK and he still lives here. And that’s magic. But I found that the meetings I had just went really, really well. Initially, I looked again at some of the claims opportunities. 

Then I built a relationship with the CEO of a really large insurer over there, who knew I was doing insurance in the UK? And was like, would you like to do something in Australia? I said, you know what, if I was going to do it, again, the one thing I’d want to do is build an insurance brand around women. Because, you know, to the point of how difficult it is to get funding. There is also a strong argument that insurance is such a male dominated industry that everything has been designed, whether intentionally or not, around men. 

Actually, I think there’s a huge opportunity to start with a blank sheet of paper and say, what do women want? How could you create that product? And so I kind of had this idea, and people just loved it, I so he was I would absolutely back to you from a capacity viewpoint with that product. And I then got some introductions to Bauer media at the time, who then got bought out by our media, who we formed a strategic partnership with.

So we got like an inventory for an equity deal, which again, I’d never kind of come across before. But such a great opportunity when you’re trying to build a brand. And we got all of the female magazines and Marie Claire Grazia like all to be able to really establish the brand over there. And I then got investment as well, which I’d never done. 

So the first person that I spoke to, from an equity viewpoint, ripped my arm off and kind of got on board with the journey. And so that was a very different experience for me, because I then had an investing partner, I had other shareholders, I was building a brand I wasn’t, you know, I wasn’t just trying to make cash to get on to the next level. And I loved it. Again, it was a really different experience, and being able to have some time so to build a business that says actually, you don’t need to make profit day two, because you’ve got a plan and you can say this is when it’s going to drop in and have that time to build up both your revenue streams and your customer bases and everything else and it’s it’s gone incredibly well. 

We also give $5 from every policy we sell to women and girls in an emergency sense and we’ve got the businesses around supporting women full stop. So the market thinks female centric, the product designs are female centric, the Experience is female centric. And we also support women that are in vulnerable situations which insurance is about supporting people that are in vulnerable situations. So it fits really nicely for me in terms of where I’m at in my life. And you know, where I want to get to from a business journey viewpoint. And we are launching that in the UK, in October. So just over a month,

Adam Stott:

Well, congratulations. I mean, that’s, you know, it’s an incredible, incredible journey. And I love actually what you’re talking about now it’s more about building the brand. And, the consideration of who the brand is, what the brand is all about, and everything. That’s amazing, isn’t it? Because, and now to be launching in the UK, I’m excited about that last chance.

Sam White:

I’m so giddy. Like, it’s funny, because I launched in Australia during the pandemic, and I couldn’t be there for launch. So I’d been there prior to launch and obviously got a team on the ground. But it was so frustrating because we, you know, started we’re on buses, and you know, in these magazines, and I wasn’t there to be able to experience that with them. But the UK launch, it’s, you know, it’s my space. 

So to be able to bring the brand into the UK territory is phenomenal. And we found our charity partner here as well, which is an incredible woman called Danny Wallace, who is a victim of domestic abuse herself. And she set up this foundation that helps women launch their own businesses, so become completely independent. Post post getting out of that trauma, and it’s just, I love that I love when you can build something genuinely by doing it better, lots of other people do better as well. And, you know, I think that that kind of energy going out into the universe can only be a good thing.

Adam Stott:

100% Alright, sounds amazing. Sounds very, very exciting. Where can people find out more about Sam? So is this your website launched or anything yet? Or is there any orange is…

Sam White:

A good point, I think we have got stellar-insurance.co.uk. But it might just be a holding page until we go live in October. But if they wanted to check out the Australian brands and get a feel for us, it’s www.stellarinsurance.com.au. And there’s loads of stuff there on the projects that were involved in. We were also on Instagram salary insurance on Instagram. And on Facebook, the usual kind of socials.

Adam Stott:

Absolutely. Well, I think it’s a massively inspirational story. Just before we finish up, what sort of couple of tips would you say? I mean, there’s a lot of things that you said there. You talked about branding, the importance of branding and talked about the importance of sales, the importance of making things happen, the importance of resilience, culture, so many different things you cover, what do you think, from if there was a business owner that was listening right now? Male or female, that were sort of stages of growing their company? What would just be a few tips that you would give them just from your experience of being able to do everything that you’ve been able to do?

Sam White:

I mean, there’s so much stuff. And you know, people always ask for that one tip. And I always think there’s so much stuff that’s that critical. Flexibility, absolutely key, you can’t get locked. I don’t care what you thought it was going to be. When you realize that something is not going in the direction then be open and be curious, keep your network open. I constantly have conversations with people that are outside of insurance or you know, that I haven’t met because I think it keeps your mind open and it also keeps your options open. 

There’s always a way, it doesn’t matter how horrific it looks. I’ve been two or three times staring down the barrel of a very uncomfortable set of circumstances from a business viewpoint and circumstances that people would go there’s no way there is no way you’re getting out of that. There is always a way you just as long as you don’t allow fear, to see pain in your mentality, which will paralyze you and make you make bad decisions. You will find a solution through if not in that moment, a few weeks after a few months, whatever you will find the solution through so yeah, flexibility. Don’t give up and keep yourself open. I think these are the kind of key messages from me.

Adam Stott:

I think that’s been absolutely phenomenal. So where’s the best place this fall to use me? People want to hear a bit more from you and you and Instagram as well?

Sam White:

Yeah, I’m more of a LinkedIn kind of guy. He’s probably an age thing. And I like to be able to express myself. I am on Instagram but LinkedIn is the  founder of Freedom Services Group and Stellar, you’ll find it pretty easy. And that’s probably where most of my content is. I have just set up an Instagram account, some white entrepreneurs, so you can find me there as well if you want to see more pictures rather than writing.

Adam Stott:

Cool stuff. Thanks ever so much for coming on. I think this story is phenomenal. I love the more this starts to grow through to the international expansion and everything you’ve done, and you know, think you’ve given some amazing nuggets. So thank you very much for being a guest. It’s been absolutely amazing to have you. 

And of course, if you’ve been listening today, make sure that you go and drop us a five star review. And make sure to subscribe as well, because we keep bringing some massive interviews and pieces of content for and also but if you’ve got a podcast, you mentioned to me is it worth mentioning that as well, because…

Sam White:

That’s called Human Business. And we’ve got a really eclectic array of people that we’ve had on there. So yeah, not not just on business growth. It’s more of this sort of emotional side of stuff.

Adam Stott:

Okay, awesome. So go and check out that podcast. So thanks, everyone for listening today. It’s been absolutely amazing. Sam really appreciates you sharing your story versus it’s been incredible. And thank you for coming on. And I will see you in the next episode. Thanks for having me. 

Hi, everybody, Adam here. And I hope you love today’s episode. Hope you thought it was fabulous. And if you did, I’d like to ask you a small favor. Could you jump over and go and give the podcast a review? Of course, I’ll be super grateful if that is a five-star review with putting our all into this podcast for you, delivering you the content, giving you the secrets. 

And if you’ve enjoyed it, please go and give us a review and talk about what your favorite episode is perhaps. Every single month, I select someone from that review list to come to one of my exclusive Academy days and have lunch with me on the day meeting hundreds of my clients. 

So you want that to be yo then you’re going to be in with a shout if you go and give us a review on iTunes. Please of course do remember to subscribe so you can get all the up to date episodes. Peace and love and I’ll see you very very soon. Thank you.

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